Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wacky Dream

      Ooookay. So it's been about a year now since I've seen anything Animorphs. I don't know why I dreamed what I did. But the Hork Bajir were running loose, killing everyone who feared them because Controllers would not be afraid. Ax was in Jake's human form, acting like Ax, like in that one episode (except he still had Ax-hair). He knelt beside a hyperventilating Rachel, who was actually sweating, and when he said "Hi" his entire face twisted like he was an emphatic little boy.
      Meanwhile I'm walking around, calling loudly trying to attract the zombies that have taken over the place. I only got about three hours, but it was ridiculously weird. And this is coming from the girl who sometimes dreams she's in Amy Farrah Fowler's body, sitting with Sheldon, or she's touring underground caves with her sister and the queen, who gives them dresses to try on, warns them not to trust Camille, and lives inside the Abbotsford mall.
      I don't know what I'm eating or doing to conjure such crazy stuff. Earlier this week I dreamed we were touring what looked like the Minecraft version of the golden gate bridge (except it looked mostly real, and the blocky look was only a few hundred feet apart). It was wider, and there was this elevator called "Free Toss", or something, and I'm with a friend and we're both refusing to go in because of the horrible things we've heard about it. But my mom says "I said I'd try it!" and in she goes. Well, this stupid thing starts to tilt, and she squeezes her eyes shut and the elevator starts flipping, ass over teakettle, and then it picks up speed. It's just a blur. The bridge is shaking so hard the cement is cracking and we can hear her screaming, and looking at the elevator is making me nauseated...and then I wake up. With a big WTF look on my face.
      Maybe it's the citrus.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I Don't Get It

      Every time my mother drinks Boost, or Nutri-Total, or Ensure, she gets a horrible stomach ache. I researched it awhile back and found the reason - Omega3. It's got fish oils in there, and she's severely allergic to that. So for about a week now, she's been complaining: "It's got fish oils! I can't drink this, it'll kill me. We should never buy it again, I can't drink it, I can't drink it."
      And then she has another one. You want to feel good? Don't hurt yourself. I'm actually drinking two or three a day, trying to get rid of them as fast as possible, because I'm not allergic to fish and I don't want her to die or something. (Oh, and they're totally yummy, and I could always use the extra nutrition.) And of course right after she drank it, she went off on a long drive to pick up an old friend. That's like shooting yourself in the foot right before that big race you want to win, because people are telling you you can't do it, and you want to prove them wrong.
      I don't understand. I really don't. She pretty much coddles me, trying to control what I eat because once in awhile I get a stomach ache, too. How forbidden! The difference is, I won't freaking die. Seriously, Ma, maybe you're just doing it to yourself. Your body's eating itself away. Soon you'll be back to your seventy-two pounds, wondering what went wrong. Probably holding a Nutri-Total bottle in your hand.
      Maybe I should take over the shopping list.

