Saturday, May 11, 2024


       Today was good, despite the heatwave―which is mild compared to what's coming, unfortunately. We knew it was going to get hot, so last night we made a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and cherries, which alone is a treat. Then today we ordered pizza, too. And pop. So my sweet tooth is very happy. I plan on having a good night eating my devil's food cake and ironically, watching Lucifer.
      I also got a good gaming session in today. Made a pretty cool luxury mansion in The Sims 3. A pool on the rooftop, six Marguaret Vaguesters, which is the most expensive car (at least, without certain expansion packs that I have installed, but disabled―I really want to play them, but my game crashes every time I try or even have the audacity to change the settings). This house actually costs over one million, which makes it the most expensive house I ever made. There's a fountain in the front yard that all by itself is fifty thousand.
      Obviously my Sims are too broke now, but I plan on moving them in eventually. I could just use cheats, but I'm not sure who will live there yet, since I have seven characters and the mansion has one bed. I should have thought that through. Granted, their current house has three beds and a crib, but it also has a garden...and, what with it being The Sims 3, I'm not sure the horses will be able to eat the plants once I move them out. It sucks for that; I can't even lock the doors on their other properties. So yeah, I made a private. At least I didn't sell it to millions while making them pay out the ass.
      Devil's food cake with Lucifer, fish strips with Finding Nemo. That's kind of gold. Anyway, on to this pathetic little party. I had to battle a headache yesterday right in the middle of Chicago Med, and my memory's kind of fuzzy on what happened. I know Asher stuck her nose where it didn't belong, again. She acts like the whole hospital is her gossipy, cliquey high school heaven. What's next, a poster of a boy band on her locker door?
     But Dan was sweet, even smiled for once. I do remember that. I remember him saying "Can you get me when Dad arrives?" He was referring to a patient's dad, but he sounded decades younger. I remember wanting to rewind... I don't think I did.
    But yeah, Asher... She really gets on my nerves. She was introduced as a junkie who OD'd. Okay, yeah, she overcame it, became a brilliant doctor, but she still acts like a teenage girl. Giggling over crushes and wanting to know who's going out with who. I mean, treat your patient, sign papers, take a shower, shut your trap. She makes me miss Stevie. Hell, she's enough to make me miss Rhodes! Ugh, Rhodes.
      I've stuck with this show because it's about medicine. I love Maggie for the most part (she's kind of giggly and gossipy, too, but not as bad as Asher and I cannot get over how she stood up to Choi), Dan completely and totally, I liked Will, Sarah, Vanessa, Goodwin, Dr. Latham, Dr. Scott, Trini, Doris, Abrams. Other characters are good enough; Peter, Archer, even Pam Blake. But I cannot stand giggly, gossipy, mentally-twelve Hannah Asher. I did not even realize how much I didn't like her.
      It's okay though. I like Chloe Decker, but I do not like Leslie Shay. At least not yet. And Chicago Med, I think, would not be tolerable without Dan, Maggie, Will, Sarah, et cetera. Chicago Fire and PD have a few of them, but in very few episodes. I'm not sure I can watch it all the way through... Even if it does have Severide, Voight, Halstead, Casey. And I only, only list Spencer's character because he was in House. My favorite doctor show by far. Med is very good, but it would be so much better if I could just take all my favorites from that, and plop them into the House universe.
    It's apparently about 14 hours on the road between their locations, and the entire gang going to the other location's hospital is a little unrealistic. And this is coming from someone who writes books about Lucifer. The only thing that makes sense is if Rhodes, or Vanessa, or Will, goes to their own hospital from their own past. I do hope it happens eventually. But I still want to know what TF happened to Sam.
      And maybe my memory is shot from yesterday's headache, since I could barely look at the screen, but I cannot recall if Crockett was in the episode. I remember seeing his name, but not his face.
      Anywho. I'm going to stop talking to myself now. It seems like it's all I ever do. Even deviantART, once bustling with my friends' sub-missions, is now completely quiet. Like I'm not being alerted anymore when they publish something.
      Oh, whatever. I'll just go be alone, as usual. I wish I could say I was good company.

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