Friday, February 23, 2024


       I just went through all the transcripts of Nurse Jackie. My source left out ten episodes, but I still gathered 348 times they used the word "fucking." It really makes the characters sound immature. It was said 70 times in just season one.
      That's ridiculous. They might as fucking well be fucking talking like this, for fucking fucksakes! Yeah, see what I mean, how annoying that is? I mean, when they get into a fight, I can't even take them seriously. It really does sound like it was written by a bunch of teenagers whose parents died, and they finally felt free and went overboard.
      To each their own, I guess, but I'll never understand how this show can be anyone's favorite. The most popular phrase in House MD is "jerked around." But I bet it wasn't used to that extent!

Thursday, February 22, 2024


    Finally, done watching Nurse Jackie. Cripes. I am not putting myself through that again; my two-star review is generous as hell. I've actually said that about a one-star review before; we should have the freedom to give it as many as five stars or a thumbs down instead.
    I published a review saying that instead of the way it is, Dr. Aka-litus should have been the adoptive mother to Grace; and Jackie Peyton should have been a cameo, somebody mentioned once or twice like her name left a bad taste in the mouth because she was the bitch who abandoned her baby. That's how much I hate her. The good news is, the writers left her fate up to the viewer, so in my mind, she dies and only a handful of people go to the funeral. But all they can talk about is how she performed at work. She's not a mom, not a wife, not even a person outside the hospital. Kevin doesn't say anything. Grace and Fiona don't say anything. Gloria mentions how she encouraged her to call her son, but otherwise was a plague on her life.
      Screen goes black to the sound of silence, boom.
    Not many more similarities to other shows. Like in House MD's episode Unwritten, there is a woman Helen whose real name is believed to be Alice; and in Nurse Jackie, there is a Helen who also uses a different name. In my experience, coincidences are much less likely than someone ripping you off.
     And that's it. There may be more similarities, I mean, but now that I'm finished with the show, I'm going to forget them....I hope. Obviously I like Grace and Gloria, but they deserved better. Hell― Thor deserved better. Hell, even Zoey deserved better!
      Feels so good to be done. I never have to look at Jackie again.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


       I dreamt about The Walking Dead again. Negan and Rick were hanging out by the tree where Rick cut him, and Negan insulted him; unfortunately my stupid brain doesn't know what he said. Then he was with Carol, who mockingly sang one of his lines to him. I think it was probably, "Half of what you own belongs to me," but I can't really remember that either. Then, because of his evolution, he said something like, "Shit, I just fucking died a little."

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

I Hate Titles

       I really, seriously hate Jackie. Whenever I watch the show, I just want to reach through my screen and punch her. Grace, her kid, is 11 years old and freaked about turning into a psycopath. She's having constant nightmares, pulling out her own hair, locking herself away, having a meltdown if her pencil breaks. More cringy stuff like that. What's Jackie's solution? Gobble up all the pills prescribed for her kid.
      We're all in pain. I'm in pain, my family's in pain, I can't throw a rock and not hit someone in pain. You suck it up, you deal with it, you don't steal medication. Not from your child, not from your patient, not from a random stranger in the middle of a seizure.
      That was one of two episodes I watched today. Also, Jackie has a boyfriend on the side; not to mention she will kiss an enemy on the lips. She has a double or a triple private life. Her husband admits to an affair and she tells him to pack his bags.
      Thank goodness for the other characters. They are the only reason I've gotten to season 4. I do like Gloria. She's by-the-book, she's a hardass, then she turns off a switch and dances for a baby.
      Gloria's awesome. I like Jackie's kids, I'm starting to feel for Kevin. Never liked Zoey, and I like Thor a little less since he began to sing. But I'm also a little anti-life, turns out. Who saw that coming?
      But more similarities are the episode with both a Carl, and a Walker; and in House MD, there's a kid named Walker. In an episode with a missing baby. The baby Gloria dances for, well, he's not missing, but his parents are.
      I think the worst part about this show is how Jackie can do anything she wants without repercussion. I mean, yeah, she's on probation right now. But her friend realizes that she's been taking her child's meds, shrugs it off, gives Jackie more meds. Everybody bends the rules, everybody tiptoes around her, everybody gives her meds.
      I like House. But the thing is, everybody knows who and what House is. They know about his addiction. He's a jerk, yes. But he owns up to it. He's an addict, yes. But there are actually conse-quences. He actually goes to court, he goes to jail, he goes to rehab, and people actually refuse to give him drugs. Sure, he took med-ication from a dead guy once, but when he saw that mother strangling her baby, his first thought wasn't, "I'm going to steal her meds while no one's looking at me." The guy dropped his cane and fucking ran to the bedside just as fast as a person with two good legs.
      When I first started watching Nurse Jackie, I thought I could do a crossover. But that wouldn't be interesting. The doctors in House have some scruples. Jackie chewed gum she had pushed down the drain trying to rescue a pill, she took pills she had stuffed in her socks for a full shift, and this might be a goof, but when she was washing her hands, she didn't grab the soap. She didn't turn on the water. No way would House let that slide.

