Monday, April 27, 2020

Oh My Actual FUCK.

      This is like a horror movie. My mother just gave her bank information out to a stranger. She's insanely drunk and now it's out there. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! How do I stage an intervention?

Friday, April 24, 2020

On The Brink

      I thought I was bored already. But I recently learned that in addition to the games I lost already; pretty soon I won't be able to play Scrabble, and another game I used to play has been made for iPhones only.
      I need something fun now more than ever, and everything is going away all at once. Pretty soon, all I'll be able to do for fun is play Sims. And with all the malfunctions, I haven't been able to enjoy it. My GameCube takes about thirty attempts to actually get past the loading screen; and then it usually conks out at the halfway point.
      Of course I have been planning three different books at once. And one of them is actually starting to make sense. Maybe if I procrastinate enough, I can get through quarantine without totally losing my mind.
      I've been thinking a lot about the extra money; and a bookcase big enough for all my books would be a pretty good choice. If I can pull it off, I'd love to get an iPhone, too. It apparently has a lot more to offer. But I would need some kind of reminder not to try and flip it open.

Monday, April 13, 2020

A Great Morning

       Since my last blog post I actually had to walk to the bank and back again. And I didn't even hurt as much or get as tired. Hell, I seem to be more tired when I don't go anywhere.
      I haven't slept in about two days. But this morning is actually awesome. We have got more money than ever thanks to C-19. Who knew it could be a lifesaver?
      We've been firing a few ideas back and forth; but I think the best one is to reserve it for emergencies. And if, after C-19, we have to pay it back....well then we are rightly and truly screwed. My fingers are crossed, because this is the big break we've been waiting for.