Sunday, June 28, 2020


      I'm so excited. I just got back from Wal-Mart with my friend and my mother....and don't worry, we wore protection. The last time I went to a big grocery store like that, there was still snow on the ground!
      But I finally got everything I need. And want! And I finally got out of the house, so today is looking pretty damn good. I even got my brother his favorite drink, which can only be found in Wal-Mart. It's been months since he's had it. I passed on a movie with his favorite actor, because he has Netflix...which means he owns every movie, ever made. I don't understand why he needs a DVD player and a smartphone, too.
      Nonetheless, I think I'm going to have a good day! I wish they could all be.
      And I started using an Android emulator. I can access all my games and more. If I had money, I could be playing Need For Speed World, right now.
      In my dreams....

Friday, June 26, 2020

Putting The Quit In Mosquitoes

      If I may quote Mr. Potato Head, "You would not believe what I've been through tonight." I mean, holy fuck; this is totally ridiculous. I'm killing two mosquitoes every minute. I literally killed six in just one visit to the washroom.
      My body feels like Braille.
     This is why I've come up with a new nickname for myself. Killing Spree. It's fitting, because my initials are actually KS and, well, come on. Nobody else can even see the mosquitoes here; they're either blind or I'm just that good.
      If you'll excuse me, writing this pathetic dot of text has taken almost five minutes and I need to catch up. Maybe later when I'm applying medicine to all these bites, I'll tell you what they say.

Friday, June 5, 2020


      I deleted and reinstalled The Sims 3 tonight, hoping it would fix at least one of my many issues. It crashed at the loading screen. I tried The Sims 2. It's prohibited!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Carrying On And Blundering Through

      Life is pretty meh lately. Nothing in my game is working right, and all the other games suck. So I've been focusing more on my writing, which sucks too, but at least my errors can be quickly erased.
      I've gotten to the 26th page of my sequel to something I haven't posted yet. It's going alright, but I miss the days when everything was working the way it should. Recently my content started appearing again, and I realized how lame the game is without it. It's still not working, but I can see it now and not use it; which takes all the fun out of playing. I can't even enjoy them anymore. I've been consid-ering trying to repair it with a mod....but I've heard so much negativity about them that I'm not sure it would be worth it.
      I'm also the only one without one of those fancy iPhone what-evers. Every single day, my mother and brother are right here beside me, tapping away; and I've got very little to do. I've watched the entire Friends series twice this year, Fresh Prince once, and my mother is usually going through the entire series of MASH or Big Bang Theory at a rapid pace. It feels like she can watch both franchises front to back seven times a week.
      I think I might start just leaving the house. Put on my gloves, and my mask, and just get away from all this nothing. Every day is the same thing. The same conversation, the same foods, the same shows. I'm starting to understand how Hawkeye felt when he started screaming "We want something else."