Sunday, December 8, 2019

Weird Dream...

      I dreamed that my mother and I were at this nice, foresty place with all my distant relatives; including my late uncle. I wanted to explore; no one else did, so I went alone. I ended up on this huge, circular path. The middle was sunken in, so it was like a doughnut, and as I'm going down, I start singing. Maybe it was because of the elevation, but my voice echoed and echoed. I was singing Spellwork by Austra; I'd say I've been playing The Sims 3 too much, but I haven't even heard that song in forever.
      Anyway, all the people are trying to find out who's ruining their nice, quiet walk; but nobody can see me. I just keep walking around and around this trail, always winding up back where I started and then I keep going. When I finally rejoin my family, I hug my late uncle. And that's when I woke up.
      Obviously I'm cutting out the good stuff. The smell of the dirt and the rain, stuff like that. There was even a part of the dream where I got my foot stuck in the noose of a rope or something, and it was trying to tug me backward.
      Whatever, I don't know. It was just weird.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Late Night Playing Late Night

      I've been gaming pretty hard since I realized I could play The Sims 3: Late Night for no cost. It's been going great. For me, anyway. Not so great for a party guest, who died of starvation. I guess he had tremendous faith in the appetizers.
      My girl Helena is now a Featured Actress. From the very be-ginning of her career, her time off kept getting extended; so the wait was prolonged. She should get another promotion right after maternity leave. Just like her baby's father who is also her boss, she is a five-star celebrity. That kid is going to be born famous. They conceived this kid in an elevator, and you know what? They forgot to block it out. If you zoom in, you can watch them woohoo. He didn't move very much; he just stood there giggling. But he had this weird parading walk after, like he forgot to take it with him when they were done.
      Helena's roommate wants to move into a penthouse, whatever that is. I'm going for it. The apartment is nice, but I'm tired of guests crowding up the lobby and blocking the elevator. Especially since sometimes, they can get past the locked door and then refuse to leave; using the appliances and taking up all the beds. For mul-tiple reasons, I'm looking forward to the birth. With World Adven-tures, I can thankfully lock the gate; so now those damn people won't even be able to ring the doorbell.
      I hope a penthouse is the type of house the party guest died at. That floor took up the whole top level. Finally, there would be space. Even before the apartment, they lived in a very small house. It was so tiny, all the dogs lived outside. The yard was gigantic, but the house was too cute to renovate. I fixed up the lawn and used it for gardening, and put in a great pool. With a pool bar and four fountains.
      I miss that house. But Bridgeport is really attractive, so they're staying.
      Unless I purchase Late Night, my trial ends on the 30th. If for some reason I can't buy it before then, I guess I'll move my girls back to Twinbrook. And I'll have to take Matthew Hamming, too; I cannot stand a Sim having only one parent. But I think I can make the purchase. I received birthday money awhile ago, and my heart has been set on Late Night ever since. Actually, I'm planning a double feature: Showtime. I have always wanted to be famous, and when the paparazzi began taking my Sims' pictures, I felt so good inside, like I'd found myself. So, I'm going to have a celebrity actor, a celebrity director, and a celebrity who sings. That truly sounds like the life.
      When I was a child, I wanted to be a pianist. In my teen years, an actress. But, there isn't a place anywhere local to audition or even to take a lousy class. I don't even think there's a music school. There are a lot of people here, more than there should be. So many that the majority is homeless. And it's very possible that I'm native to a place that is a goldmine of talent, and nobody knows it. If true, that's a damn shame.