Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Today Wasn't Bad.

      I didn't think Wal-Mart was going to have Frozen II just yet, but it's the first series I've completed so fast. And I never thought I'd own it, because the characters are really annoying...but since watching it online is such a hassle and my computer always dies, I figured, at least if I have it I can watch it when they get stuck in my head. Plus, it gives me more options. I actually saw Shrek 4 about five times in one week because I was tired of everything else.
      I think I'm going to buy more movies, if I can. It would be nice to have variety even if my computer does die. And I'm low on patience. Since November, I've replaced it twice. And since October, it's been repaired three times. I definitely want to expand my choices. Unfortunately I've got several series I don't think I'll ever be able to complete. I'm considering getting rid of the ones I own.
      But today wasn't bad. I always get this rush when I complete a collection of anything. I even bought a juice I hadn't tried before, and it's working out pretty well.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


      I just heard that my brother has the flu. Goddamn it, I hope it's not that deadly coronavirus one going around. Even if it's not, just the fear so much ass.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Fanbashing Memoirs Of A Geisha!

      I'm back online! Whoo!
     Okay, time to do the things I've been itching to do for about nine days. Like criticizing Memoirs Of A Geisha. I love it for Chiyo's trans-formation alone. It's an incredible movie. But....I think I've finally noticed a mistake! Close to the beginning of the movie, we learn that Chiyo is nine, and Hatsumomo is more than twenty years old. If she was nine when she, too, was sold to the okiya; then Hat-sumomo has been there for at least twelve years. Yet, Auntie says Hatsumomo has "never even had a patron." Yet Hatsumomo has also been said to bring in good money.
      According to my research, they are called Geisha in Tokyo; and they are called Geiko in Kyoto. I had always been under the assumption that, much like an hierarchy, you had to get promoted up to Geisha; and that Maiko and Geiko were titles beneath Geisha. I thought they were practicing and earning more fame, but did not have a danna or benefit from having one. But unless I'm mis-understanding, you go from maiko to Geisha just like Chiyo did; and if you need to sell your mizuage to become a full Geisha as Auntie also implies, then Hatsumomo never actually stopped being a maiko.
      Great, now every time I see this movie I'm going to remember that Hatsumomo is an unnecessary character. But I have missed criticizing stuff. I guess I get that from my dad.