Saturday, July 24, 2021

Expanding Horizons

       I guess I finally talked about it enough, because on the 22nd, my brother bought Lethal Weapon for me. I'm not spoiled, I paid for it; but the dumbasses at the bank decided to cancel my card for no reason, so I have to go through someone else if I want something. I'll want the other three, too. Binging on clips is fun, but I want the whole story.
      It's nice seeing something I haven't completely memorized.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


      I just guessed where a picture was taken, and I was right.
      When I log into my computer, I have to enter a password before I can use it, and there's always a photo. I took one look at that sunset and thought, Somewhere in Finland? Moved the cursor down to the little drop box with the information, and I was right. You know how often that happens? Hardly ever.
      So this is how it feels!
      My technology doesn't last long. Since October 2018, I've had to replace my computer or parts of my computer probably seven times. It's ridiculous. And my previous computer? Faster, tougher, and it even had its very own...hold on to your hat...graphic card.
      And it's because this computer doesn't have one, and because my Origin no longer opens, that I'm probably never going to play The Sims 3 again. But I'm getting by with Roblox and writing, and I'm thinking of just selling my games and my account information. That's a lot of wasted money...but at least for a short while, it was worth it. And all we have is a short while, right?
      I managed to concoct my best work of literature. And five less impressive sequels followed, but they're still better than the work that precedes my best work. I had a look around the Fanfiction.Net categories, and nine out of ten times I thought to myself, This is terrible. If they're good enough, so am I. And so I decided I'd leave my books up there, but as it turns out I'm still on the fence. I don't want to be embarrassed! I also don't want to care what people think, but unfortunately I don't operate that way.
      So I might delete them after all. In fact I'm thinking about going broad spectrum. It's not a decision I'm weighing lightly; I'm actually losing sleep over it. Some sleep, anyway. I know when I do sleep because I have dreams that are just getting weirder. In the past week, I've sprayed a bear in the face with shaving cream, scissored the hair off a puppy resting in my lap, gotten sprayed by skunks, and when my brother called my mother by the wrong name, Andrea, I tried to correct him and also called her by the wrong name, Amy. Apparently I've been watching too much TWD.

Monday, July 5, 2021

More Taboo

       What is this world coming to? Can't say kill in a Walking Dead group. Can't say Covid, either; and I have to wonder if that's restricted to my group, or if you also can't say it in a Covid Awareness group (if there is such a thing). Which would just be really stupid.
      Well, I made another joke in my Big Bang Theory group. The Birthday Synchronicity, they're in the car on their way to the hospital and Raj says Howard got Bernadette pregnant in five minutes. Sheldon says coitus takes him hours. Here is my joke; I said, Howard's new nickname is Little Bang.
      That's it. That's all I said! And not only did they remove my comment, they turned off the commenting feature because I was "not kind" and "violating the rules." Excuse me, did I call anyone a motherf****r? Am I allowed to say big, or is that a dirty word? Nobody got offended by Quickdraw, or Speed of Light Leonard.
      It's like we're living in the '50s.
      Well, that's it. Just wanted to share that future self!

Thursday, July 1, 2021


       I'm covered in so many mosquito bites, it looks like I have the pox. And I've been more clumsy than ever; dropping my drink, dropping my cutlery, knocking stuff off my desk, being totally unable to type, and even fighting with the metal bar that mounts toilet rolls. It's a wonder I get anything done. I've also started twitching; especially if I'm in bed. Two weeks (or whatever) ago, I actually twitched so hard, it got me to sit up.
      Long as I'm not asked to hold somebody's baby....