I wonder if my family would stop celebrating Christmas if I were to die, say, right after. That's an interesting thought.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
I wonder if my family would stop celebrating Christmas if I were to die, say, right after. That's an interesting thought.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Change: Everything SUCKS!!!
I'm just going to take Tylenol and not move for awhile; now that helps. I just hope if I have to go to the chiropractor that I come out taller. Worked on my brother, I kid you not. Well, I want that, and for him to not mention the insecurity I have about my back. I wonder if it's custom to take off your shirt? Probably not. Hopefully not. But since the world thinks I'm stupid, he might ask it of me, and at that point I'll just find another chiropractor. I'm done being kind to people who treat me like a moron...which basically will make me very rude. Reap what you sow, right?
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Change: It's Not All Good
I'd have liked to have a handyman look at the toilet, but maybe for Christmas. Even though I am still the only one having problems. When I last mentioned it, my mother said she "didn't see the point of calling until she noticed an issue," so I told her that I was kind of mentioning the issue. "Nope, nope, nope, until your brother or I have problems, we won't get a handyman." Well, we're not exactly wealthy, so I've just been living with it. And, yes, adding that none of my problems matter and nobody hears me, and she said they do matter and they do hear me. But still won't consider the problem I keep having.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Okay. Don't know what to do with that. The person she went with called to offer us a ride to the hospital, and my brother said no. As usual, nobody called me, nobody asked me. I exist, right? I mean, no, I don't feel like going, but that's what family does. And she went with me when I had to go to the same out-of-town hospital, so I feel guilty. I feel guilty that my brother said I wasn't going.
Monday, November 18, 2024
You know what I miss...maybe more than talking to people I care about? Being able to slam my laptop shut on people I don't! Knowing with complete certainty that my MSN contact sees, without any delay, that I am offline. That my MSN contact sees that I remain offline until I deliberately sign back in. Having statuses that tell people I'm online, but busy, or away, or whatever the hell the other ones were.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
So it's after midnight. My family's hooting and hollering over their Yahtzee game, which by the way is the most boring game I ever tried. I'm sitting at my computer, being quiet, I have my headphones on and I'm literally just listening to the birds in my game...
So I walk into the kitchen to remind them what time it is, and my mother tells me to be quiet. Seriously?!