Friday, July 26, 2013


Recently on YouTube I made a comment about child abuse. My main point was that the show's advertisement promoted it, and I had lost interest in the show because the person being abused was a minor.
Cartoon or not, that isn't funny! I know children personally who are abused by their fathers, and I can't do a damn thing about it!
So excuse me if I don't laugh at something so stupid.
For God's sake, the show also promotes bestiality. It says people 14+ can watch it! Now I never wanted to be one of those people who takes time out of her day to comment negatively on something I clicked on in the first place. But time and again, this poor girl gets kicked, punched, shot...And the worst part is, people laugh! And they voted my comment down, even though my main point was, child abuse is wrong. I wasn't going to say anything at all, but as the video progressed and more and more bad shit happened, I just got really angry. PMSing didn't help...
But two people agree with me. That's pretty major, considering I started the thread almost two weeks ago. I'm glad two people have morals.
Now I don't care if they tell me to rot in hell where I belong. I don't care if they send me a message in Caps Lock. Why would I care about something so harmless? But child abuse is many things, and harmless is definitely not one of them. I fear for my friends' lives each and every day.
Seriously, how would those people feel if their parents and siblings pushed them down stairs, struck them, shot them and beat them every time they showed their face? Those people must have good parents, or at least parents who don't pay them any attention; because if they were being abused, they would have more heart. They would know exactly what it's like and they would hate it, too.
Nothing is worse than watching an innocent minor be abused by the one group of people who are supposed to love and care for her.
Well, there is one thing that's worse - knowing that so many people show their true colors, and laugh at something so horrible.
I just hope I am never like they are.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


...To quote Fletcher Reid.
I am so TIRED of having memory loss. I just spent six minutes trying to remember a four-minute song. It eventually did come to me...and then I forgot it again! And now, finally, I have found it. It's not the one I've been searching for for two years, but it's still awesome. By the same band, too. At least, I think Rammstein did that missing music. Who knows, I might have even made up the tune myself!
This one time...way back in grade school...I looked up at my teacher and asked her what my name was. I had no idea. When she told me, I made a face and said, "Really?" That is one day I can never forget. I've tried, but only the bad stuff stick with me. The important things slip away so easily. Whenever I'm filling out forms at the hospital or whatever, I always had to ask my mom what our address was, or what our phone number was, or which street we lived on. I know for a fact I wouldn't last long on my own; and that is frightening, because my mom's boyfriend has been hinting about marriage, saying things like "That's worth a diamond ring!" (Ignorant ass, trying to place a value on the actions someone does from the goodness of her heart...placing a price on what she means to him.) And this really stings: My brother told me I could always live with him, and then my mother told me he said he would never live with me if he and I were left alone. That really hurts. I kind of thought maybe he would be there for me. I mean, I always knew I was a burden...but all this time they denied it when I said it, and now...
I'm sorry. This is getting dramatic, and I hate that B.S. I've strayed so far off topic, even Sheldon Cooper would get lost! No. No, he wouldn't. I envy that man. Love that man. How come all the good guys are fictional? Raj, Leonard, Sheldon. Maybe I need to find myself a nerd.