Friday, January 25, 2019

My Life In A Nutshell

      I took a little break from gaming to see if the computers would be fine, and now that I'm gaming again everything seems to be working. I did experience a black screen several times and some mouse trouble, but nothing even my simple mind couldn't solve.
      I even bought The Sims 4, as well as its Toddler Stuff and Holiday Pack. It took awhile, but my Sims Heidi and Steve finally maxed their relationships and had a kid. I was hoping for a girl. There are cheats, but they do not work. Not for me. Anyway, they are fucking compli-cated! Underscores, letters, brackets, colons. So I've just been letting what happens, happen.
      So far I've got mixed reviews, though more bad than good. It saves within five seconds, and the glass roofs were an amazing sight; but the roofs also cannot be seen in Live Mode, and babies cannot be selected. The neighborhood may as well not exist, since the only way to visit them or a communal building is to travel to a new town. During a discussion the Sims rarely face each other unless they become intimate, and I don't like how they will migrate from one couch to another while chatting. I guess my biggest peeve is that the Sims always become automatically involved in another interaction.
      I can't play for very long. It's too weird, in all honesty; it doesn't feel like an addition to The Sims. But I am expecting my Internet connection to be disbanded long-term, maybe permanently; for fin-ancial, personal and computer protection. So it may not matter. And they shouldn't anyway, right? I shouldn't be on the computer as much, right? An inspired point, but I'm still owned by technology. That break I took nearly drove me to insanity, and it wasn't even a week long. If I could never, ever talk to my friends or play my games or watch YouTube videos or do any kind of research without going to the library, ever again, I would lose it.
      And that just sucks. I don't want to be a lamebrain, relying on computers every day. If I had a career, it would at least be to make the world better; and not just my life, sixty pathetic seconds at a time.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


      It seems I'm faced with the possibility of having to get totally rid of all of my games. Except maybe Scrabble. I'm talking about per-manently getting rid of all the games that have kept me going. Namely, the Sims games.
      I'm counting at least twelve, one of which I never even got to play. But they, and an online game, have contributed to one very long day without technology and at least 14,000 viruses, malware, spy-ware, et cetera that infected three electronic devices. 14,000! There were more viruses on my computer than years I've been alive; in fact, I would have had to be 39 years old to make up for it. Can you believe that?
      Not even 10,000 days ago, I didn't exist. It seems so small. I can't imagine not being here. On the plus side, if I can sell them for two dollars each, I'll have at least fourteen dollars. To me that's big money; we'll be taking a financial loss pretty soon. Every cent will count.
      My GameCube is also dying. Or maybe it's not. Maybe it's just that old, where a little violence will make it work again. My DVD player is fairly new, and it's been getting louder and freezing during movies that never froze before. Honestly, I knew life had to change; I was just hoping for the better. I certainly didn't think everything I take comfort in would go away all at once.
      With money getting even tighter...there's no way I can afford a new DVD player. I'd have to sell my movies just to start saving. I really have no idea how things will turn out. It was always so pre-dictable. If we have to get rid of the Internet, too, I'm really screwed.
      Well, I guess long as I can still charge my MP3, I'll be alright. It might even be the lifestyle change I need to go walking more. I will admit, my belongings own me. I haven't gone outside to years.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

I'm In Shock! (Update)

      Unfortunately the Daryl Dixon cup I won in the contest cannot be delivered. I knew that would happen.