Tuesday, April 30, 2019


      I'm still having a good time with my DVDs. I picked up where I left off online, which caused a huge moral crisis about having one section that's less watched, since they wear out and get old. I keep thinking, "Okay, so when I'm done my marathon I'll watch up to season four." Agh.
    In another aspect of my life, I am having the most trouble recovering my Steam account! I tried all my passwords, nothing. I changed my password twice and it still says it's incorrect. I started trying to fix it yesterday, because I saw a game trailer that looked interesting; offering a huge world and a whole bunch of options for character design. Then I realized how many people not only hated the game, but also wanted their money back. So I can't play the game and I never will, since they're discontinuing the Visa card, but now I can't stop thinking about my stupid account.
      I've also been waking up early and going downtown. Almost every day for the past week. Today I actually walked maybe a mile in total, in all black, in the sun; from my house all the way downtown and then back again. And the two pitbulls I saw seemed so quiet and sweet; they didn't bark, they didn't follow me. And I found an umbrella that actually has a handle that glows. So now we own it. It was such a bad idea to wear what I wore; it is T-shirt and skirt weather, which is so weird because it tried snowing twice last week.
     I want to do that walk again. And when this walk becomes too easy, I want to go further. I want to go new places. I've spent the majority of my life here, and it's filled with places I've never been. Terry Fox ran around the whole world, right? And I struggle to walk to the local store. I don't want to be a pansy. I want, like, one percent of the courage he had.

Monday, April 29, 2019

A Fabulous Morning!

      I am having the best morning. I got the complete DVD collection of Friends! Region 1! Totally compatible with all my devices. And, junk food to watch it with! I'm on a cloud. Today is like...conval-escence!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


      Well, I'm bummed out. Not even for anything major. Just small, superficial reasons that somehow affect me greatly. Do you want to hear this story? No. Do I even want to share it with you? No. But I'm going to, because I still have a few hours to kill. And maybe, one day, my words will be of value.
      (I'm sarcastic.)
     It just seems like as soon as I have something I like, it's des-troyed, removed, discontinued, or otherwise made obsolete. I don't quite know what otherwise means in this sense, but as usual I haven't slept and have a long day ahead of me, so I don't particularly care. My bedroom was all nice and complete, but our handy-woman put a huge hole in my wall for reasons I can't remember, after being told several times not to, by me. Every online game I ever loved? Discontinued. In mid-2018, I got a re-loadable Visa card, and I discovered the joy of shopping online. They're discontinuing that. So of course I can't buy the one movie I need to complete my collection, nor can I buy the Friends DVD collection unless I somehow save $120 and buy it in person if they still have it; which really sucks because those two things were the last items on my list.
     And now I hear Windows 7 is not going to be provided any more security updates. So I'm stuck with an incomplete collection, a hole in my wall, and a dead computer. When it's all riddled with viruses and it won't turn on and I can't get rid of the viruses because they decided to ruin yet another aspect of my life, I won't be able to write my books, watch videos, talk to you, check my mail, see when my fav-orite movies come out with a sequel, or do any of the things that were the reasons I got out of bed. Fantastic. Overreacting? Maybe. But I literally have nothing else going for me. My new neighbor? It's going so poorly already that I miss the asshole. And of course I can't say more than that, because the few people who do read this will probably use that information against me because like I said in my last post, people suck!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

What Happened And What's Going On

      A couple of days ago, maybe on the 16th, I woke up really late. I mean 7:30 PM. Of course it was getting pretty dark. It was raining. And I still went out for a walk.
      I wouldn't do that tonight; it's too dark. But it was so pretty. The street lights reflecting in the rain. I would go out again after supper - I'm definitely not as scared as I used to be. One of many welcome changes.
      It did feel a little risky; since first of all, people are insane. But mostly because the other night, I saw a skunk coming up the driveway. I'd never seen one before. I don't think I've ever shut a window so fast. I remember a couple of months ago, my brother saw a skunk. He came into the house backwards; he just kind of hopped up off the porch, took two bouncing steps back and slammed the door. I almost lost my food.
      Come to think of it, we have a lot of skunks here. Raccoons, bears, coyotes, cougars. We just live in a very wild area. Shocking, because of all the noise. I think my first memory of a skunk is maybe sixteen years old, and I found the smell offensive and foolishly, I thought perfume would help mask the stench. It did not.
      Another memory, I think it's my second oldest. We all have at least one asshole in our lives. This guy, no matter how nice we were, would still kick you around, call you horrible things, and pull every dirty trick in the book. We were getting tired of it. My brother is one of those take action fellows, and he often feels very little regret. Maybe that's what makes him funny. But he noticed one night that a skunk was outside, and the nasty man's window was right in his line of fire. So what does my brother do? Quietly opens his window, leans outside and makes a racket, and fills the asshole's apartment with the stench of skunk. I tried to not find it funny, but the man was a bully.
      I wonder what having a sense of humor is like.

Saturday, April 6, 2019


      It's taken me this long, but I finally saw Logan. While it is the best damn movie in the franchise, so much of it was preventable. Sure, Xavier was loopy at times, but he had moments of clarity where he could have "made people think or do whatever (he) wanted." The one time he did it, it was on the horses; and Laura ended up losing her foster mom and her dad.
      Now they should start over; Laura growing up in a chain of the School For The Gifted. All the other kids should appear, and the scientists and doctors, too. Maybe a professor there is the daughter to Scott and Jean.
      I do have to wonder, though; if they can accelerate the healing process with a special medicine, then by the same logic, couldn't they do a blood cell/chromosome/genetic/whatever transplant and make Xavier essentially immortal?
      My ramblings aside, I do think it's the best movie in the franchise of Logan's character, because it's the only one in which the characters did not have their first encounter. Plus the acting was amazing. I normally don't much care for Xavier, but in that movie he broke my heart. When Logan pushed him through the motel and he was crying and apologizing to everyone...Fuck. That was harsh. And the kid, at the end, when she was crying. I bet she's gotten out of school a lot.