Sunday, August 27, 2017


      I went out with my sister-in-law. She didn't have a clue to get to Wal-Mart. So guess who got us there! And home again! I even got all the right products, too. I was on fire...without that burning flesh smell.
      She and my brother are coming back in maybe four hours. I think today is the last time. It would have been nice if they could have spent the nights here, too; but they wanted a playmate for their dog, or something. Weird reason not to be with your family. Whatever. My friend arranged to come see me, then went camping a day earlier than she was supposed to. So...yeah, whatever.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Story Wars

      Okay, in my defense I've seen Toy Story 2 twice in four, five years; so of course it's taken me awhile to clue in. I knew a long time ago that Buzz, in the first movie, gives Woody the Live long and prosper, and of course I knew that in the second one, Zurg absurdly tells Buzz he's his father (somehow).
      But I was trying to take a nap (night shift nurse here, thank you very much) and suddenly, finally, it clicked. Zurg wants to destroy a planet, just like Darth Vader. They both have glowing yellow eyes, a deep raspy voice, and capes. Buzz is the spaceman who wants to stop him, so technically Jessie is his Princess Leia.
      Wonder if Darth Vader has a spy hole?
      I always muted it during these parts. I never understood why they would include the mere notion that a toy could father another. I thought it was just a stupid, pointless quote they threw in there to add some time to the length of the movie. I knew there were two (at least) Star Wars references in the movies, but I didn't think the crew was nerdy!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Usual

      Up late again, taking care of you-know-who. Little Miss Zero Manners. She demanded I make corn, complained for two minutes, then told me to dump it and try again. I couldn't, because that was the last of it. If she hadn't complained and just eaten, she would've at least gotten more into her stomach before the bug decided to commit suicide and do a nosedive into her bowl.
      Wonder what Princess Lippy will want next. My guess? Please and thank-you are not in the forecast. Adverse weather conditions indeed, Sid...

Monday, August 7, 2017


      I've been doing some serious movie marathons lately. Of course, the Shrek franchise was included. And the irony finally hit me. You know where Fiona messed up the most? Okay, so Dragon roars, and she incredulously asks, "You didn't slay the dragon??"
      And I'm sitting there, like, "No, he broke through the stone roof on purpose; it's called making an entrance."
      And then there's Shrek's blunder. "How about the day I met Donkey? Now there's a day I'd like to take back!"
      Even if Stiltskin had taken that day from Shrek, he'd still be in the same boat, not knowing Fiona. Because without Donkey, Shrek wouldn't have found Farquaad's tower.