Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What A Start...

      My morning is not going well. I thought the one tiny spider hanging beside my computer was bad enough, but it actually got even more disgusting. First, I was watching Fresh Prince in my room, and this fairly large spider came slinging down a web right in front of me. So I left my room to escape it. And coming towards the dark living room, I saw what I thought was a mouse. That turned out to be a spider, too. So I killed him, and then I found another. And then another. And then another. And then, when I was coming inside from the porch, my mother swatted yet another one off the doorframe towards me. Blegh!
      And of course the bathroom doesn't have electricity. Damn. Anyway, now whenever I blink I see a spider-shaped shadow. And whenever I see a hair, I want to pass out. Long story short, I have seen more spiders today than I usually do in a month; and it's not even 7 AM. I really, really hope I'm done seeing spiders for today. Well, for life would be great, but that's just not going to happen...

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ramble On

      So I posted my Partholon book. It feels good knowing I can stop worrying about that one, and now I'm planning a sequel. I'll wait and see how that turns out.
      And my game could not be better. I finally made a decent mansion. I liked it so much I shared it online, when it finally let me. I need to share my current Sim as well, who has maxed out multiple skills and completed her lifetime wish. Normally it does not take me so damn long, but Descendant Of Da Vinci is a bitch to complete. I am not choosing that one again. Fifteen Sim days and three actual days for each of the three required skills...If it had been almost any other skill, I could have made her listen to the podcast while she did other stuff. That would've helped!
      But I love her even more now. She is self-employed as a Master Sculptologist, she has a bunch of perfect quality plants, she maxed out a bunch of skills and is very high in others, and her home is just lovely.
      Oh, come on, people, close the damn door when you smoke! I don't want to smell that shit. You know, it's perfectly fine for my brother to light his cigarette inside and leave the door open, but you better not do it! Some consideration, please? My whole damn life, they made it a point not to smoke near me. Because I have asthma, and secondhand smoke is just as dangerous, blah, blah, blah. Well, screw all that. Who cares about her lungs?
      I cannot wait to escape again to my virtual world. It's so nice to have a place where people listen to me.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


      Okay, now I'm happy. I did something I never thought I'd do. I just completed a fan book for a story about...Partholon!
      And there is no written rule on fanfiction.net about posting a fan book by P.C. Cast; so after I get some shuteye, I'll start correcting it so I can post it online. I usually hate what I write when I read it, but I have a good feeling about this one. I think I nailed it!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Too Weird!

      I am in a terrible mood today. Because life is monotonous. When you can predict everything, when you can mouth the words to a phone call that doesn't involve you, you know things have to change.
      I just looked up terminal boredom out of sheer, morbid curiosity. One of the articles was posted on my birthday. The article below it had my name.
      To quote Jim Carrey: Oh no. They're onto me!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Game Babble

      Phew! My current Sim family is the largest Sims 3 family I have ever had. Its newest addition has great-grandparents on both sides, four aunts, and three uncles. That was a lot of sex!
      It sucks so much ass that my game has the tendency to die at least twice a year. I actually moved my family out of Willow Manor, moved them into a new house, and then I moved my Sims' firstborn in with her husband and his parents. Both women were pregnant at the same time. This family's actually had some weird problems, though. Like for awhile, I could only have one of the toddlers potty-trained, and none of the adult Sims want to use their own beds. And I mean the interaction to sleep will cancel out every single time unless I click on the same bed everyone else wants to use.
      But, I tried the ghost-hunter career. Maybe it would be fun without the glitch, but the last ghost simply does not show up. I looked everywhere in the house, but it never appeared; and when his shift ended, the music kept playing. So now I have my Sim as an in-vestigator, and it's better, but it involves a lot of digging through trash. I definitely like the firefighter career best so far.
      Like I just said, my game dies....a lot. Next time I lose every-thing, which I know will happen before the new year, I'm going to install Generations and finally try out that daycare profession. I had both Ambitions and Generations installed earlier this year, but of course my computer died before I could actually experience anything. I hate these constant setbacks. I'm wasting enough of my life away without them.