Sunday, April 30, 2017

A Great Day!

      I had a wonderful day today (even though I haven't slept in my own bed for two nights because I'm terrified of the big, fast spider hiding under my blanket; but that's okay, because I've been sleeping better on the couch anyway). I was able to buy Toy Story 2 and 3, finally completing my collection (thank you, WalMart - what did you do, read my blog?). A creepy guy followed me around, but he took off when I stood in front of the cameras. We crossed paths a few times after that, but I always hung around other people (and maybe that's why he didn't bother me).
      After that I hit McDonald's, which was too crowded, so I got my stuff at the drive-thru. Today alone I've had two chicken burgers, chocolate, corn dogs, and I even have the three most important pizza ingredients - Naan bread, HP sauce, and a whole lotsa Mozza! Yep, that's all my pizza's made of, unless we actually order out.
      Now I sit here, eating Swiss Rolls (you must try them if you have a sweet tooth - they're incredibly soft; I don't have a single tooth and I just devour them), drinking milk, and wondering to myself: How different would the Shrek movies have been if...he had been Russian? If you don't know what that accent sounds like, look up the Colossus scene in the Deadpool movie. Listen to the voice of the big shiny man, and picture Shrek. I mean, isn't that better? That dude needs to voice an ogre if there's ever a fifth movie in the Shrek franchise.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


      The weather here has been dramatically improving. It's windy right now, but that's good - when the wind stops, it gets very, very warm; especially inside a car. It's easy to believe summer is right around the corner. When I look outside and see the green grass, the blue sky, and all the different colors on the trees, it's impossible to stay depressed or angry.
      In fact, even though I went shopping today, I had a great time; and that's with a trip to the doctor's office and the pharmacy thrown in. (Nothing huge, just an incredibly painful lesion on my finger that apparently can be healed with oral medicine.)
      It was payday, thank goodness, because we didn't have enough bread to make two sandwiches. First stop, the restaurant; and holy hell, did I laugh. My mom leans out the window and asks for one chicken strips. I get my order, and the waitress has actually given me one strip. Then, at the pharmacy, I have a twenty-minute wait ahead of me and I'm browsing the place, and I see a card that features three women wearing scarves that are big, saggy boobs; and the card says, "I'm thinking of getting you a scarf for your birthday...Which size would you like?"
      Now it seems the mirth has died under the worries of side effects, and this horrible fatigue I have never been able to conquer. Seems I'm having enough breathing trouble as it is without the possibility of an allergic reaction to medicine. I actually couldn't sleep a few nights back because my throat started to close. All I could do was choke and panic and wonder where my inhaler was; and today I didn't even think of getting a refill from my doctor. I have to make another appointment. Later, though; for now I've found my inhaler and have enough. And unless they add a debit machine to the transit systems, I can't afford to take the bus.
      I would have preferred a cream. Something that can be applied directly to the lesion; but no, I have to take it orally and hope it goes to the right place.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


      Well, I'm kind of in a funk. Turns out another game I love may be going offline. Hm, I have to wonder: If I didn't get involved, would they be online forever? Seems these companies only need to file for bankruptcy when I start playing their games.

Monday, April 24, 2017


      I went out again today. Silverdale Creek. It's nice, got some more pictures. Coming back I saw the farm I called home for a decade...It's not so nice. The barn collapsed, the roof is actually touching the ground on one side. The walls are all lopsided and broken. Fourteen years ago there was one gate, on the driveway. Now there's that, plus a gate in front of both houses. And there's no animals. No dogs, no sheep, no horses.
      I'll never get over that place. It's still home to me, and seeing it like that breaks my heart. I hope nobody was injured when the barn fell.
      I still have so many memories about that place. It's impossible not to look back.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


