Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dreams....And Seams

       My surgery was finally scheduled for tomorrow. Pretty last-minute, but, kept getting a machine. Anyway, I'm just glad to be making progress. Hopefully they can ablate the rest of the stone, and I should really ask about my blood type while I'm there. Maybe a diabetes test, because I am always tired. It could be the depression, but it could be something else, too.
      So I have until midnight to eat what I want, and until 7 AM to drink even water. Ohmigosh, I'm so excited! Hopefully they can patch me up good as new, wouldn't that be great?
      In other news, I have been having very strange dreams, and I guess it started with the one where I was a prisoner. In a hospital-like setting, I guess because that was the most exciting thing to have happened to me all year. Small, curtained spaces. Toilets in every one, but there were fences in every hallway. The floor was dirt, with holes where the prisoners were brought through. So I'm trying to climb out...actually, in retrospect I think I was wearing the same outfit I wore in the hospital, greasy ponytail and all. But I get to the outside, and I walk for a very long time, finally get to where the "owners" work, and I see this spinning light. It's green, but then it turns red and an electronic voice blares out that I've been located in the building. Then these guards ambush me―and I wake up.
      Then I dreamt I lived in this incredible castle. Gorgeous. Except for all the toilets in open spaces; I think I can blame the stent. But I really need to go, and every toilet I try, people walk into the room. Apparently my castle is open to tourists, or maybe it's part-hospital. So I go into my bedroom, which has a huge window on the inside, like at patient admitting. Except I'm home, in my bedroom, and I need privacy. So I close the window even though there are people trying to talk to me about, well, fashion and other unimportant stuff. I close the window and before I can even get to the toilet, my sister barges in. Apparently with all that space, all those bedrooms, we still share a room. Yeah, no offense, but that wouldn't happen; if it's my castle, we're all getting our own floor, okey-dokes?
      So finally I decide to go up to the top floor, thinking I won't be barged in on (is that correct?). There are so, so, so, so, so many staircases and they are all so, so, so, so, so long. Naturally I wake up before I can get there.
      Then there's a dream about a kitchen fire, but then.... There's an old man. Climbing fences. Inside hallways. And an alarm goes off, blaring out that he's been located in the building.
      What? I mean, what? Seriously! 😂
      I love my brain, but I don't understand it. It's not the first time a dream has repeated itself and I'm sure it won't be the last. But I'd love to understand it. Or kill it. Just that teeny, tiny portion of the brain that dreams. Well, okay, that's a big portion of the brain, damn near all of it, but okay, I can consent to being sedated every night. No problem here.
      I have to get moving. Five hours to eat and counting.

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