Sunday, December 8, 2019

Weird Dream...

      I dreamed that my mother and I were at this nice, foresty place with all my distant relatives; including my late uncle. I wanted to explore; no one else did, so I went alone. I ended up on this huge, circular path. The middle was sunken in, so it was like a doughnut, and as I'm going down, I start singing. Maybe it was because of the elevation, but my voice echoed and echoed. I was singing Spellwork by Austra; I'd say I've been playing The Sims 3 too much, but I haven't even heard that song in forever.
      Anyway, all the people are trying to find out who's ruining their nice, quiet walk; but nobody can see me. I just keep walking around and around this trail, always winding up back where I started and then I keep going. When I finally rejoin my family, I hug my late uncle. And that's when I woke up.
      Obviously I'm cutting out the good stuff. The smell of the dirt and the rain, stuff like that. There was even a part of the dream where I got my foot stuck in the noose of a rope or something, and it was trying to tug me backward.
      Whatever, I don't know. It was just weird.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Late Night Playing Late Night

      I've been gaming pretty hard since I realized I could play The Sims 3: Late Night for no cost. It's been going great. For me, anyway. Not so great for a party guest, who died of starvation. I guess he had tremendous faith in the appetizers.
      My girl Helena is now a Featured Actress. From the very be-ginning of her career, her time off kept getting extended; so the wait was prolonged. She should get another promotion right after maternity leave. Just like her baby's father who is also her boss, she is a five-star celebrity. That kid is going to be born famous. They conceived this kid in an elevator, and you know what? They forgot to block it out. If you zoom in, you can watch them woohoo. He didn't move very much; he just stood there giggling. But he had this weird parading walk after, like he forgot to take it with him when they were done.
      Helena's roommate wants to move into a penthouse, whatever that is. I'm going for it. The apartment is nice, but I'm tired of guests crowding up the lobby and blocking the elevator. Especially since sometimes, they can get past the locked door and then refuse to leave; using the appliances and taking up all the beds. For mul-tiple reasons, I'm looking forward to the birth. With World Adven-tures, I can thankfully lock the gate; so now those damn people won't even be able to ring the doorbell.
      I hope a penthouse is the type of house the party guest died at. That floor took up the whole top level. Finally, there would be space. Even before the apartment, they lived in a very small house. It was so tiny, all the dogs lived outside. The yard was gigantic, but the house was too cute to renovate. I fixed up the lawn and used it for gardening, and put in a great pool. With a pool bar and four fountains.
      I miss that house. But Bridgeport is really attractive, so they're staying.
      Unless I purchase Late Night, my trial ends on the 30th. If for some reason I can't buy it before then, I guess I'll move my girls back to Twinbrook. And I'll have to take Matthew Hamming, too; I cannot stand a Sim having only one parent. But I think I can make the purchase. I received birthday money awhile ago, and my heart has been set on Late Night ever since. Actually, I'm planning a double feature: Showtime. I have always wanted to be famous, and when the paparazzi began taking my Sims' pictures, I felt so good inside, like I'd found myself. So, I'm going to have a celebrity actor, a celebrity director, and a celebrity who sings. That truly sounds like the life.
      When I was a child, I wanted to be a pianist. In my teen years, an actress. But, there isn't a place anywhere local to audition or even to take a lousy class. I don't even think there's a music school. There are a lot of people here, more than there should be. So many that the majority is homeless. And it's very possible that I'm native to a place that is a goldmine of talent, and nobody knows it. If true, that's a damn shame.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


      It feels so good to be writing again. Well, typing. I've been writing by hand for nearly two months. My journal is full. I spent most of my time reading the dictionary, over and over and over. I discovered the word onomatopoeia.
      I did not suffer without the use of my computer as much as I thought. I saw my second shooting star, finally won some card games, and on October 12th I even went to Chilliwack. A place called Tamihi. Humorously, I kept calling it Tahiti and didn't know why everyone was so jealous.
      I went there to attend my brother's birthday party. It was lame, but the location made up for that. Imagine sitting in front of a fire that never sparks (oak is great kindling), listening to the creek, and hearing leaves fall. I mean dead, crunchy leaves that sound like hail. I was literally wondering why I wasn't getting wet.
      It was nice. And I was actually being funny. Unfortunately the thrill of it didn't last long; unlike my car sickness. But I definitely want to go back there, maybe even be sprinkled there. And if I do get the chance...I mean while I'm alive...I have got to remember my camera next time. So many wasted opportunities.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What A Start...