      So, we have four or so owls taking up residence in our yard. My mother and brother are awfully superstitious. They claim they're not, but they don't even like walking under ladders. And when I broke the mirror many years back, she said I should look out for bad luck. Of course, this is the same woman who believes a cross-shaped cloud is a blessing upon us all. Me? I walk under ladders, I don't get all freaked out if I see a black cat. I believe in good luck, but I don't believe in bad luck. I chalk it up to misfortune, which everyone has sooner or later.
      Hell, I've discovered I have about four symptoms of diabetes; plus the ulnar nerves in both of my arms have been getting pinched or trapped, resulting in my hands going numb. Other than that, I'm aces. I finally found a website that has uploaded The Recollection Dissipation - Putlocker says they did, but it's not there, and it should have been on the 6th. Agh! Longest ten days ever!
      Anyway, besides Sims 3 - which is going amazingly well - I've begun watching DVDs again. I think I'll add P.C. Cast's bigass books to the mix and see if I can keep myself busy all day. Maybe I can tire my eyes out enough to sleep and gain some kind of routine. I really want to get to Hayward one of these days...Of course, it really doesn't matter! I've decided that when I die, I want to be cremated and sprinkled there, so even I continue to sleep my life away, eventually I'll get there and never have to leave! So, let the good times roll.
      Speaking of rolling - I saw an orange Chevrolet Corvette Z06 a few moments ago. I didn't think this crappy little city had those. Probably belongs to one of the rich folks up on the hills. I wish I could get a taste of that life. I found out (about ten long days ago) that Trump has a garage that can fit forty cars. Can you imagine? That has to be about as big as the mall! Except much, much less filled with people. (And thank goodness for that.)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Alien Talk

      Today I watched some Animorphs on the DVD player in my room. The remote control doesn't work with it at all. It turns the TV on and off and changes the volume, but I can't select different episodes or rewind. The pause button on the DVD player works, but it's right below the eject button, so I'm always pushing the wrong one and ejecting the disk when all I want is to pause; and I have to push the Fast-Forward button to get to the next episode. And if there are eight episodes on that disk, and each movie has twenty-four scenes, I'm there for hours just trying to get to the right episode. It's incredibly frustrating.
      Anyway, rant aside, I noticed a big mistake in the pilot! We see the main character Jake walking, and we hear the narration: "Half an hour ago I was a regular kid." At this point it's a beautiful, lovely day; so the narration implies that he met Elfangor in the daylight, but he didn't. It was pitch-black.
      I actually don't like a lot about that show. Jake, talking to his dog like he understands every word. The way Rachel says Homer. The way the aliens would control the humans, instead of destroying them and having the planet to themselves. But I'm also a big fan of it. It's Rachel, Cassie and Tobias that I can't get enough of. And I must admit, Paulo Costanzo makes a very convincing his human form, anyway. The Andalite costumes aren't good. I actually close my eyes when I see Visser Three's ship land because the graphics aren't impressive.
      There's a massive debate on whether the books or the show is better. I've always said it was the movies, mostly because Brooke Nevin is in it. Tom always creeped me out, he reminds me too much of Seth Green. I think my least favorite episode is the one where they realize the disk is a tracking device. The woman who says "The signal is going up!" is such a horrible actor. I just want Marco to become a gorilla, pick her up and throw her into space.
      Melissa's awesome; she should be in more stuff. I tried watching The Crown - which is despicably awful - and there's a fellow in it who sounds just like Visser Three. Seriously, it's like he went back in time to do that show.
      Many years back, I wrote a book, in which Jake encounters Iceman and realizes he was cloned and experimented on, resulting in his twin's mutation. Of course the other Animorphs and X-Men are there. Rachel and Jean Grey form a rivalry, and Marco makes a urination joke. The school burns down and she has to catch Cassie after she's jumped from the window, and Rachel is found out to be a triple agent, and there's something about zombies...It was a disaster, and I was inexplicably proud. There was waaay too much sh1t going on. I called it the X-Morphs, and in my childish, who-cares-I'm-a-kid phase I thought it was the best thing ever. Looking back I'm amazed I had the gumption to continue my writing. I spent half a page writing about how Marco put a strawberry wrapper on a puddle of blood and "making it stick just a little" so nobody would get suspicious! I should have been back then as morbidly em-barrassed as I am now. Compared to how that story went down, Animorphs is a freakin' masterpiece. I suppose I really have to right to criticize.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


