Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Hate Titles

      So in the aftermath of everything, my family wants the man responsible to pay us for the hotel room. I'm not even sure where I stand on that. Yes, it is his fault we had to go to the hotel, but our choices were a hotel, the street, and a jail cell because we refused to leave willingly. It is not his fault we chose the hotel.
      I don't know. I don't even understand myself half the time. Well, more than half.
      Anyway, I doubt we'll see that money. On another topic, I had the weirdest dream. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was trying to escape a tornado! There were scenes of us driving really fast, taking cover, and just trying to outrun it, but we got to this building and lay low and waited it out. But then it returned, or maybe it was a different tornado, I don't know.
     Anyway, then I woke up, went back to sleep and dreamt that I was on this sidewalk, facing away from the road; and there was a large gap between me and another road. There was a woman with an arrow, who kept trying to kill me, and my cousin, who I never dreamt about before, got in the way. Took an arrow right to the forehead. It didn't kill him and people were trying to pull it out...
     Oh wow, he's Denise. And I guess the woman was Daryl. Well, not really, because there were no zombies or "cowboy gangs." Although I suppose she was something of a "highway-madam."

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