Sunday, December 8, 2024

Change: Everything SUCKS!!!

       Turns out my new bed doesn't help at all. Or maybe, since I wake up feeling broken on the loveseat, my back is the problem. Either way I'm literally not a happy camper. When I slept on the big couch with a pillow under my back, I woke up feeling alright.
      I'm just going to take Tylenol and not move for awhile; now that helps. I just hope if I have to go to the chiropractor that I come out taller. Worked on my brother, I kid you not. Well, I want that, and for him to not mention the insecurity I have about my back. I wonder if it's custom to take off your shirt? Probably not. Hopefully not. But since the world thinks I'm stupid, he might ask it of me, and at that point I'll just find another chiropractor. I'm done being kind to people who treat me like a moron...which basically will make me very rude. Reap what you sow, right?
      I guess until I know the chiropractor has helped me or not, I'm just going to not sleep on my bed anymore. It's really not worth the agony. It feels maybe 45% of my July hell, and that's too high for me!
      Doesn't mean I want someone looking at my back. What I need is to grow another pair of legs out of my stomach and sleep standing up!

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