Monday, March 12, 2018

Virtual Rambles

      I was introduced to E-Bay a few days ago. They have everything! I'm hoping to get a Visa soon and sell some crap so I'll have money to put onto it...Before 2019 I'm hoping to have all the movies and even a game that I have never, not once, seen in stores. And if I had known about E-Bay earlier I could have saved myself the ten minutes I spent crammed in a store smaller than the living room between a sick guy and a farting guy, only to leave empty-handed, disappointed and grossed out.
      But the only thing I caught was a liking to online shopping. It all started when Mom loaned me enough money to buy 49,000 coins in my game. Cool thing about her is, she said it was a gift and was happy to help. And I'm on the moon, because spending all that money made me reach level 30! Quickly, too; I was only on level 29 for about a week; and I'd been on level 28 for two months. But thanks to her, I was able to design the most expensive character in the entire game. I don't look poor anymore! If I may brag - and it's my blog, so I will - my character costs 32 grand and has nineteen homes!
      Now if only they could get rid of all these extra online movie websites and just have one that actually worked, I could get last night's movie night started. Tried to watch something about an hour and a half long, only to realize that only the first half hour had been uploaded.
      But knowing I can finally finish my movie collection, buy the game I've been looking for since 2014 and maybe even a shirt, for $35....makes me feel like the world doesn't have to be so boring. The question is, what do I have that I can sell? This game is awesome; the prices for money are extremely low. The lowest price is only 99 cents. The highest is ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. Actually affordable. If I can make two hundred dollars I'm getting 200,000 coins and spending all of it...That should get me to at least level 34.
      I designed a game myself. It's not published or playable or anything, but I love the concept. Seems like it would be a big step in the gaming industry. It's basically life, but with enhanced character design. You would click on the hair and drag the mouse to make it longer or shorter and determine how it flows; you would click on each button of a sweater to open or close that one button; and if you know you can't log in to pay your rent, you could choose to pay a lump sum in advance...And since I'm tired of needing to collect a certain amount of virtual money, everything would be free until you click Save. Open world featuring interactive objects, including cars, maybe featuring real places, maybe the Eiffel tower. Of course it would have smooth animations, bright colors, and awesome graphics; not like those games anybody ever grew up with. We've come a long way since 2004, and this game would show it. And if your character got a job, you would actually have to do it; like if she were a hotel housekeeper you would actually follow her through the building, making sure she earns the paycheck. Cars could break down, you could fix them...The only thing I haven't designed is its type: Single-player world, or MMO?