      My morning is not going well. I thought the one tiny spider hanging beside my computer was bad enough, but it actually got even more disgusting. First, I was watching Fresh Prince in my room, and this fairly large spider came slinging down a web right in front of me. So I left my room to escape it. And coming towards the dark living room, I saw what I thought was a mouse. That turned out to be a spider, too. So I killed him, and then I found another. And then another. And then another. And then, when I was coming inside from the porch, my mother swatted yet another one off the doorframe towards me. Blegh!
      And of course the bathroom doesn't have electricity. Damn. Anyway, now whenever I blink I see a spider-shaped shadow. And whenever I see a hair, I want to pass out. Long story short, I have seen more spiders today than I usually do in a month; and it's not even 7 AM. I really, really hope I'm done seeing spiders for today. Well, for life would be great, but that's just not going to happen...

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ramble On

      So I posted my Partholon book. It feels good knowing I can stop worrying about that one, and now I'm planning a sequel. I'll wait and see how that turns out.
      And my game could not be better. I finally made a decent mansion. I liked it so much I shared it online, when it finally let me. I need to share my current Sim as well, who has maxed out multiple skills and completed her lifetime wish. Normally it does not take me so damn long, but Descendant Of Da Vinci is a bitch to complete. I am not choosing that one again. Fifteen Sim days and three actual days for each of the three required skills...If it had been almost any other skill, I could have made her listen to the podcast while she did other stuff. That would've helped!
      But I love her even more now. She is self-employed as a Master Sculptologist, she has a bunch of perfect quality plants, she maxed out a bunch of skills and is very high in others, and her home is just lovely.
      Oh, come on, people, close the damn door when you smoke! I don't want to smell that shit. You know, it's perfectly fine for my brother to light his cigarette inside and leave the door open, but you better not do it! Some consideration, please? My whole damn life, they made it a point not to smoke near me. Because I have asthma, and secondhand smoke is just as dangerous, blah, blah, blah. Well, screw all that. Who cares about her lungs?
      I cannot wait to escape again to my virtual world. It's so nice to have a place where people listen to me.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


      Okay, now I'm happy. I did something I never thought I'd do. I just completed a fan book for a story about...Partholon!
      And there is no written rule on about posting a fan book by P.C. Cast; so after I get some shuteye, I'll start correcting it so I can post it online. I usually hate what I write when I read it, but I have a good feeling about this one. I think I nailed it!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Too Weird!

      I am in a terrible mood today. Because life is monotonous. When you can predict everything, when you can mouth the words to a phone call that doesn't involve you, you know things have to change.
      I just looked up terminal boredom out of sheer, morbid curiosity. One of the articles was posted on my birthday. The article below it had my name.
      To quote Jim Carrey: Oh no. They're onto me!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Game Babble

      Phew! My current Sim family is the largest Sims 3 family I have ever had. Its newest addition has great-grandparents on both sides, four aunts, and three uncles. That was a lot of sex!
      It sucks so much ass that my game has the tendency to die at least twice a year. I actually moved my family out of Willow Manor, moved them into a new house, and then I moved my Sims' firstborn in with her husband and his parents. Both women were pregnant at the same time. This family's actually had some weird problems, though. Like for awhile, I could only have one of the toddlers potty-trained, and none of the adult Sims want to use their own beds. And I mean the interaction to sleep will cancel out every single time unless I click on the same bed everyone else wants to use.
      But, I tried the ghost-hunter career. Maybe it would be fun without the glitch, but the last ghost simply does not show up. I looked everywhere in the house, but it never appeared; and when his shift ended, the music kept playing. So now I have my Sim as an in-vestigator, and it's better, but it involves a lot of digging through trash. I definitely like the firefighter career best so far.
      Like I just said, my game dies....a lot. Next time I lose every-thing, which I know will happen before the new year, I'm going to install Generations and finally try out that daycare profession. I had both Ambitions and Generations installed earlier this year, but of course my computer died before I could actually experience anything. I hate these constant setbacks. I'm wasting enough of my life away without them.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