      Edit (15th at 4 AM): Wow. Another Mr. Decker, and Zoey was called Chloe. This shit's getting too weird! 😂

Monday, February 12, 2024

My New New Low

       Yesterday I woke up long enough to have dinner. I went back to bed afterward. Didn't sleep, of course, gave up two hours later. Going through this whole ugly breakup thing, during which I waited ten months, now. Pretty sure I don't matter at all, even to my "best friend."
      Here, I'm a damn ghost. If someone knocks on the door, it's always, "Is this person around? What about that person?" It's never, "Hey, Kimberly! Here's what's going on. Tell them when you see them."
      It's never even hello. I've lived here eight years and I don't know if these people know my name. Not that any of them are likeable, and I'm seriously starting to wonder if anyone is. Hell, maybe I'm to blame for that, too!
      It doesn't help that everyone I know says they respect me. If they did, they would not call me Kim; I've asked them a billion times not to. I'm not a Kardashian, I'm not the war-mongering dictator of North Korea. It's two more syllables. If you're that unbelievably lazy, use my middle name. Fucksakes.

Saturday, February 10, 2024


       I want something new to care about, so I'm watching Nurse Jackie. It's very interesting―not that she's perfect; actually I find her to be hypocritical and shockingly unsanitary for a nurse. But I'm getting into it, and I've noticed a LOT of weird stuff. I'm only nearing the end of season 2 and there are similarities between it and Lucifer as well as House MD.
      The Walking Dead elements are the actor and actress, Seth Gilliam and Merritt Wever, respectively (and obviously); as well as the characters Connie, Lucille, Rick, and Sam. The Lucifer elements are that the title character always calls her daughter Monkey and even-tually meets a visitor named, hold onto your hats, John freaking Decker, people! John freaking Decker, I almost choked on my pizza! And in reference to House MD, we've got ourselves one blue-eyed healthcare worker with an addiction to Vicodin, and one episode called Sleeping Dogs. Granted, in House it was Sleeping Dogs lie, but still, it counts. Whoo!
      Oh, speaking of Whoo! she totally sounds like Dory. Looks kind of like her, too!
      The site I watch it on is not totally behaving lately; I have to F5 a shitload of times and sometimes I actually get lucky. But I do look forward to finding all the other similarities. Oh, one similarity it has to The Big Bang Theory is a Dr. Cooper, who is obsessed with Twitter; and much like Dr. Taub, he gets his face up on a poster representing the hospital. And just like House, Jackie intentionally smashes her own finger. He did it to block pain and she did it to explain her broken wedding ring, but wow. Season 2, episode 3, House speaks Spanish; season 2, episode 5, Jackie does.
      I know. John Decker and the monkey thing are the biggest ones. All this, and I'm not even on season 2. Oh, Lucifer and Nurse Jackie both include a man claiming to be God. I think my favorite part so far in NJ is when some guy on the street is walking along, minding his own business, this crazy God guy starts yelling at him from the fourth floor, so he picks up a beer bottle from the trash receptacle and throws it, nails him in the head. I know I should have been appalled, but I was just thinking, you know... "Good shot." Then stupid Zoey goes and ruins his recovery, "Maybe you're like Jesus, yell at people again, do it, insult them, you're so good at it!" I mean shut up. Dude was getting back to normal; your job is to expedite recovery, not stand in its way.
      I'm getting into the show―but I hate the people. Know what I mean?

Thursday, February 1, 2024

A Hot Mess

       Well, that was a disaster. I finally got all the strawberries de-leafed, rinsed them, got my smoothie all ready, and the blender wouldn't blend. So I was shaking it a little, and I turned it over too far and the lid came off. Berries, berries, everywhere! Not just berries, but the puréed mush, too. And I was sharing the sink with an old tobacco can of dirty cutlery with soap bubbles. I really didn't want to have a greasy, soapy smoothie, so I threw the berries back into the blender, rinsed off all the gunk, and disposed of them. I don't know why I rinsed trash. I don't know why I date papers I know I'm throwing away, but I do. It's just something I have to do.