Monday, March 28, 2016

What Did I Do?

      Ergh...For maybe a week now, my legs have just been killing me! It hurts to walk, to sit, to stand, to do basically anything. And I'm pretty sure the backs of my knees are bruised. I mean, I don't think it's supposed to be purple back there.
      I suppose it could be from walking...They were sore when I did. But I don't think I'm that weak; I just walked around the block, to and through some stores and then walked back. The other times I did that it didn't bother me...I hope I'm not "getting old".

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Holy Hell!

      I went to sleep with a clean Facebook inbox; and when I came on to check my mail, I had 76. So I ignored it for awhile to play some games, and by the time I clicked off, it had gone up to 97. I don't know why all these people are adding me, but I'm the popular girl; something I never wanted to be. And I still don't. I think once each of these strangers are offline, I'll delete them all. And maybe I'll delete anyone else who doesn't talk to me...It's a keep-in-touch site, after all.
      Oh! And in my new game, I've gotten 45k in gems! And I'm a level six "Really Cool", about to level up. But for anyone else who plays that game, don't go into the cave on the beach unless you can beat the boss.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Virtual Happiness

      In my last post I was happy to have collected 10,000 gems. That was yesterday. Now I have 21,000! So happy. I've never been this successful in a gem-collecting game before, and I wasted all that time trying to be.
      Now all I have to do is hope the game won't get deleted...

Friday, March 25, 2016

Home Alone

      Yep, the house is all mine right now. It's rather nice, not hearing the door open and close every fifteen minutes while they go outside to smoke, not hearing incessant coughing...That's what you get for lighting up.
      Anyway, I am on a cloud! Two days ago I started playing this awesome game on Facebook. The name, unfortunately, sounds naughty - MilMo. God, that is not a good name. But the experience is awesome! I've already collected 10,000 gems! And I haven't spent one of them. I've obtained the title Peridot Pack Rat. You know how long it takes me to collect gems in other games? I last updated my Friendbase avatar three to five months ago, and I'm still around 500. That's weak! And it's not even all that fun. It was, before I discovered MilMo; but this game is much, much better. The character moves so freely, so quickly; and I get to choose her attitude of the day, and meet people, and fight bosses...And it's got everything of every game I've ever played, too! Gems, like in NFSW and Friendbase; treasure, ladders, and swimming, like Zelda and Duke Nukem. (But seriously, it's most like Wind Waker.)
      Oh, and I forgot to mention in my last journal entry that on payday, we got to hear the waitress curse over the drive-thru system! Oh, AND, I've got a twin! This stranger came walking toward me yelling, "Samantha? It's me!" And I told her who I was and she said this girl looked exactly like me. She's from Trail (apparently it's near the Rockies, sis, like you; so if you see me, it's unfortunately someone else), she's 23 like I am, and she volunteers at the Soup Kitchen. Isn't that awesome? And I'm pretty sure this guy at the doctor's clinic had seen my twin, too, because when I looked at him he swore. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I kind of hope not. I've been seeing my sister and my mother, my brothers, my stepfather, my aunts and my uncles all over town for years; and I just want to be in the loop.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


      It was payday yesterday, and it was a big bust. I'd gotten no sleep the night before, we didn't get the extra money I was counting on, somebody threw a bottle at our car, we were stuck in a cold miserable car shop for seven hours, with an equally cold blanket that made me itch like nothing else, and Mom had two cups of wine and we fought in public about how she shouldn't drink and drive.
      And I, the one who's forty years younger and less educated, was the one saying, Don't do it; that's how accidents happen!
      So of course our shopping cart wasn't even half full; we bought more cereal (of one brand) than anything else, and only my brother loves the type. I'll eat it if I must, but it's sweet and crunchy and they're the ones telling me to avoid that stuff. Of course, they're also the ones telling me to eat three bowls of it a day, so who knows what they're thinking?
      As it is, I sit here drinking tangy, pulpy orange juice from our drive-thru break yesterday, and it's totally disgusting but it's better than water, which I've been drinking what is probably equivalent to fourteen cups each day, every day for more than ten years. I wish that were the reason I pee so much, but it's only a contributing factor. I know because I've also gone twenty-some hours without drinking a thing, and still had a full tank.
      Oh, yuck. I don't like chewing my beverages.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Movies We Love

      Can you imagine if popular movies we love had been any different? For example, the fish in Finding Nemo look pretty close to their species in real life; but real fish don't blink. Can you imagine none of the characters blinking? Dory and Marlin would be asleep in the goggles, their eyes wide open. Nemo would be asleep in the tank, staring right at you.
      And what about Shrek? Imagine if not their roles, but their voices were swapped. Shrek without an accent, Fiona with. "Ye did it! Ye rescued meh...I just bloody can't wrap me head around this!"

