Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Stop And Think, For Once

      Man, people are weird as hell. Every time I go to YouTube, I see a helpless Hannah saying things like, "Which episode is this? Wait, who portrays so-and-so?" They had the capacity to open up the web, type in YouTube and press Enter, but they don't have the same intelligence to look it up for themselves, instead of waiting and waiting for an answer?
      They need me to hold their hand and walk them through the process, I suppose. Step one, open the Internet. Step two, type in the name of the show you want information about. Include key words, like perhaps the name of the character, or an event that happens within the episode. Step three, hit Enter and read any of the articles. (And if it says Ad, it's probably an ad!) Step four, once you find two or more articles that all say the same, concerning which episode and season it is; copy and paste the episode and season into your browser and hit Enter, just to make sure. Aaaand, if they don't know how to do that either, try right-clicking once in awhile. Or take a class, because it's so obvious they need it.
      I should start a class. "Logic: It's not for everybody. Rose College, the place for idiots to learn virtually anything."
      Well, people, yesterday I threw a grand technology idea of mine into the real world, and though it has five views (all mine) and no replies, I'm eagerly waiting. All the other posts have feedback, but they're questions. Mine is a discussion; I guess I used words that were much too big for their tiny brains to comprehend.
      The good news is, I woke up early without an alarm clock. I'll be damned if I fall asleep at my school on the first day! Also, it finally hit me how to get my fourth book rolling. I don't dread writing it anymore; I'm actually looking forward to it again!
      Okay, I am hearing everything in Woody's voice. I think it's time for a Toy Story marathon! I thought about buying the movies...I thought about buying a lot of movies...but there seemed to be no sense anymore in buying something I could watch free online. Of course if I had the DVDs, I could watch them on my portable DVD player when the power goes out.
      Hm. I could've thought that through more. I guess I'll save up for a DVD player first; I would think they're more expensive, and I already have some movies. Twelve, to be exact; two of which are three-in-ones.
      Well, I'm going to start my day...I guess.

      PS. WHOOO! I was right; Finding Dory does come out in June! Sixteen days, fifteen hours and fifteen minutes and counting!
      PPS. My technology idea still has no replies. And I'm stumped, because it's a very efficient idea, and it could benefit all of us. Meanwhile, all the stupid ideas are popular. I don't understand some people. (June 10th, 2016 at 9:52 PM)

Saturday, May 28, 2016


      Bummer...I just wasted 12,000 dollars on potions. I bought five twice, then two, but none of them showed up in my Inventory...At least the gems are easy to come by.
      Well, things here are going okay, I guess. Slow, but sure; and truth be told I don't even mind the slow going. I'd like more to happen, but I plan on savoring the time I have between now and my nerve-wracking September surgery. I've decided I'll bite down on my fear and go through with it, because I want however long I've got left to be pleasant, and it won't be if I refuse the terrifying procedure...As I have many times before, I'll heal from the gagging, blood, and anesthesia; and hopefully I won't get an infection and die.
      I'm a very uplifting person, as you can tell. Anywho, my Facebook is having another slow day, so I'm just going to write my book instead. I have got to get things moving. I came up with a terrific idea, but the problem is kicking it into action. I mean, where the frig do I start? I think the phrases, "The moon was..."/"The stars were".../"The sun was..."/"The wind was"... were used about a thousand times already. I want something new. I've thrown away several hundred paragraphs, and even entire chapters. I want something...gripping. I need to focus really hard on this; it's my whole life right now. I wash my hair every night, I eat, I go to bed way too late, I wake up too late, my routine is lost, I'm shoving all my hobbies to the back of my mind. I'm losing myself, I know it, but I don't care; because this is going to be my legacy. The least I can do is try my best.
      The sad thing is, it's not my legacy. It's stolen characters, while mine haven't really done much since their creation in 2006. But I can focus on this. I can imagine the characters doing exactly everything. I can hear them speak my script. Then I go to my book, and I get nothing, except bitter disappointment; as the waste bin gets filled with failure. So, yes, I'm stealing characters, I'm isolating myself...sue me. I've got a passion, and I'm following my dream. I'm rewriting the book I tried to write as a kid, and it's much better. Before...I couldn't imagine anything happening. I just ploughed my way on through. I knew it was bad, and I kept going; and that was one of my biggest mistakes.
      With my original story, I throw away, and I throw away more; and it never improves, no matter what. I think I just need to kiss my literary spirit goodbye, and keep stealing characters. After all, that's what Disney and DreamWorks did. Think of this as a tribute.
      I wrote a poem last night, but it sucked ass. For some inexplicable reason, I saved it; don't ask me why because I have no clue.
      I think I'll skip playing games and writing books. I'll just go wash my hair and watch a movie before bed. With less than two weeks before my school appointment (unless they push the date back again), I have got to get back into schedule. For some reason my body demands twelve hours of sleep, and cannot function with eleven. If I go to bed at two AM, I can't even think of getting out of bed until after two PM. Sadly, that happened today. Truth be told I should already be in bed, if I need to be awake at 8...But my hair is driving me crazy; and if I go to bed with wet hair, it's all bent to f**k when I wake up.
      Okay, I'm off. Later, guys.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


      My brother enjoyed Angry Birds, so I watched it, too...And, while it had one, maybe two, funny moments; I don't think I'll watch it again. I rate it...two out of ten. The first percent is because of Red; I like his anger. The second percent is, I like it when the eagle bashes his head and almost swears.
      But aside from that...it stinks. It's a headache. I'm amazed I made it out alive; I thought I'd have died of boredom. Seriously, they had to have been high, during the making of this movie, because...Well, come on. Birds that don't fly, green pigs that do. I don't mean to be cruel - oh, wait, yes, I do. If a monkey were to stick his finger into his own excrement and smear it all over, his would be a better story.
      Red was a good character. At first.
      I was enjoying his character, right up to the point where he de-cided to find a happy place. He had been very relatable. They could have done more, but instead we had to see ninety-six minutes of Imodium.
      Well, maybe ninety-four. It started out okay.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


