Saturday, September 30, 2017

Writer's Block

      Here I sit, stuck again! My plot is so simple, but I've been writing part one, page one for thirteen years and I'm nowhere two. My goal? Quality over quantity. But ten billion pages of utter crap is so much easier to write than five pages of gold.
      Tempted to give up, again. But I know what'll happen. I'll piss and moan at my incompetence, then continue to write. I'll pat myself on the back and say it's an improvement, look at it one more time and get tempted to give up...It's a vicious circle. I'm wasting my whole life!
      I think I need a team. Otherwise I'll die having accomplished nothing. I'll always want to be a writer, but I don't want to want it anymore. It's too hard on my own. I don't think I can do this without help. Know anyone who wants a coauthor? >.<


      It's been nice, playing my favorite game again; but the download site misled me about several things. They said treasure hunts and races will not be rewarded (they said the same thing about pursuits, but I never do those; however based on how much they've gotten wrong, I would think everything is rewarded). I've been winning a lot of Speed Boost, but unfortunately all the cars are now only sold by IGC. There's only one way to use the SB; the power-up console. I had 28,900 or something SB, and each 15-pack of Nitrous only costs 100, so that was a lot of clicking. But, I now have almost 5000 bursts of speed!
      They said nothing about the fifteen extra gems, and they certainly didn't mention that the game still includes holiday additions like Oktoberfest and the haunted graveyard. (I actually won a Braaains edition car, but I accidentally sold it a day later. Oh well; my other car is faster, turns sharper, and comes with lights). That being said, I really hope winter comes to the golf course!
      I still have to earn over a million IGC if I want that cop car. It was a nice dream, but I think I'll just cruise and collect. If I get my ACR, fine; if I don't, I'm sure the fire truck sirens blasting in my ear will be an adequate sound effect. The only reason I bought an ACR in the first place was so that I could fly screaming past other players. Now I'm playing an offline demo.
      But the dreams are back, so that's awesome. I had a really vivid one. It was so real I didn't even know the difference. This time there were no dinosaurs trying to kill all the players, and I wasn't walking, plucking gems by hand. I just drove off ramps with my friends and met new people.
      Several months back I posted on the forums as my old persona, asking my friends to add me. I really hoped at least one person would. But nobody did.
      Well, guess I should call for a taxi; got some shit to take care of. See ya.

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Nerd Cabinet

      A couple of days ago I bought the last season I needed of The Big Bang Theory. It looks so beautiful, taking up the majority of the shelf. In a way I'm looking forward to the show's end; not because I want it to be over but because I'm looking forward to completing my collection.
      It's going to feel so good. I wish all odds and ends could be straightened out at the cost of twenty-five bucks.
      Looks like my wrist might heal before I get my results. It was sure pink for awhile. I can actually straighten my hand now without crying or screaming. I can't bend it upward yet, but I had a feeling the test results would be slow. It was the only time I, as the patient, wanted to be wrong.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Long Short While

      It's been a bad two days. I haven't slept because a very fast spider is hiding somewhere in my room. Since she's not home I thought I would try my mom's room, but saw a spider (which turned out to be a leatherjacket caught in a web) in there. And of course there was a spider in the kitchen, which opens right up into the living room. Long story short, I was wide awake imagining spiders and floating webs.
      That alone makes a rough night for me. On top of all of it, I sprained my wrist, or broke it, or something. I can see my bone sticking up and it hurts like nothing else. And my minor trembling has gotten so bad, I'm scared to hold a drink. I suppose I could learn to hold a cup with my feet, but uh...gross. No matter how much I scrub them, I could never...Well, I guess it doesn't matter one bit! I can't bend that way. (Dodged a bullet there.)
      So, I'm doing everything single-handedly now. Turns out I'm pretty clumsy with my left hand. Tried to play my game and spent most of it slamming into walls and traffic, trying to turn one way and surprising myself by turning the other. I might as well have been sitting on the keyboard.
      And now comes the fun part: Shopping. Please, can't I call it a day?

Sunday, September 17, 2017

On A Cloud

      The gamer in me is ecstatic! A couple of hours ago I decided to take the risk of installing some files from an unknown source, and bam, now I can access the entire map of Need For Speed World. Several things are different; they added fifteen gems to the treasure quest, and I can't see any other players. And I will have to do a lot of racing to earn the cash to get my Viper ACR back. But, I snatched up my old persona, got a free car that goes extremely fast (also a Viper), and I went to all the good places. Fortuna, Rockport, the stadium, Rosewood. It was...better than a chocolate supply that never runs out.
      I just wish I'd taken this chance two years ago! Then I'd have my cop car back by now. But I am going to enjoy every moment it takes; and if they close the beta before I can get there, I won't even complain. I'm thrilled.
      It took quite awhile to get the download done. Or maybe it just felt like awhile because a leatherjacket flew into the candle and I had to smell it decompose. Now all I smell is something extremely sweet. Like frosted cake. Definitely better than burning guts and hair.
      I can't wait to play again! The game looked...beautiful tonight. The lights were redder, the car was shinier. On second thought, I did have the graphics turned up high; that must be it.
      My cop car will cost one million six hundred. I have a little over two hundred forty something thousand something. I've got a long journey...But it's my favorite game, so I don't care!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I Didn't Know What To Call This Blog, So I Called It This

      So the problem has been fixed...for now. So we already have our water back! I'm almost glad we can wash our dishes again.
      But my spacebar key is really sticking! I have to really punch it. Guess I need to take it apart and see what the hell's going on.

Here We Are And Here We Go Again

      Well, the water to our pipes have been shut off for several days while they try to fix our pipes. I've been seeing more of both brothers lately, and during one of my distant one's visits, the pipes and all the sewage they contained broke again in our neighbor's unit. So all of it ended up on his floor, in his shower...Ick. So this time rather than mask the problem they're trying to actually cure it, and they better.
      Yesterday I went to Abbotsford with my brothers, my sister-in-law and her 130-pound Akita, the ass of whom was pressed into my rib the whole time. God, that hurt. And stank. I also went shopping with my friend, who had to cut the trip short when she started feeling dizzy and hot. Hope she's alright. I stupidly grabbed her groceries along with my own and had to call her back, but she seemed to be in much better spirits after sitting in front of her AC...which I am so glad works. It's weird; you get into a car so absolutely hot, you don't even realize it and you have both cooled off until you go back outside.
      Anyway, talking to myself is getting boring again, so I'm going to go concoct a milkshake and play some Sims 2! It's still early, so all that strenuous, horribly unfun thing known as work can wait. On a good day I'd still be in bed...