      As usual I'm starting the day off with zero sleep. I'm going to be heading downtown soon. There has been a lot of sirens already, including two police cars; all heading in the same direction. Seems a little early for any activity involving the police. Usually I don't hear cop cars until between midnight and four AM.
      Things are going okay for me, I guess. My book seems to have reached a good place, despite the errors I made (which reminds me, I still need to correct them), and on the 29th I deleted my Sims 3 World Adventures and reinstalled Ambitions. This time around I want to have a doctor.
      My Sims live in Willow Manor, which I'm not too happy with. I've grown accustomed to making apartment-like buildings for large households, and I think I'll go back to that. I like the idea of each Sim having their own little house on one lot.
      I've always loved building families, and I can't do that in World Adventures. Well, I can, but it glitches the family tree and takes out a lot of the enjoyment. So, when I install any other game, I typically go crazy making a family. Today will be Day 3, and my Sims already have six children. The firstborn was an only child; then they had triplets, then twins. Their firstborn will be the doctor. And this time instead of moving in the next oldest relative when one dies, I'm just going to manage their graves with the mausoleum. I think it'll save a lot of time and effort.
      I wasn't even going to teach the children to walk, talk, use the toilet or get their grades to an A, but I've always done those things. I guess today I'll be focusing on moving the family into a house that resembles an apartment, and aging the eldest child into a teen.
      And now that I've perfected the Edit Town mode, I can make a household with grandchildren in Create-A-Sim, split up the household and only control the young parents to have more children. This means that finally, my Sims will have aunts and uncles. I've done that before, but only through laborious game play. I can't wait to have a huge family right from the start.
      While I was playing World Adventures, though, I followed my goals and made a Geisha and an Indian. For the Geisha, I used voice 2 in a high pitch, and for my Harpreet, I used a less-than-medium voice 3. And I learned a lot of things. Sakura was good at singing the songs learned in China, but nothing beats voice 3. Harpreet sounded spectacular. But voice 1 is terrible. And what's worse than voice 1, are male Sims. They can't sing no matter what voice you pick. Hearing them try just made me laugh so hard I almost got my juice up my nose.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Great Day!

      I am having the best time. I'm not bouncing off the walls anymore, which I knew would happen; and it happened pretty early. I could just feel the energy getting sucked out of me.
      But, it started with an old neighbor calling just as we were heading down to the bus stop, and she offered us a ride. So we got to avoid a long, hot bus ride filled with strangers and the chance of encountering someone you just don't want to see. It was a lot more pleasant. She took us to Wal-Mart and I bought those cookies I like.
      She took us to the Tim Horton's in the junction beside RiRi's, and I found out they actually sell things like chicken burgers and things with ice cream, which all looked like cappuccino stuff, so I got a Coke.
      Then tonight, I took a nap and slept so hard that I never noticed when the family ordered pizza! It's too bad not every day can be half as good as this one!


      I feel gooood! I know it won't last long. Maybe it was the energy drink and two chocolate bars, but I feel so awake!
      It happens so rarely I just had to blog!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Electronic Bitches

      So this is my kind of luck, folks. First my MP3 died, so my brother gave me his. Then my headphones died, so my mother lent me hers. Last night his MP3 died, so now I'm back at square one. So I figured I would make a CD to play while I clean my room and guess what? It says there are no bytes taking up space, yet there isn't any space.
      Fuck, everything has to be so complicated.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Oh My Fuck.

