Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ramble On

      So I posted my Partholon book. It feels good knowing I can stop worrying about that one, and now I'm planning a sequel. I'll wait and see how that turns out.
      And my game could not be better. I finally made a decent mansion. I liked it so much I shared it online, when it finally let me. I need to share my current Sim as well, who has maxed out multiple skills and completed her lifetime wish. Normally it does not take me so damn long, but Descendant Of Da Vinci is a bitch to complete. I am not choosing that one again. Fifteen Sim days and three actual days for each of the three required skills...If it had been almost any other skill, I could have made her listen to the podcast while she did other stuff. That would've helped!
      But I love her even more now. She is self-employed as a Master Sculptologist, she has a bunch of perfect quality plants, she maxed out a bunch of skills and is very high in others, and her home is just lovely.
      Oh, come on, people, close the damn door when you smoke! I don't want to smell that shit. You know, it's perfectly fine for my brother to light his cigarette inside and leave the door open, but you better not do it! Some consideration, please? My whole damn life, they made it a point not to smoke near me. Because I have asthma, and secondhand smoke is just as dangerous, blah, blah, blah. Well, screw all that. Who cares about her lungs?
      I cannot wait to escape again to my virtual world. It's so nice to have a place where people listen to me.


  1. Podcast?

    Congratulations on the mansion and skill stuff! :D

    I've taken a break from the Sims, but I miss it like crazy ... I'm looking forward to getting back into it, now that I've taken almost all of August off ... I have yet to finish getting my Sim to cook every meal perfectly, but once I do, I can move on to more fun parts of the game. That'll be SO nice.

    Ugh, I can't stand smoke. And smokers can be so inconsiderate. A screen door is not an actual door, did ya know? :p

    I will disagree with you on one thing - our family never "made a point of not smoking near [us]". They smoked at the supper table, they smoked in the car, and I believe they smoked while we watched cartoons. They did it even after I was diagnosed with asthma, and it was only when you would say, "Hey, are you okay?" to me because I was choking in the backseat that Mom and Dad would remember they were poisoning us, too. Sometime after that, they started being much more considerate.

    It's kind of like walking from the truck to the grocery store and passing those morons smoking their marijuana; as if smelling like an ashtray wasn't bad enough, now you're making a whole parking lot smell like an armpit someone crapped in? Come on.

    Sorry, rant over. lol

    1. Well, it's kind of like a podcast. They call it tab-cast, though; and it resembles an iPhone. I love it sooo much.
      I've taken a lot of time off The Sims 3, too, and for awhile I forgot I had it installed. Then when I began playing again, I couldn't believe I'd gone so long without touching it.
      I don't think they smoked inside. It was usually not allowed to smoke inside the house. In any event, after I posted this thread, they did it again and I finally closed the door on them. I thought it would help the smell, but Lorne's gotten into the habit of baking eggshells and potato peels for the garden. (And sometimes he'll set hair on fire, too, which is so nasty. The last time he did it, it was my hair-brush. While I was holding it!)
      We took the screen down, actually. Mutilated it trying to make it fit onto my window. Remember the duct tape cure? Now to open or close the damn thing, I have to reach under the screen. And when we do move again, we'll have to pull the nails out. Apparently tape was too sticky.

    2. Yikes, what a mess!

      Yeah, Mom and Dad (and L., I think) used to light up their cigarettes as soon as they'd finished eating, which was usually about when you and I were halfway done. I think I remember them doing this right up until my asthma diagnosis when I was twelve, at which point (IIRC) I believe I had a particularly nasty coughing fit and Mom finally made everyone start using the damn porch for that nasty habit.

    3. Wow. I'm sorry it took them so long.

    4. Me, too. It's hard not to blame them for it when I seem to get sicker than the people around me are, or I'm the only one sick. or, when I'm healthy and still having trouble breathing.

      So I don't try not to blame them. It might be partially genetics, but they're sure not innocent.

    5. Also asthma, right? I'm not even sure if you were born with it. And I don't know about where you are, but here the air has always been terrible.

    6. "Also asthma, right?" — I'm honestly not sure what this means, or how to respond, lol

      No, I don't think I was born with it, although it is genetic; big brother has it, and so do I/we?

      I think I was predisposed to end up with it, but maybe I would have escaped it had our family not insisted on smoking around us because it was slightly more convenient for them than using the deck. :(

    7. Yeah, I've got it too. Or at least I've got a breathing problem. It's not very aggressive, and I just hope it doesn't get worse. Mom does, some-times, start blowing smoke in my direction, but she'll turn her head when I start reacting. I have to go down to the landing if I want to be outside, too.

    8. Smokers can be so inconsiderate. I think I'd be tempted to say something obnoxious like, "You think I want smoke in my face? Let's see how you like a fist in yours."

    9. Man, I think that would get me put out on the street...

    10. lol, not if they need you to help pay the rent ...

      You could do the adult thing and tell them they're being rude, as politely and calmly as you can ... I just have anger issues, especially towards the people I consider responsible for my current health issues.

