Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Between Surgeries

       So I have to go in for another surgery, which I was supposed to book days ago, but I haven't been able to get in touch with them. My mother tried and got a "Maybe we can do it on the 26th, we'll call you back," and that was the last we heard. That was this morning.
      Hopefully I can get the stent out before it's "too late." I've never wondered before if these things can poison you. I did learn that some patients receive a stent with a string, and whatever you do, you're supposed to not pull it. At all, otherwise it could cause internal damage, pain, etc. But my brother made this joke about wind-up toys... He's weird like that.
      I'm also a couple days behind on my meds, one of which I actually can take. Well, three of which, if we count the Gravol and the Restoralax. I'm no longer nauseous or plugged, but I'm definitely going to be saving them until they expire. Just in case.
      And I have a new appreciation for, well, pretty much everything. Hospitals, a laxative given as a gift, even that calorie-measurement thing my sister-in-law does, which I thought was "over the top." I wasn't rude about it before, just confused and clueless, as is my default. I think I should contact her and ask her to help me do that.
      There are so many things I didn't want to be. So many things I thought I never would. I've never been wrong on so many counts before.
      Today was a good day, though. I didn't think it would be, because I was much too sore to get any sleep. Turned out I just needed a BM. I took Tylenol at noon and haven't taken any since! And I got to the bank. I passed up a much-desired lunch offer at Tim Horton's, but I know I need to take it easy. And maybe not just until my next surgery, but probably forever. Sadly I'm not getting any younger. I just wish I'd gone to the hospital when I first felt something was wrong. Future note; dark and infrequent urination coupled with crippling pain, no bueno.
      I'm afraid I might be in actual kidney failure.
      I don't even drink.

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