      Today is a really scary day! A woman was sitting idle at the intersection, texting away. A large truck was trying to turn into the lane beside her and she started driving without looking away from her phone. She hit him, and then, once she had backed up enough to let him through, she went back to texting. Then a truck pulling several gallons of gasoline started turning. And again, she floored it! She missed him by inches. If she hadn't, everything within a two-block radius would have been incinerated. I would have come home and everybody would be dead!
      And then we get the newspaper. A car collided with a train, and a truck just...fell off a bridge.
      Ugh...bad day for vehicles.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


      I had a less wonderful time in my game today...I got to five million, and for awhile I was really happy about that. A short while. There are these really tough creatures called Imagination Devourers, and they can kill you very fast. I got a bundle of potion that restores all hearts, and even when it's on sale, kinda pricey. It took me a lot of effort to kill that creature, and it rewarded the gold box I was looking for. Of course while I was re-spawning from death, someone came along and grabbed the gold box just as I was pressing the button to collect it! Thieving wanker.
      Why does everyone like to steal from me? Poems, pictures, possessions, even recognition for doing something nice. Do I have like a target sign on my forehead?
      In any event, I think I'm going to take a long break from that now; maybe I'll reinstall the Sims 3, give that another try. If I don't use Origin, it should be okay; it was okay for months. And before that, years. I had five awesome years in The Sims 2, building a legendary family with over one hundred relatives. I will never forget it. I have so much trouble keeping one family. Eventually, it has to be deleted; it's unavoidable; it's like I have a bad copy.
      Figures. But, EA has kept me happy since 2009. And to me, that's a huge deal. It's only been two, three weeks since I last played The Sims 3, and I already feel like it's long overdue.
      And I know exactly what I'm going to do. I've got store content (which never interferes with game play; only custom content does that. They're very different), and I'm going to make two females, unrelated - a Geisha, and an Indian Sim. They are going to travel the world and I can take themed pictures in China and Egypt....Oh, it sounds so much fun. Due to the broken family tree problem that World Adventures has, I won't make them or anyone else related.
      You know that big hammer that destroys debris in one swing? I had that! And I had the glowing butterfly....I wonder if history can repeat itself.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


      I am having a wonderful time in my game. A friend helped me defeat a really tough boss, unlocking four levels; then I unlocked another on my own; then I got a cool axe that glows; and just now I won a million gems, so now I have almost five million!
      I wish it was real money. Anyway, after all that, I won six keys to treasure chests!
      I'm probably talking alien to the rest of you, but I am overjoyed. And it is officially payday, which means I can finally get the cookies I've been craving for months. This is an awesome June!

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Sims 3: Ambitions

      So, a relative bought The Sims 3: Ambitions for me. And wow, it was so worth deleting my other games! I've got a fire chief and a sculptor living with a teacher, whose husband is going to be a cop, and their daughter is going to be a doctor. Cops, of course, are old news; but I've got the fire truck; now I want the police car.
      Ambitions came with this really swampy area filled with really ugly people. The Bayless family in particular is pretty homely. I did, stupidly, start out with a stylist (which was so boring I had more fun washing the dishes, at which time I was wondering if Ambitions was a waste) and I tried giving a makeover to one of the townies, but he still looks like a very bored monkey. Anyway, I'm strongly tempted to add Seasons to the mix, because I think it will complement the ugliness of the world.
      I still had custom content installed from the base game, which I did not uninstall. So my sculptor is a Geisha. And I'm thinking of changing the daughter's name, Easter Cooley, to Dr. Cooley MD when she becomes a doctor.
      But I think the best news of all is that I finally learned how to upload a house to the Exchange. I made an "apartment", except I forgot to add a kitchen to one unit and the Sims only want to use one of the laundry rooms. So it's online, problems included. I guess I'll either have to fix it, or they will when they download. But hey, the front and back yards look great! I did fix the house for myself when I realized my error.
      My fire chief is thrown award ceremonies sometimes. It's so cool how the City Hall fills up with people who celebrate her very pres-ence.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


