Sunday, May 23, 2021


       I think I'm getting back into the groove here. At first using my new computer still felt like I was borrowing my brother's.
      Not a lot else has changed. I have fifteen pages, front and back, of handwritten book ideas that I've been maniacally writing down ever since my computer was declared up and running. And it starts out with more detail than I've ever written in my life!
      There was a rainbow here the other day, and my brother went out for a bike ride. He said he rode "into the rainbow" and described the colors as "brilliant." Sadly the closest I can relate is the scene in That '70s Show, where the dog gets high. At least, I think that's what I mean.
      I've also had amazing dreams that I've been dying to write down! Lately I've been dreaming a lot of flying over the town; whether it's a place I saw on Google, or in a movie, or if it's a game map; and there's usually a sunset. Once, I was actually a bat; and I could control what I did, and I hung upside-down on a ceiling and watched the sunset. It was so damn cool.
      Another dream was when I had to walk past where I used to live on a farm, to get to my house; which in my dream was kind of a combination between a farm and a trailer park. There were all these buildings and they all looked alike, and I was trying to find my house. So I knocked on the door, and this old man answered, and I told him it was the wrong address and kept going. Lucky for me, I saw my mother having a cigarette on our porch; I walked inside, and I knew I was home. I saw my relatives, our things. And then I turned around and walked out, and I just started biking around and around the property; and there were these cattails, waving in the wind. And it was so dark out. And then, of course, there was a bear...and I don't remember what happened after that.
      But this dream here is my favorite of the ones I've had since my computer died. I lived in an absolutely gorgeous....beach house mansion. And on the outside, it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. The water was the color of sapphires. And inside the house, there was all the ugly crap we own, placed in the ugliest spots; it really cramped the style of the home! But oh my God, that water. I haven't been anywhere that nice since I was four. Even then I couldn't enjoy it, because I was so little, and the rocks we had to walk on to get to the ocean were so big. And I hated having my hands held. Especially by my stepfather, who literally never....used soap. So that was my last vacation, and it sucked.
      I typically dream of spiders, death, wild animals, building collapses, and occasionally the royal family; with amazing detail. I dream about the royal family more often than I dream about flying, and I dream about flying more often than I dream about the ocean. In my last memorable dream, I hijacked a train car and started driving it around zombie-infested tracks, and my mother was just standing there, waiting to be eaten; and....I didn't let her in. And then Cuddy and Wilson strapped House to a table and walked away, and I've really just been dreaming about cats and spiders ever since. Also, I had a dream where Peggy Bundy hit her head really hard and became a total idiot, just in time for her appearance on a game show. She was licking a plate.
      My favorite dreams are definitely the ocean, a mansion, flying, the royal family....and there's one dream I don't think I've mentioned before. The short version, since I can't remember the long version, is that I went to college. Doesn't sound like much, but I'm a very lucid dreamer. I can see, hear, smell, and feel everything and yes, some-times I absolutely can control what happens.
      Ohhh, it feels so good to write everything down! Finally, I can throw away all those papers! I hate being a caveperson.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Back Online

       My computer died last month. Believe it or not, it had melted inside! Evidence of a fire! Crazy. But I'm back, and not even my book characters were killed in the blaze. It feels so good to be back online and, you know, not dead.