Saturday, January 31, 2015

Ties Into The Past

      Okay, well, I just stumbled across something amazing; which I can honestly say has never happened before. Normally if I stumble, I just break a toe. But if you just love Shrek The Third, for whatever reason you may have, you will know that Prince Arthur attends public school and is known as a giant loser. And his rival is Lancelot.
      I don't know if they planned this...but...according to the copy of 20,001 Names For Baby I have in my lap, written by Carol McD. Wallace, the name Lancelot means "servant". And, according to the little sentence describing the history; Lancelot was a knight who - get this - seduced the wife of King Arthur. 
      This is so, so incredibly perfect; because I wrote a long, long time ago that [Shrek The Third's] Lancelot was a servant to King Arthur. And yes, [Shrek The Third's] Lancelot is a knight at Worcestershire. (Perhaps not a real knight, but he does joust while wearing armor; so it's very assumable he dreams of one day being knighted.)
      I would think they based their movie on history itself. Your take?

Different Strokes

      Why does everybody care what I believe? I don't believe. Read my lips, I am an atheist! Understand? I don't believe in God, and I don't need to just because that's what you think. I can make my own decisions. It won't be long before I'm thirty. I know what's right for me.
      And I did believe, at once. It was right then. But now my faith is placed elsewhere, and I really don't see why it concerns you. So back off. Before I call my minions and we rain fire on you.
      I'm just kidding. I don't believe in Satan, either. Please. A red devil living underground? That's just ridiculous. But to be fair, I don't need to believe in Hell to believe your clothes and hair can be very, very flammable.
      That being there anyone out there who puts humans first, cares about animals, cares about the environment and is not a back-witted street preacher?

Friday, January 23, 2015

I Give Up

        I quit. It's impossible.
      No sleep...AGAIN. Why must I always feel tired, if I can never feel awake? There are many things I don't understand, but that is the question in most need of an answer.
        I guess I need to wait until death to have even a chance of rest. I'm sorry, that was very bleak and disturbing; but I reserve the right to be. At all times. It's the only lifestyle I'm good at keeping. And I guess I've practiced being bleak so long that it's become a hobby.
        Three times now, on a very rare and special occasion; I've had the privilege to literally think outside the box. I've experienced what it must be like inside a normal human's head. I went through a glorious part of the day...not depressed. Not slow. Not even stupid. It was a very alien experience. I felt smart, and powerful. Ready for anything. I knew it wouldn't last long; and of course, it didn't. But to have that taste of normalcy for even one minute was the second best thing to have ever happened to me. I sincerely hope it happens again.
        Today is not my day. I have to wake up feeling that way. And seeing as how I never It's going to be a very bad day. I'm going to relieve myself, maybe eat something, and try again for sleep. And for once I do hope I'm awake for supper, because it's going to be pizza. With chips, pop, and The Walking Dead. That's the only reason I have to smile today.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

They Can't Count To Three

      Okay, I have a confession to Siberia, where it's safe, of course. I'm a little messed up in the head. I have several accounts on almost every site I joined. I don't talk to myself; but sometimes I want to say something my friends wouldn't approve of, so I log into my other account and let them hate on someone who they mistakenly think is not me. I'm even thinking of creating a second Facebook account so I can get cool stuff in the apps for free.
      Well, with that being said, I'm looking at my second deviantART page, and the statistics off it's funny. On December 25th, I received a profile view. On December 26th, I got another one. And today, which is listed as tomorrow, I got, or will have gotten, a third profile view. And do you know how many it says I have? Eighty-six. Gee, how magical is that? I have ghost reviews. They're important enough to be recorded, but not important enough to be visible to me.
      I'm probably weird to have all these extra profiles. On YouTube, I have three. On deviantART, I have two. On Need For Speed World, I have three accounts. The only thing I haven't done is made a second Facebook account so I can beat myself at a game! And that...that would just be sad.
      But what can I say? I got tired of being who I was. I wanted new usernames. Maybe you think I'm crazy...Or maybe, you do it, too. All hail the weirdos, woot woot!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Just Came To Say 'Hello'

      Well, it's been awhile since my last post; so I just thought I should warn the world - I'm in a worse mood than usual. I do apologize, but there's nothing I can do. I've gotten no sleep, and if I go back to bed I will either remain disappointed; or, sleep the day away. Boy, that sounds nice. I just cannot relax at night! I need to revert to my nocturnal stage. This whole routine thing is killing me; even I'm not used to being this tired.
      Seriously, what kind of unemployed person needs more than ten hours in a day? I'm happy living life six hours at a time. It's perfect. I can eat, take a bath, eat again, and clean up my dishes. The next day I can eat, wash my hair, eat again and clean up my dishes. That routine I have no problem keeping. And, I feel a hell of a lot more refreshed when my day is six hours long. I can think straight. I can solve problems. The other day, I got two measurement equations right! Do you know how often I get something right? Almost never! Two in a row - that's big. And, I didn't study. Mainly because I'm not a student, either.
      I'm also going to be bitchy today because even on nights that I do sleep; something is still not right. I have a pain in my knee; my stomach is cramping almost every day; my eyesight is getting worse; I'm hallucinating; and for some reason I have this sharp stabbing pain in my ribs. It's weird. I feel like an old lady. And I'm only twenty-two years and one month old; so I know it's not age-related. Of course, that would be my luck.
      I have these Flavor Burst vitamins by Centrum on my desk. They're so, so tasty. I've been eating them like candy. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be improving my health. So really, they're just serving as a snack.
      But hopefully today I can get a real snack that prevents me from eating them all in the next few hours. I am, apparently, walking downtown and going someplace today - I don't even know where. If it was a drunk text she didn't mean, I am definitely going back to bed.
      There I go again. Definitely. I hate that word; I use it all the time. At least I stopped saying B-E-A-utiful. Then again, trading one bad habit for another really just makes me an alcoholic.
      Okay, I feel like I'm going to pass out...or vomit. Not necessarily in that order. I need to go. Go where? Do what? Stay here. Do nothing. Just leave and pretend I went someplace to do something. Great - I've got a plan. And my plan is, come up with one.