Sunday, June 28, 2015

I Feel So Accomplished!

      My first book ended at a total of two hundred and four pages. I think it went very well. Tonight, I reached the fiftieth page of the sequel! And it's going even better!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Good Old Days

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Friday, June 19, 2015


      I never gave this much thought before, because I'm fan enough for three people; but hey, let's discuss it, shall we? In the movie Tangled, Mother Gothel sneaks into the kingdom with the intention of cutting a snippet of the baby's hair, which she would then hide under her pillow or whatever like a creep. But, when she cuts the hair it loses its power.
      So here's my thought. Rapunzel inherited those abilities through the Queen. The powers manifest at her scalp, not at the tips of her hair. Therefore, that lock of hair - which by the way, hasn't grown an inch in all of her eighteen years - should not have lost its capabilities.
      But hey, if you can slam back a magic soup and give birth to a magical baby, anything can happen. I mean, that soup, and its magical contents, should have gone to her digestive system, and not her abdomen. But if you can beat around the bush, why not ignore reality when you should really be writing about magical poop?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Second Self

      Okay, so I've always talked to myself from like eight different perspectives. Maybe I'm just trying to look at each situation from every angle; or maybe I just think too hard when I'm writing a book and I have several characters with different personalities or maybe... maybe I just all my marbles. But that's alright. When I switch to my second personality, I know she has them all bagged up.
      But I am crazy. Sometimes I think I'm still a kid, meanwhile I'm acting like an old woman. Sometimes I forget who I am and where I'm going and what I'm doing...And sometimes I wake up feeling smart, and powerful, and so...incredibly not me that I feel I can do anything.
      Most of the time I feel horrible. And not just physically, but mentally. I'm stupid, and the worst part is, I know I am. When people say No, you're not; don't be so hard on yourself, I want to scream. Nobody listens to me.
      I know I'm a moron. I can feel this heavy, unmovable block in my mind. It's only gone on those rare and wonderful occasions when I wake up feeling like a different person; and on those days, I know I'm not the dimwit I usually am. I want to clean, and do homework, and just dive headfirst into all the things I normally loathe. On those days I'm different, because I am.
     Too bad those occasions don't happen...well, every morning.
     I'm undergoing a lot of change soon (in like, a whole fucking year; which is way too far away from now). I'm going to get my ugly teeth repaired. Maybe after The Big Change I'll dye my hair, buy lipstick, date - who knows? My mom wants to call me by my middle name, says I need to start my life over. I sure fucked this one up. Her boyfriend wants to pay for my tattoo, which I'm not sure about getting. I mean, what if I lose weight after the fact? Yucky.
      But I know that no matter what I look like, I'll still feel that block in my mind, keeping me from learning anything of significance. I know that when I try to tell someone how slow I am; they'll just roll my eyes and tell me to lighten up like my voice doesn't count.
      There has to be more to life than wishing it away. I wish I were different. I wish I could work. I wish I could add ten and nine without needing a calculator. I wish I wasn't going blind. I wish I wasn't going deaf. I wish my heart would beat normally. I wish my skin wasn't gray. I wish we had more food. I wish I had purpose. I wish I could see my sister whenever we wanted to visit. I wish I could take back all my bad choices. I wish, I wish, I wish! And I don't have a single penny to my name to spare.
      God, life's depressing.

Friday, June 5, 2015


      A long, long, long time ago I posted an entry called "Ties Into The Past".
      I had just discovered that Artie, a character in Shrek The Third, had been based off an actual king named Arthur.
      Well, last night I discovered the rest of the story. In a show called Merlin, there existed a king named Arthur Pendragon, who loved a woman named Gwen, and who knighted a squire named Lancelot. This simply cannot be coincidence; they had to have done it on purpose.
      I miss the days when I thought Shrek was all about fictional characters, like Pinocchio or the three blind mice or the three little pigs. But, at least it's not a big loss. It's not like Shrek The Third was ever good to begin with. Hell, I can write better than that. Yes, the idea of a school outcast being crowned king is a good idea, but come on. Mayor Of Loserville?
      Every time I think about Shrek The Third, my head aches. You know, I think I will try to rewrite it. Even if it turns out badly, people will still prefer it ogre the movie!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What Is The Dumbest Question You've Ever Heard?

      The dumbest question I have ever heard would without a doubt be, "Is fire weather? Like, does fire count as weather?"
      Um, no. It doesn't. It is an element; among earth, air, spirit, and water. Read a book once in awhile and you might know more...Maybe go back to school. They have tons of books. And get this, some of them actually focus on what you want to know!
I'm thinking of going back, too. But it would have to be a diff- erent school.