Monday, February 13, 2017


      You know what Sims need to be able to do? Slide down the stair rails. It would be a fast way to get downstairs. It could build their Fun meters; and the more they do it, the less they fall off! And when they do fall off, playful Sims would continue to try to slide down, and serious Sims would walk the rest of the way. They should also be able to sit on the stairs and read, or study, or chat...They should have trampolines, treehouses you don't need to download and can customize, and ladders you can put inside the house instead of stairs or elevators. Oh, and escalators! That'd be awe-some!
     But I only have Life Stories, Pet Stories, and various expansion packs for Sims 2 and 3. Maybe they have some, or even all, of these features - I don't know. I've seen treehouse and ladder content available for download, but I've also seen a player's makeshift air-plane. It never went anywhere. But imagine, Sims of all ages (well, from children to elders) climbing up into the treehouse, playfully titled Fun Fort Everyone Treehouse, to sleep, read, daydream, relax, chat, fool around, study, look out the window, have picnics, and hold meetings exclusive to members. You could add a door and a secret knock. There could be a tire swing attached and you'd have to click the tire swing to use it, and it could say Swing and Spin Around, an action which would make the Sim twist the rope around and around and then spin all the way down again. And maybe once in awhile it would have to be cleaned of webs and footprints... Maybe treasure could be hidden inside the trunk or beneath the stumps, and Sims could hide stuff there...Timid Children could be afraid to come down, and would have to be rescued, and then they could refuse to go up there again until they maximize the Body skill.
      Sims could get a splinter now and then, and the option to Medicate Wound would appear when clicking on that Sim. For a child Sim, parents and older siblings could kiss it better.
      I don't know, I'm rambling. I'm kind of nervous about going to bed, because our handyman cut out a chunk of my wall to show me why the wall was dented (and if I'm correct, the dents were getting worse). Now if there's a way for a spider to come in...well, I don't want to think about it. And I can't sleep in the living room, because I know there are spiders.
      Well, whatever. When I'm asleep I won't give a damn; it's lying there awake that makes me nervous. But, like I've done every night so far, I can deal with that. Long as people don't start singing again. Or yelling. Man, I wish I could pick this house up and carry it off to another location. A cliff overlooking a serene beach, perhaps.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

My Night

      The power has been on again, off again since last night. We just got it back from an eight-hour (approximately) blackout. At first I was really bored, but then all of us started playing Shiritori and I actually won! I was really hoping I would, because I'm usually not witty enough to even compete.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Notes Of Comparison

      Did it ever occur to you how unoriginal The Big Bang Theory is? Yes, it has a very generous fan base; you can include me on that. But sometimes their material was, shall we say, copied from another designer. The shows I will be comparing are The Big Bang Theory to That '70s Show.

That '70s Show characters
The Pinciottis (Midge, Bob, and daughter Donna)
The Formans (Red, Kitty, and son Eric)
Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso, Jackie Burkhart, and "Fez"

The Big Bang Theory characters
Sheldon Cooper, Leonard and Penny Hofstadter, Howard and Bern-adette Wolowitz, and Amy Farrah-Fowler
      To begin, Donna and Penny are both sassy, tough girls who dye their hair blond. They both have green eyes, and they both date a nerd who read their journals. Penny currently resides in Pasadena, California and Donna went there. (They should have met. Fez and Howard would most likely meet in the dirty store. I can totally imagine a Big Bang circle.) Donna hits Kelso upside the head when she learns about his erotic fantasy including all the girls; and Penny punches Howard when he tries to kiss her. While attempting to keep Penny's community college secret, Sheldon shamelessly quotes Fez: "Good day, Leonard! I said good day!"
      Penny and Leonard take Sheldon to Disneyland to make up for their frequent fights, act like they're one big unhappy family, and Penny complains that Sheldon won't want his dinner, because he ate so much junk food. And the exact same thing happened to Donna and Eric - when Fez spoiled his dinner with the ice cream he got on his face.
      Raj and Fez both say Amedica, and Red and Leslie both say dumbass. While teasing Eric about his future, Hyde pictures Eric in a complete Spock outfit, coming home from a convention; and I know they're two different shows, but the Nerds all dress up like Star Trek characters. Both shows feature Special Brownies. And, in the episode The Deception Verification, Sheldon walks by a pizza man who smells of marijuana and says his uncle used to wear that scent. How cool would it be if his uncle were portrayed by Tommy Chong?
      Kelso and Howard both have a daughter. A toy helicopter runs rampant in both shows. Red and Sheldon both own a train set, and don't allow their friends, or brother, to play with them.
      In the episode of That '70s Show, titled Prom Day, Eric imagines what his relationship with Donna would be like if they meticulously planned it out. Viola! A relationship agreement is born. And...some-thing else itches at the back of my mind. Oh yeah! I remember a quote from Raj, in the episode called The Nerdvana Annihilation. What was it he said? Oh, right. "Stuff that in your Speedos, JACUZZI BOB." In That '70s Show Donna's father, Bob Pinciotti, has been known to lounge about in his hot tub in his Speedos.
       Honestly! Raj's neighbor Jacuzzi Bob SHOULD BE Bob Pinciotti, having moved to California after Midge tells him how great a time she had. It's just so perfect!
      The Koothrappalis and the Hofstadters are not the only couples to break up. Donna's parents, the Pinciottis, also separated. And Raj and Donna are both used as a conduit for their parents' argu-ments.
      The Nerds have Aquaman briefs and Forman has a Spiderman bed sheet. Mary and Kitty both make smiley-face pancakes for their sons. Sheldon lost his father and Howard lost his mother. Lisa Robin Kelly, the woman who portrayed Eric's sister, died of an overdose, so technically Eric lost his sister. Penny's brother is in rehab, Hyde's first father was in rehab. And you know that dude Sheldon hired to avoid hearing Penny sing? They called him Leo.
      In a Big Bang episode called "The Isolation Permutation", Amy reveals that her friends trapped her in a sauna with a horny otter. In a That '70s Show episode called Immigrant Song, Eric reveals Laurie trapped him in port-o-potty with a horny goat. And guess who each slept with his cousin...? Eric and Howard!

