Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I Hate Titles

      I live in a four-plex, and yesterday one of the older tenants took a tumble and couldn't get back up. He was down five hours. Paramedics arrived, quietly helped him out and took him to the hospital...then called the police on him, because they saw an arsenal I didn't know he had! Missiles and grenades, wouldn't put guns past him, either. So the cops called the military, military called the Black Ops, they swarmed our house looking for active bombs, my family's friends all saw it... But let me start at the beginning.
      Three or four cop cars came to our house around 9:30 PM. I assumed they had seen a convict and it was utterly unrelated to this property. Nope, they barged in, then they repeatedly knocked on everyone else's doors prompting us to leave. We were given about half an hour to fuck off. My mother, of course, planted her ass on the sofa, crossed her arms, and said "I'm not going anywhere!"
      My brother wanted to present a united front. "If she goes to jail, we all go to jail."
      Yeah, nope. No way in hell. I grab my bag, go downstairs, walk up to a cop and tell him, "You might have to drag her out." He tells me she could be arrested and I go, "Fine, then arrest her."
      I also apologized abundantly and he was all smiles, very polite to me, understanding; apparently his mom is the exact same way. So anyway, now my mother's hauling ass. We call a cab, pay $50 to go to the next town, and due to a misunderstanding on the phone, we try checking into two different hotels and end up walking around an unfamiliar town in the dark! My mother, who's rather conceited, even lowered herself as much as to speak to a crackhead. Then we paid another $50 to come back into town and we waited in the lobby of a hotel we couldn't afford, wondering WTF we were supposed to do. Then the guy I insisted my mother call, called her; he had seen it on the way back to his place, taking our street just because there was construction on his regular route. He footed the deposit bill, we went to our room and ended up playing cards...for about ten minutes; my brother, who was "too angry to sleep" ended up falling asleep several times, snoring so loud I couldn't really hear my MP3 and the room smelled like nasal passages. My mother and I didn't sleep at all.
      Okay, morningtime. We renewed the room for another night because we could not contact anybody despite them saying they would be in touch, I tried and failed to get some rest, we were completely broke, I'd run all out of feminine pads, and the vending machines have all been converted to Interac only, no coins allowed. So anyway, my cousin called, asking if we were hungry; then my mother's friend called asking if we were hungry. I ended up having a milkshake, two pops, and a chicken burger with fries. While we were eating, we received a call saying it was safe to come home. So we packed our shit, trundled on down to the lobby, checked out, and got another call saying it was not quite ready. BUT my mother decided she'd had enough, and we came home no matter what was waiting for us. Turns out, all good. But the cops and the military are just not on speaking terms, apparently. Meanwhile we learn that the cops found at least sixteen grenades, at least one of which was active the whole time he was living here. And one bomb reportedly had a girth of ten feet. We're about $575 poorer, we owe two people and a hotel money, and I'm at least 26 hours of sleep-deprived.
      So anyway, this has all been a crazy shitshow, and now I'm left with cold fries, the indecision of sleeping or unpacking, and this nagging curiosity about my neighbor. I mean, will he be evicted? Will he come back? Was his nasty little arsenal completely cleared? Is he even safe to be around?!
      Not bloody likely.

      Edit (20th at 5 PM)―The hotel's been paid off, so all we have to do now is pay back the guy who bought our room. I offered to reimburse the woman for the food and she denied...and paying the guy won't be on my shoulders. Reimbursing the hotel came out of my bank account so I am in the clear. Even I might be reimbursed.

      Edit (21st at 8:48 AM―Yep. Guns, too.

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