      I'm having more fun lately with the rotating lunar cycle in The Sims 3: Supernatural. I had a glitch where the zombies never go away. That was super annoying. Apparently that glitch occurs when you save on a full moon, so I have to be careful not to do that.
      I am not a careful person. Last night I accidentally put my mother's glasses into my case, and then when I was picking up my earphones I hit myself in the face with them.
      My current Sim is stranger than most. She has a dishwasher in her kitchen, but she would rather walk a longer ways and put her dish on the computer desk. But it's fun. I built her an underground house so that her horses (okay, okay, her unicorns) have the whole yard to themselves. It was really getting cramped.
      My games always have to be deleted eventually. I hope it's not just me. The next time I have to start from scratch, I think I'll install World Adventures with Seasons. I love the idea of my Sim camping in a tent, rain pouring. And I love the hidden doors. It's so much better than when they just stand in front of the bookcase. I want a house filled with secret doors and treasures when she first moves in, so she has to earn her home.
      I won't be able to make her have a family, though; due to the glitch that seems to occur after travel. Last time, several Sims were just cut out of the family tree. They were shown as a single Sim, no relatives; and I just couldn't enjoy the game anymore. So I'll make a single Sim, like now. It'll work the best that way, and I'll just have to learn to love the fact that the ghosts never go back to the Nether-world. I wonder if resetting them would work.
      I go to The Sims Forums a lot to complain and get the help I need. People there are so helpful. A little ignorant sometimes. Like, I don't know how many times I need to say I don't use mods. I put it in big bold text and people still recommended them. They're like the religion of the Sim world. Their official slogan could actually be, "We believe in Mod!"
      Seriously though. Cheats alone are hard on the computer. And mods are like hardcore cheats. I really think, in the long run, they'll cause more problems than people will admit.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


      So, on May 3, on my father's birthday, my uncle died. That's four uncles now. He and most of my relatives are waaaaay up north somewhere, so we don't see each other that much. If I do get a chance to attend the funeral, I'm thinking about not telling anyone, just to see who recognizes me and what kind of response I get.
      It's like I'm losing all the guys in my family. And I never really got to know any of them. I hate that we moved here. I hate that we're missing everything. It sucks that he died - but I didn't get to know him, so I'm having trouble feeling sad, which makes me angry. I should have been there.
      I do not want to miss every funeral.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


      I'm still having a good time with my DVDs. I picked up where I left off online, which caused a huge moral crisis about having one section that's less watched, since they wear out and get old. I keep thinking, "Okay, so when I'm done my marathon I'll watch up to season four." Agh.
    In another aspect of my life, I am having the most trouble recovering my Steam account! I tried all my passwords, nothing. I changed my password twice and it still says it's incorrect. I started trying to fix it yesterday, because I saw a game trailer that looked interesting; offering a huge world and a whole bunch of options for character design. Then I realized how many people not only hated the game, but also wanted their money back. So I can't play the game and I never will, since they're discontinuing the Visa card, but now I can't stop thinking about my stupid account.
      I've also been waking up early and going downtown. Almost every day for the past week. Today I actually walked maybe a mile in total, in all black, in the sun; from my house all the way downtown and then back again. And the two pitbulls I saw seemed so quiet and sweet; they didn't bark, they didn't follow me. And I found an umbrella that actually has a handle that glows. So now we own it. It was such a bad idea to wear what I wore; it is T-shirt and skirt weather, which is so weird because it tried snowing twice last week.
     I want to do that walk again. And when this walk becomes too easy, I want to go further. I want to go new places. I've spent the majority of my life here, and it's filled with places I've never been. Terry Fox ran around the whole world, right? And I struggle to walk to the local store. I don't want to be a pansy. I want, like, one percent of the courage he had.

Monday, April 29, 2019

A Fabulous Morning!

      I am having the best morning. I got the complete DVD collection of Friends! Region 1! Totally compatible with all my devices. And, junk food to watch it with! I'm on a cloud. Today is like...conval-escence!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


