Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Present Versus Shrek 4

       I'm being subjected to a live feed of some political B.S. about a revolution. And knowing that the Republicans are red like Rumpel-stiltskin's hair, lying about this and that to try and prolong his reign; all I can think about is how very cool it would be if the Democrats were green. Banding together in this revolution to take down the angry, lying, two-faced red leader. We could call it....Trumpel-stiltskin.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A Fine Start

       Last night I had the most amazing bath. Normally they don't calm me down, but I came out so incredibly relaxed and happy. I still had a headache and I didn't even care! And like that wasn't good enough by itself, when I fell asleep, I stayed asleep.
      My dream involved my phobia, naturally, but that was still the best damn day I think I've ever had!
      My game is going pretty great, too. Last night I finally killed off enough Sims to fit them all under one roof, so now I can add the finishing touch to upload them to the Exchange. And if you don't speak geek, I'm going to immortalize them forever so that I don't have to start at the bottom if my computer conks out. Which it will. It always does; you should see it. When I turn it on, the screen sometimes flashes and has green bars. I'm surprised it's lasted me this long.
      You. You who? I don't know why I insist on addressing someone who's not there. But I don't care about that so much, either, because I slept!