      So, as my Facebook friends already know, I finished my third book! And I already have ten possible, unofficial ideas for my fourth. I know how it will begin and end, but the others are a little iffy.
      Here's the joke, although I'm not at all kidding; the reason I began writing this book still hasn't happened. From July 24th, 2014 to May 24th, 2016...that's all filler. Detail. Damn, right? I know. But it's entertaining as hell; and my fourth book will, hopefully, wrap things up.
      But I don't care if it takes me until the twentieth book. I'm having the best time! Well, the best time one can have when she's all alone, waiting anxiously for nerve-wracking appointments and school to begin. I just know if I were directing a movie, it wouldn't take me a year to make each episode. There'd be people who would do whatever I told them to, to make it happen exactly as I want. There might be other directors...But when I'm sitting here, all by myself, it takes longer, because nobody's here to help me.
      Still, I was born to do this. I was born to write. I'm even hoping my line of employment will be as an editor! I'm always correcting people, I'm an English literate; why not put those traits to good use? I'd be surrounded by people who would want me to correct them! I'd be right at home!
      So on June 6th, I need to tell my case manager that I've changed my mind about working with pets - allergies, dander, whatnot - and would prefer to work as an editor's apprentice, instead. He might be flustered with my inconsistency, but I just have a very good feeling about this.

Friday, May 20, 2016


      I was very depressed earlier. I didn't realize how generally okay with my life I had been until my mood today. Not even music could lift my spirits. So instead, I cried and I slept; and now I feel great!
      And this might also have something to do with it: Not only did my ban get lifted, from my most successful account; but Finding Dory comes out next month. I've been waiting since 2003 for this! That theater is going to be packed with adults who saw Finding Nemo when they were children. Including me. Oh, I better start saving up for my ticket! I've got fifty-two cents so far, whoo!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


      I was trying to look up pictures of talons on Google Images. Instead, I got pictures of some of the most awkward fashions. Try these on for size...

  I think I'm seeing double.

 I don't care what "fashion experts" say,
 feet should not bend like that.

    And they definitely shouldn't bend like this...

Or like this. Come on, ladies, stop torturing yourselves...It's not worth it.



      Excuse the nerd-rant I posted on May 6th. I meant every word, but now it makes me giggle. I don't even care...but that's probably because I broke down and made a new account, and continued my nerdy addiction like I said I would never do again. It's going so well that even if I don't get my other accounts back, I don't care! But this time, I'll avoid Mushroom Forest...Perhaps then, I won't lose my work a third time; and if I do anyway, then I'm done. I just have to make sure it's the level, and not the game, telling the admins I cheat. Which, by the way, I still don't.
      My books are going well. On my own story, with original characters, I have over thirty pages. It's currently stuck, but lately instead of ploughing my way through utter sh*t, and making it stink even worse; I delete the bad stuff and throw all my effort into fixing it. I learned that with the fanfiction I'm doing, which only needs twelve or so more pages before it's done (I'm treating this thing like a haircut; I want them all to be the same length).
      Not much else here is going on; I've been waking up at around eleven. I know that's considered sleeping in; but when you're up half the night and your eyes burn with fatigue, it doesn't really feel like rest. And it's certainly not relaxing when you know you won't sleep, and you dread going to bed, and then, sometimes, eventually you fall asleep and somebody wakes you. That's the worst. But, I want to keep my routine, and be ready for school; and maybe, in the future, a job...
      As for my September surgery, I'm trying to be positive. I'm trying to tell myself the pain, gagging, blood and anesthesia will only last a few hours or a day; and then it'll be over and in a perfect world, I won't get an infection and die, and I'll never have to go to the dentist again. Wouldn't that be swell?
      But it was the funniest thing...When I was at the school, they asked on the application if I had any upcoming surgeries, and I said, "Yeah, in September." They asked what kind, I told them, and my case manager said, "Well, I had that! It nearly killed me!" And then she had the good grace to rethink her words, not like she could take them back; but at least the other person in the room with us could laugh about it.
      Yeah. Trying to be positive, but it's never been my forté.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Okay, I Am Seriously Pi$$3d

      I just got banned from my game. AGAIN. And, just like last time, I didn't do anything to deserve it! I collected my coins, I was nice to everybody, I did my quests...I never cheated or anything. Does anybody ever not get banned?
      I'm not even going to try again. At least, not unless they decide to give me a permanent ban on both accounts. These two will expire...But that's even worse. Now when I do get my account back, I have to wonder if they'll ban me again, forever. I'd rather they not tease me like that. If they think they have reason to kick me off (which they don't), then I'd rather I only get one chance from the get-go. I mean, be serious. Don't f**k with me like that.
      Until I know I'm permanently banned with both accounts, I'm through with Facebook. I'll play my word games, but I'm done wasting my time. I'll just play with my Sims. I can always rely on that, at least.
      But I'm so pissed. I finally had over 1,500 coins. I was so close to gaining access to the kingdom. I had unlocked three new maps in one night...How does anybody level up in that game, if they treat their players this shabbily?
      I never cheated. I can promise that to anyone who cares. Maybe nobody else gives a shit, but I do. I worked so hard. Everything I did, I did twice. Defeating thirty Malicious Weeds of a level 20, when I was only level 12, trying to avoid the bees as I dug for that book, and even collecting the eighth Exploration Token in Mush-room Forest. That was so hard. Seriously? Why would I cheat on a game I love, if I know it can get me banned?