      Well, I'm bummed out. Not even for anything major. Just small, superficial reasons that somehow affect me greatly. Do you want to hear this story? No. Do I even want to share it with you? No. But I'm going to, because I still have a few hours to kill. And maybe, one day, my words will be of value.
      (I'm sarcastic.)
     It just seems like as soon as I have something I like, it's des-troyed, removed, discontinued, or otherwise made obsolete. I don't quite know what otherwise means in this sense, but as usual I haven't slept and have a long day ahead of me, so I don't particularly care. My bedroom was all nice and complete, but our handy-woman put a huge hole in my wall for reasons I can't remember, after being told several times not to, by me. Every online game I ever loved? Discontinued. In mid-2018, I got a re-loadable Visa card, and I discovered the joy of shopping online. They're discontinuing that. So of course I can't buy the one movie I need to complete my collection, nor can I buy the Friends DVD collection unless I somehow save $120 and buy it in person if they still have it; which really sucks because those two things were the last items on my list.
     And now I hear Windows 7 is not going to be provided any more security updates. So I'm stuck with an incomplete collection, a hole in my wall, and a dead computer. When it's all riddled with viruses and it won't turn on and I can't get rid of the viruses because they decided to ruin yet another aspect of my life, I won't be able to write my books, watch videos, talk to you, check my mail, see when my fav-orite movies come out with a sequel, or do any of the things that were the reasons I got out of bed. Fantastic. Overreacting? Maybe. But I literally have nothing else going for me. My new neighbor? It's going so poorly already that I miss the asshole. And of course I can't say more than that, because the few people who do read this will probably use that information against me because like I said in my last post, people suck!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

What Happened And What's Going On

      A couple of days ago, maybe on the 16th, I woke up really late. I mean 7:30 PM. Of course it was getting pretty dark. It was raining. And I still went out for a walk.
      I wouldn't do that tonight; it's too dark. But it was so pretty. The street lights reflecting in the rain. I would go out again after supper - I'm definitely not as scared as I used to be. One of many welcome changes.
      It did feel a little risky; since first of all, people are insane. But mostly because the other night, I saw a skunk coming up the driveway. I'd never seen one before. I don't think I've ever shut a window so fast. I remember a couple of months ago, my brother saw a skunk. He came into the house backwards; he just kind of hopped up off the porch, took two bouncing steps back and slammed the door. I almost lost my food.
      Come to think of it, we have a lot of skunks here. Raccoons, bears, coyotes, cougars. We just live in a very wild area. Shocking, because of all the noise. I think my first memory of a skunk is maybe sixteen years old, and I found the smell offensive and foolishly, I thought perfume would help mask the stench. It did not.
      Another memory, I think it's my second oldest. We all have at least one asshole in our lives. This guy, no matter how nice we were, would still kick you around, call you horrible things, and pull every dirty trick in the book. We were getting tired of it. My brother is one of those take action fellows, and he often feels very little regret. Maybe that's what makes him funny. But he noticed one night that a skunk was outside, and the nasty man's window was right in his line of fire. So what does my brother do? Quietly opens his window, leans outside and makes a racket, and fills the asshole's apartment with the stench of skunk. I tried to not find it funny, but the man was a bully.
      I wonder what having a sense of humor is like.

Saturday, April 6, 2019


      It's taken me this long, but I finally saw Logan. While it is the best damn movie in the franchise, so much of it was preventable. Sure, Xavier was loopy at times, but he had moments of clarity where he could have "made people think or do whatever (he) wanted." The one time he did it, it was on the horses; and Laura ended up losing her foster mom and her dad.
      Now they should start over; Laura growing up in a chain of the School For The Gifted. All the other kids should appear, and the scientists and doctors, too. Maybe a professor there is the daughter to Scott and Jean.
      I do have to wonder, though; if they can accelerate the healing process with a special medicine, then by the same logic, couldn't they do a blood cell/chromosome/genetic/whatever transplant and make Xavier essentially immortal?
      My ramblings aside, I do think it's the best movie in the franchise of Logan's character, because it's the only one in which the characters did not have their first encounter. Plus the acting was amazing. I normally don't much care for Xavier, but in that movie he broke my heart. When Logan pushed him through the motel and he was crying and apologizing to everyone...Fuck. That was harsh. And the kid, at the end, when she was crying. I bet she's gotten out of school a lot.

