Saturday, June 24, 2023


       I wonder how long it'll be before I stop being excited that I recently got a game account back. I'd been locked out of it for about two years. Not only is everything still there, but the game is different. They actually added shiny clothes and items. I changed my girl's look right away. Nothing beats how she did look, but change is sometimes good. Anyway, now I can finally keep working on getting past level 39. I should probably be level 50 by now...
      Today, I finally got more than two hours of sleep. Four! Best part is, I had a cool dream; that I was playing a supernatural Super Mario Brothers. I'd totally play it if it came out, and they should call it Supernatural Mario. I mean, duh. Anyway, there were these new zombie enemies that could reach out and grab you. Mario was a terrible jumper and very slow with his tail, but he could grab a block and carry them. He could reach up and grab a block, he could kneel and grab, and the idea was to seal off the walkers and build your way to the top.
      It was so cool. He even blinked the first time a character walked through him, and then leaped off the screen when he died. It was awesome! Like a mix of Super Mario, Minecraft, and The Walking Dead.