      Donna does yoga with her mother and Penny does yoga with Sheldon. Kitty and Raj both own a small dog. Eric sees an angel and Sheldon sees a ghost. Sheldon and Donna were both on the radio.
      Raj and Fez are both not from the location the show takes place, and their love lives are often inactive. Jackie and Bernadette are both short and squeaky, but Jackie would bond more with Raj because they're both rich and spoiled. Like Sheldon, Eric is a fan of Star Wars, and builds models. I can imagine them building the Starship together; Sheldon quietly correcting Eric's work. Maybe they get into a big fight over it and Donna and Penny walk in on them...They all get high and Sheldon says some uncharacteristically stupid things!) Sheldon, Kelso and Eric all try to do the Jedi mind tricks. In The Sales Call Sublimation, Penny goes to a therapist, who says she went to college during the '70s; and Penny asks her if she ever had sex with a stuffed Wookie watching. And Eric and Donna's marriage counsellor just can't shut up about Star Wars!
      Hyde and Chrissy...Howard and Christy.
      Fez and Howard both dress up as Batman. Eric dressed up as Luke Skywalker and Professor Proton wore Obi Wan Kenobi's ensem-ble. (You can say he was never caught alive in those clothes, but it counts.) Sheldon wears a maid's outfit, Eric wears a dress. Zack's a dumbass, Kelso's a dumbass. And oh my God! Can you imagine Red Forman and Mike Rostenkowski in the same room? Kitty Forman, Mary Cooper. They'd get along great. Big Bang Theory still needs a landlord, though, and I know just the guy. FENTON!
      And let's not forget...The Loop. Carol Ann Susi (Howard's mother) appeared in That '70s Show, where Mila Kunis portrayed Jackie and Ashton Kutcher portrayed Michael Kelso. Kutcher also portrayed Walden Schmidt in Two And A Half Men, after the death of character Charlie Harper, portrayed by Charlie Sheen who appeared in The Big Bang Theory; where Kaley Cuoco and Katey Sagal reunite for the mother-daughter relationship they had in 8 Simple Rules. John Ritter appeared in 8 Simple Rules; and he also appeared in Three's Company. His landlord, Mr. Roper, would later appear in The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, and one of the characters from that show would later find her way into The Big Bang Theory.
      But wait, it gets weirder. My brother wants Bob Pinciotti to por-tray Howard's father, because much like the character of Mrs. Wol-owitz, he's big, hairy, scary, and  has been known to occasionally leave his robe open.
      So, the shows are all connected. Not only through the actors, but through the plots and the quotes. I guess some material just doesn't stretch.

Monday, February 6, 2017


      I've never seen this much snow before. We're eight minutes away from creeping into the sixth consecutive day of snowfall. If it snows for a whole week I'm going to be even more speechless than usual...