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Deeper Look Into Bloopers No One Talks About

      So, once upon a time, I was writing about that episode of Fresh Prince, where Cindy shows up on Carlton's doorstep with a baby she claims is his, calling him Carlton Junior. But Carlton and Cindy hadn't had sex, so obviously they were both well aware he was not the father; yet in front of all the family members, they continually talk about their "magical, magnificent sex". First off, that shit's just weird. Second, Carlton is preparing for college, so why would he drop his life's work and care for a baby that is not his, with a woman who cheated on him?
      Shit, when you think about it, we don't know if that baby is Cindy's. It's mentioned that her parents came and got her, yet earlier on it was mentioned that they kicked her out of the house, wanting nothing to do with her or the baby. After all that, Carlton blows his cover and admits the whole thing to Will, so why the hell did he waste his time in the first place and cause so much unnecessary panic to his family? It's not like it was April Fools'; there was no prank war, so they were just being stupid. It just makes you look bad when you talk about your rigorous sex in front of your baby sister. Philip was a lawyer; you'd think he would have investigated a bit and asked Cindy if she needed help, but he was the first one to vote for kicking her out onto the street, baby and all.
      And moving on; how about some Animorphs? First episode, first line. "My name is Jake. Half an hour ago I was just a regular kid." He meets Elfangor at night when it is, in Cassie's words, getting late; yet when he says this quote, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
      Not only did they loop a clip of Elfangor's ship landing, but in the next episode, they go back to retrieve the disk. Rachel says, "I found it. Chapman's practically standing on it." Remember, it fell on the ground; yet just seconds later, Jake has to dig it free.
      In the same episode, Jake knows the tube is a dead end because he hid from the Hork Bajir in that tube the night before, but he beelines right to it when he's trying to lead Rachel away from the Controllers. And just where would Marco have gotten the sound effect for the ship that he plays on a stereo?
      The episode The Reaction. "Another rule; you can't go from one morph to another." Yet, he never mentioned this. They could have only found out by trial and error; so it would not be a rule, it would just be an impossibility.
      Okay, moving on to less cameras, more graphics. I want to address some mistakes I found in a Tinkerbell movie. It's the sequel, Secret Of The Wings. First off, they freeze things to protect them from, what do you know, a freeze. They call it a frost, which looks way too delicate and transparent to protect life from such a thick freeze. Plus, the queen decides to away with her rule, but the reason they made the rule does not just disappear. Crossing the border could still be harmful, even fatal. I know, I know - happily ever after. And I make my share of mistakes, but I don't have to worry about someone like myself pointing them out.
      But it's not as bad as Married With Children, where the hur-ricane phases through your roof without damaging the walls, and then swirls around you as you dance and scream, trying to look like you're actually inside a tornado. Goddamn, what a stupid show. They did not take it seriously.
      I have been wracking my brain for bloopers on Finding Nemo, but all I could come up with was an amusing theory: I'm pretty sure they decided on P. Sherman because, if you say it like one word, it sounds like fisherman.
      It's hard for me to come up with more, since I'm listening to Married With right now. I can't be productive with that nonsense going on. I'd really like to play my game, but since my graphic card is dying, I can't do much more than watch YouTube videos and play Scrabble. I'm bored already. Think I'll play some music and try to fix up my work, like they should have done.

Friday, February 15, 2019


      We still have snow. Must be a delayed reaction. It hasn't stopped me from going out. By myself. Near sunset. Yeah, I'm shocked too. I remember a time when I wouldn't go to the restaurants by myself if I had a ride and she was waiting outside the door. That wasn't that long ago. Since my family's health has been going downhill, I've had to do a lot of things that used to seem crazy. I'm so embarrassed that I was afraid. The snow plow drivers are not making good impressions of themselves. When the roads are clear they put down the shovel thing and scrape the road, and when there is snow they raise the shovel thing and don't get any of it.
      The walks in the snow can be exhilarating. The first time it was easier; there was no wind and I didn't have to wheel a full cart behind me. I hadn't had anything other than soup since around midnight and I hadn't slept at all, so when I got to the store I was a little weaker and more unsteady than usual. I didn't care for that.
      But the walk home was actually kind of fun. I got to wear my new toque, and I had to stop and get the snow out of the wheels. It actually made me feel old-fashioned. This time I actually got every-thing on the list, and a Monster Drink, too.
      And I've been writing books for, well, damn near two days straight. It paid off; even if they suck ass, I posted them online for the whole world to hate!
      You're welcome.

