I just got up from a six-hour nap, during which I actually slept, finally. I was able to fall asleep twice. The reason I'm over the moon about that is because I got zero sleep at all last night. I was too anxious for payday...which didn't even happen.
I prepared for this day. I did everything, which almost never happens because I'm constantly at war with myself over how I should spend my time. For once I did all I was supposed to do, and I did it right. And of course, I got no sleep, so I just wanted to get this day over with. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? But wait! Last week I spent every dime on my $300 safety net savings on gro-ceries. Yet, today, when we were supposed to go shopping in full, she couldn't even be bothered to think of me long enough to pick up a lousy bottle of applesauce, or a single pack of Boost, to get me through the day. (No teeth, if you're not familiar with my blogs.) She and Brother aren't stressed to the hilt, because they can eat whatever they like. I, on the other hand, cannot; and I was at least hoping to get into the store myself. Want to know why I didn't? Because We don't need to. No, you don't need to. I'm too tired. Stop complaining, at least you slept!
I am just so pissed. I have been since, oh, 9AM? This isn't the first time payday was pushed off to the side at a time when we could afford the food, and could not afford to wait to buy it.
I think tomorrow I'm not going to bother going out. But I need your help. Well, I needed yours today. I was ready to go, I got all my shyt done, and once again you threw a monkey wrench into Brother's and my plans to, you know, survive? I'm doing everything I can to keep you alive. If that were true, would I be venting right now? No, I'd be eating right now.
Am I mad about nothing? Am I overreacting? How can you still be venting on this from 9AM? Well, why don't you talk to me tom-orrow at 7:30PM and tell me if you're still mad? You're hurting all three of us! Uh, no, I'm not; you're the one who takes the money and f-cks off!