      I do know I might've gotten asthma no matter what, but their smoking all around us all the time never helped.

    11. It's hard to do the adult thing when they treat me like a damn kid. And, because I'm so bad with words, I can never make my point. And when I think I've made a good argument, they totally diminish it. Like the last time I bothered, several months back. They were on my case about spending $3 here and there, maybe four times a month. But when I casually pointed out that they spend at least $90 every few days and challenged them to add up the entire cost since she started smoking, all they had to say to that was, "Sticks and stones!" I mean, how do I even respond to that?

    12. "Sticks and stones"? Really? That's childish, and not even a good argument; no wonder you didn't know what to say. I'd have expected that kind of response from a ten-year-old ...

      You made a great point, which is probably why they resorted to what they said. They couldn't argue with you, so they said that to end the conversation on their terms. If it makes you feel better, I think you won, lol

      I'm so glad I don't have that problem here ... I would be quick to throw something like that back in people's faces. If I spend $3 on something, and especially if it's my own money, and someone who spends a thousand a month on something as gross as cigarettes tried to criticize me, the verbal fur would fly.

      The only real example I have is of someone telling me I ate too much sugar once, and my response was, "Do you still smoke?" (They said they did and I think I smiled and said they obviously had no right to be telling me about my bad habits. :p

    13. Would you mind telling me about how much they spend on tubes and tobacco, and how often they buy it (per week, or how many times a month) - I'm curious because G. buys the tailor-made ones for himself and goes through them SO fast. He's almost a chain-smoker, and it's starting to worry me; he's coughing so much sometimes, I'm reminded of Uncle Gord. :(

      I'd just really like to compare the cost of each way of smoking, because his kid is only twelve still and that means at least another five to seven years of child support, and with the exchange rate and his ex always wanting more and more, if we could at least cut the cost of the cigarettes, we'd be in better shape. (I would prefer he quit altogether, but I've only met a few people in my life who have managed to quit, so the odds seem against us.)

    14. People can be so hypocritical. I know when Lorne gets harassed for having one box of Wagon Wheels or whatever by a fat person who has nothing but candy in their cart, he gets a little upset!
      I have to go by my fading memory here, but I'm pretty sure last time I saw Mom buying tobacco, it cost about $90. Sometimes they buy several and it goes up around $200, and they usually have to buy it maybe once every week or two weeks, depending on how heavy they smoke and if the neighbors bum smokes.
      I don't know why people even start this habit, or why they find it so addicting. It's bad for the lungs, the teeth, the breath, their health. How can anyone find that relaxing and be like, "Sounds good. Maybe I will!"
      I'm worried for you...By the way, while this is working, I did wish you a happy birthday on Facebook; I don't know if it went through. Damn computer.

  2. Why are you worried for me?

    I saw; thank you! :)

    Do people actually harass him for buying things? I'd be SO angry if someone did that to me. They need to be taught to keep their noses out of other people's carts, or else get their nose punched.

    I think that for a lot of people, it's something their friends do and so they join in just to fit in. Personally I see no sense in it; it's bad for you and hard on the wallet, so just WHY?!

    (By the way, I've been told that 'addicting' isn't a word; it's "addictive". I was embarrassed, since I'd like to think I'm literate and the person who told me often asks for my help spelling things. lol)

    I don't want to pester you, but when next you get the chance, could you check the receipts (if Mom or Lorne take them)?

    If you're interested, I can share the cost of the cigarettes G. buys; sometimes he buys them a pack at a time, and other times he buys a carton (which is 8 packs of 25 cigarettes each). If I recall correctly, a single pack of 25 king-sized ones (his favourites) are $15, and the carton is $125!

    It's a terrible thing to do. Bad for yourself, bad for the people around you, and certainly bad for your savings (if you happen to have savings). He also seems to get sicker than I do, and we're pretty sure it has a lot to do with the smoking ...

  3. Worried because of your financial stuff.
    I've never tried to fit in. Sometimes I do, but in the long run it's just not going to be worth it.
    That is a lot of money...

    1. Ah ...

      Very true; fitting in is never really worth it. Unless you're standing in a crowd of idiots. :p

    2. That's a joke, right?

      Just in case it's not, I meant that if you're surrounded by idiots, trying to fit in can only make you look like an idiot, too.

      (If it was a joke, sorry - I'm a bit sick and not exactly on top of things, mentally, lol)

    3. Oh ... but you get what I meant now, right?

    4. Maybe the confusion comes from one of my messages, which I screwed up on ...

      I had said, "Very true; fitting in is never really worth it. Unless you're standing in a crowd of idiots."
      -- Obviously I meant that fitting in with idiots would be a bad thing.

      Imagine a group of three people - you, and two others. If the other two people are being stupid, it's better to NOT fit in and be the only intelligent-looking person there.


    5. What came across was that it would be worth it to fit in with idiots.

    6. Yeah ... that's what I said at first, because I don't think straight when I'm sick. But obviously it's not what I meant.