      Basically Simming my days away, still. I spend most of my time in an exhausted daze, but as long as I'm collecting moonstones and apples I find myself to be extremely happy. Except...all the movies I used to like, are now just irritating. Well, except for Shrek 4. That one is a gem. Warrior Fiona is awesome.
      I think it's time for change. Even Rapunzel has lost her charm. It started when I saw this picture on Google Images:

      And then I saw that there was another sequel, done in crappy 2D animation. It's called "What The Hair?" Naturally, she gets her long blond hair back but nooo, it does not possess magic powers. Oh, and you can't cut it, either; it's unbreakable. Yeah, they went there. The characters banged tools on it. Anyway, the king and queen host this "Gopher Grab" nonsense and Rapunzel gets booed. And, after her new friend Cassandra has to explain to her what booing means (because she stupidly thinks it's a form of cheering), Rapunzel says the worst thing anyone could ever say - "Why would somebody hate me?"
      That ruined her for me. That, and especially the words in the picture posted above, made me realize how much of a Mary Sue she truly is. And the worst part of it all is that it took a silly haircut for her to stand out among the other Mary Sues.
      Disney princesses need more flaws. This whole "always perfect, all the time, in every way" thing is getting stale. Especially since they...can all...fight. What they need to do is make a movie of a princess who actually behaves like a princess. A diva. Give her a big nose, or something - make her not perfect. Make her a conceited snob. Have the guy rescue her for once. There's only one Disney character out there who acts like a true princess, and she isn't one. Rosetta. She's got that whole dirt and mud phobia going on, she wants the world to be pretty pretty pretty, she wears pink, she hates animals, and she gives too much of a damn about her hair. Yes, yes, "Rapunzel brushes hers". She also drags it through water, mud, dirt, leaves, insects - really, her hair should be disgusting. But of course, it's perfect. Because it's Disney.
      The least they could do is make a movie about a girl who acts like Rapunzel, but is definitely not a princess or special in any way. Just a sweetheart and nothing else. Make it real or don't make it. I suppose her freckles are supposed to count as a flaw? Well, they don't.
      You know why Fiona's my favorite princess? Because she is relatable. She has a crooked smile; she's got a widow's peak and crow's feet. And she loses her cool - blows her top - she downright screams in rage. But Rapunzel is, stereotypically, a friend to all. Even after Mother Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel, keeps her locked away her whole life, ties her up and stabs Eugene, Rapunzel still reaches her hands out to Mother Gothel when she falls from the tower.
      Realistically, she would probably hold a grudge against the woman who kidnapped her and then attempted to kill the man she loved in front of her. But...

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Wow...I Feel Nerdy

      I Sims 3'd most of my day away...again. Some people might say I'm wasting my limited time on Earth, but it keeps me happy. Moonstones, ghosts, apples! My Sim's eldest child mastered Alchemy in what surely felt like three minutes. She made fifteen plus potions, then grew up into an adult and moved out into a big, beautiful home with her younger (triplet) sisters. Loretta poured the Bottled Blessing Of The Fae on herself and transformed into a fairy, became queen, mastered the writing skill, and is worth over $445,000 dollars in book royalties! Her husband's a master fisher-man with the Magic Hands of a warlock, and the triplets look so much alike I can't tell one from the other two.
      And I saw two zombies rise from their graves, shake the curse off and go back to living their ordinary lives. One of them was not just a zombie...he was also a vampire. He was, as Rajesh Kooth-rappali would say, a zompire. He had fangs, one eye bulging from its socket like he was Glenn Rhee, curled fingers, the moans and groans, the stagger, and when the sun came up his body started smoking. He was quite the sight. I think his name was Donovan Keaton.
      Oh, and you know that toddler who vanished into thin air and went missing until he respawned as a kid? He's all grown up. Hell, he'll probably have kids next time I see him. I think there's an itty-bitty chance that Neighborhood Progress is on. Still, the fact that he vanished and seemed to skip over three life stages, strikes me as a little odd.