Thursday, February 9, 2017

My Night

      The power has been on again, off again since last night. We just got it back from an eight-hour (approximately) blackout. At first I was really bored, but then all of us started playing Shiritori and I actually won! I was really hoping I would, because I'm usually not witty enough to even compete.


  1. I've never even heard of that game ... congratulations on your win! :)

    Our power was off for exactly seven hours; we talked, snacked, and eventually started playing with the candles ... it was a lot of fun :D

    1. Shiritori is the Japanese word for that game where one person says a word, and then another person says a word beginning with the last letter of the previous word. You may not have known the word, but you introduced me to the game when we lived at the farm.

    2. Oh! Thanks! Yes, I do know that game; it's been about seven years since I played it last ... at least seven, anyway, could be more :p

    3. I think the last time we played it together was also at the farm; I'm pretty sure the 9th was the second time in my life.

    4. I think you and I played it with Mom and Dad one night at Ptarmigan 2, I sort of remember we had a casual game night (no board or card games) ... wish I could go back sometimes.

    5. I wish I could see the memory play out, but I don't actually want to relive those days.