Sunday, March 20, 2016


      Okay, so here's what happened. I post a video of evolutionary facts, just because I found it interesting. Suddenly my religious nut-job family member, I don't even know what her relation is to me, says, "You must be kidding, you know evolution is crazy!"
      First off, don't tell me what my beliefs are. Evolution has been proven - her god is still just myth. Secondly, if you come onto my profile to shove what you believe in down my throat, don't think I won't stand up for my own beliefs. It's that simple. I am not going to sit there and have some old gal try to tell me how to think. She can choose her mindset, but not mine. I will be thirty in just seven years; I think I can make my own decisions.
      Now if only I could make my family see that. I've said that so many times I've lost count, and it doesn't even matter. One minute they're telling me to go to Abbotsford all by myself; and the next, they don't even want me to leave the car.
      Next time I'll just get out anyway. Actions speak louder than words, right? Even Rapunzel, when she turned eighteen, went against her mother's will, and succeeded. She was in the forest with some wanted thief, she had just the day before been a minor, and even though the horse-riding scene and the other women's clothing brings medieval times to mind, she's showing an awful lot of skin. Yet, for some reason, the mother - the evil bitch of a mother - backs off and lets her leave. I'm twenty-three, I wear thick sweaters in the summertime, I trust no one, I've got a phone, and yet I'm more closely watched than Fluffy's doughnuts. And I don't get it. What do I need to do, to prove I'm not a dumb little girl anymore?
      It just sucks, when you'll be thirty soon and nobody believes you can make your own choices. Before I know it, I'll have white hair and wrinkles, and I'll still be under lock and key because they're afraid. I mean, I am too, but if I don't venture out and do stuff for myself, I'll never learn. And then they'll blame me, for being a hermit.
      Well, this has helped. I feel better now. I'm going to bed, I guess; and think of where next I can take my book. I had this stroke of genius, actually, where my other book is concerned. I'm going to gather up some freaks like myself, who are interested in mutants and whatever else, and we're all going to pick one character and write in only that one person's perspective. All our characters will connect. It should be great. I'm thinking each character will be an extension of the person who created it. The people could be as similar or as dissimilar to their characters.
      So, I'm going to go now and think about that until sleep takes me. And I'll look forward to seeing what the Bible thumper writes; and, if need be, tear her a new one. She might delete me, but that only means more peace for yours truly.
      'Night, all!

Saturday, March 12, 2016


      Well, that was wicked. We had a storm here on the tenth, with what my brother called hurricane-force winds. It ripped trees out of the ground, roots and all. There were sirens going all over, and it rained and hailed. I even briefly saw sleet. Mission, Abbotsford, even Vancouver were in the dark.
      The power was out for twenty-nine hours; and the Internet wasn't up and running until sixteen additional hours later. It took that long because apparently, the electrician (or whomever fiddles with the transformers) broke his fingers.
      Too bad. I know what that's like. But in any event, I'm glad to be back online. Now I can do more than sleep and doodle by flashlight. Man, that was boring!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


      I have...several email addresses. Nothing crazy, I just wanted something that didn't sound like me; because I live in my head and it's no picnic. Anywho, three out of four of my Outlook accounts have that new design, which is horrid, by the way. Then there is one account which is caught up in the past, when Outlook was still great.
      I'm waiting for the day all that greatness goes away. I hate their new design! And anyway, we should have all gotten the choice if we wanted to upgrade. I actually once sent hate mail to Outlook for the upgrade and got a response saying, "We're sorry you find this change less efficient, but we cannot change the layout back." Here I sat thinking, Why not? If you can change it once, you can change it twice. I think they're just lazy.
      So here I sit, waiting for the dreadful day my Outlook goes from easy breezy beautiful to no walk in the park. Holy shit! In just four months it'll be a year since NFSW shut down. Why doesn't it feel like a year?
      And something weird happened earlier. I got a Facebook message that said some dude wanted me to tag him in three photos of my face. Nothing else, just my face; and I most certainly did not have him in my room when I took any of these pictures. The weird part is, it wasn't three, it was ten. So, what the hell? Why can't a computer, supposedly one of the smartest machines on the planet, count? And unless he wants people to think he was the cameraman or he's hiding under my bed, why would he ask me to tag him? He wants to be the cameraman, fine, he can get lost and take his own damn pictures.
      'Kay, I need sleep. 'Night.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

It's All Good

      Things here are okay. My third book (which I like to call a threquel) is nearing its end. I started it on October 18th, though it feels like it's been so much longer. I'm looking forward to bringing it to a close. Unfortunately, the main purpose I began writing this series hasn't even happened yet, so I need to wrap things up. I just get so carried away and involved in what I'm doing. I guess, as far as the meat and potatoes go, I've got plenty of detail.
      As for my Sims, I've been trying to summon the courage to minimize the amount of members in my family. Seeing as how it's saved to three or four different discs, it should be easy; since I know I can kill 'em all and not lose a thing. Yet, it's like cutting off my own arm with a little tiny knife. I don't know, maybe I need to get out more. My Sims 2 and Sims 3 games are inactive, and I'm thinking of just deleting those. I love 'em, but I don't play them often, and my computer could benefit from the extra space. Besides, now that I know my game can work, and doesn't need to be thrown out, I can always reinstall at another time. For now, I think it's gone.
      Where Sims 3 is concerned, I'll very much miss my progress (a lot of moonstones and such); but I'll try to get a snapshot of the transmuted Sims before I remove it.
      And as for another aspect of my virtual life, I've been playing the GameCube a lot more often. I don't know why; it's boring without any other players, and I always win. I have a recurring desire to try camping, and eat roasted marshmallows, and run across the shore barefoot...But that won't happen.
      For now it's supper, and I'm starving.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

3 Months

      I cannot wait for the release of Finding Dory! So soon...I just finished watching the new trailer, and while it does look...weird as hell...I love it already! In three seconds I saw so much emotion. It made me like Marlin a lot more. Looks good. I believe my exact comment was "AAAAA!"