Monday, February 4, 2019


      It finally snowed on February 3rd. It's not deep, but it's -20 and very, very windy. We actually have ice on the inside. So much for 'nice and toasty in the living room', which is where I was going to sleep. I guess it doesn't matter.
      Life is still hell, but now it's frosted. I was told earlier that each month my mother does not pay off her card, she owes that balance twice, and then three times, then four, then five! So in ten months we could be ten grand in the hole! He may have misspoke, but that really scared me. I've got this feeling that my brother and I will end up with her debt when she's gone.

Friday, January 25, 2019

My Life In A Nutshell

      I took a little break from gaming to see if the computers would be fine, and now that I'm gaming again everything seems to be working. I did experience a black screen several times and some mouse trouble, but nothing even my simple mind couldn't solve.
      I even bought The Sims 4, as well as its Toddler Stuff and Holiday Pack. It took awhile, but my Sims Heidi and Steve finally maxed their relationships and had a kid. I was hoping for a girl. There are cheats, but they do not work. Not for me. Anyway, they are fucking compli-cated! Underscores, letters, brackets, colons. So I've just been letting what happens, happen.
      So far I've got mixed reviews, though more bad than good. It saves within five seconds, and the glass roofs were an amazing sight; but the roofs also cannot be seen in Live Mode, and babies cannot be selected. The neighborhood may as well not exist, since the only way to visit them or a communal building is to travel to a new town. During a discussion the Sims rarely face each other unless they become intimate, and I don't like how they will migrate from one couch to another while chatting. I guess my biggest peeve is that the Sims always become automatically involved in another interaction.
      I can't play for very long. It's too weird, in all honesty; it doesn't feel like an addition to The Sims. But I am expecting my Internet connection to be disbanded long-term, maybe permanently; for fin-ancial, personal and computer protection. So it may not matter. And they shouldn't anyway, right? I shouldn't be on the computer as much, right? An inspired point, but I'm still owned by technology. That break I took nearly drove me to insanity, and it wasn't even a week long. If I could never, ever talk to my friends or play my games or watch YouTube videos or do any kind of research without going to the library, ever again, I would lose it.
      And that just sucks. I don't want to be a lamebrain, relying on computers every day. If I had a career, it would at least be to make the world better; and not just my life, sixty pathetic seconds at a time.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


      It seems I'm faced with the possibility of having to get totally rid of all of my games. Except maybe Scrabble. I'm talking about per-manently getting rid of all the games that have kept me going. Namely, the Sims games.
      I'm counting at least twelve, one of which I never even got to play. But they, and an online game, have contributed to one very long day without technology and at least 14,000 viruses, malware, spy-ware, et cetera that infected three electronic devices. 14,000! There were more viruses on my computer than years I've been alive; in fact, I would have had to be 39 years old to make up for it. Can you believe that?
      Not even 10,000 days ago, I didn't exist. It seems so small. I can't imagine not being here. On the plus side, if I can sell them for two dollars each, I'll have at least fourteen dollars. To me that's big money; we'll be taking a financial loss pretty soon. Every cent will count.
      My GameCube is also dying. Or maybe it's not. Maybe it's just that old, where a little violence will make it work again. My DVD player is fairly new, and it's been getting louder and freezing during movies that never froze before. Honestly, I knew life had to change; I was just hoping for the better. I certainly didn't think everything I take comfort in would go away all at once.
      With money getting even tighter...there's no way I can afford a new DVD player. I'd have to sell my movies just to start saving. I really have no idea how things will turn out. It was always so pre-dictable. If we have to get rid of the Internet, too, I'm really screwed.
      Well, I guess long as I can still charge my MP3, I'll be alright. It might even be the lifestyle change I need to go walking more. I will admit, my belongings own me. I haven't gone outside to years.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

I'm In Shock! (Update)

      Unfortunately the Daryl Dixon cup I won in the contest cannot be delivered. I knew that would happen.