Friday, April 29, 2016

In A Rut

      I feel well and truly done in. I've been crawling into bed before eight PM lately, so I can get enough sleep and wake up in the early morning, which is what my family wanted (now they just complain I'm in bed too early and sleep too much...even though way too much of my time is spent wide awake).
      I don't get enough sleep, though. I'm sooo exhausted. I was hoping for a movie marathon, or at least some popcorn and a half-hour DVD show. But I think I'll just drag myself through the monotony of a shampoo and then stumble off to bed. Again.
      I was going to wash my hair yesterday, around supper...But I was too tired. I went to bed and didn't wake up until 1 AM. At least if I do it now, I can go to bed knowing my hair is clean. That's always nice. Today I wanted very much to go out and do something fun. Yesterday my mom said today was the day, and then she ran off with Boyfriend. I got a text earlier - tomorrow we go out. Great, except now I want to sleep in. I'm not in the mood anymore; she could have at least asked if I was up to it. I showed her that much courtesy yesterday.
      Okay, I'm worn out. I'm too tired. I'm done. Off to wash my hair, and then I'm calling it a day.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Another Sad Day

      I did my laundry earlier this week, and upon returning to the washer to put my load in the dryer, discovered something very precious to me had gotten washed...The MP3 I couldn't find. I was devastated, and asked my brother to fix it. He put it on top of the hot water tank for a few days, but it still would not turn on. I plugged it into my computer and it malfunctioned...
      So the best MP3 player I ever had is now in the recycle bin. Every song I ever downloaded, reformatted, and transferred is still on the MP3, but it's beyond help. It's dead.
      I have another MP3, a spare, here at my desk. This morning, at six, I was already wide awake, transferring the same songs onto it. It's not the same. It doesn't have the "Now playing" feature, which means I have to start at the beginning each time and it's very slow; not to mention the plastic covering the screen has almost peeled completely off. I literally have to go see if we have clear tape, to hold it all together.
      So, that's that. I think I'm going to refill on my Sunny D and watch Beside The Dying Fire. See ya.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Blooger (Yes, I Did That On Purpose)

Don't read this if you haven't yet seen the episode of The Big Bang Theory, titled The Viewing Party Combustion. (But it's okay if you don't care, of course.)
* * *
      Well, the good news is, we now own the fifth season of The Walking Dead – and it seems like my ban on the game is only temp-orary, so that's really good.
      The bad news is, The Viewing Party Combustion only had one funny moment, and I already forgot what it was. In The Holographic Excitation, Howard annoys everybody by incessantly talking about space. In this episode, Raj annoys everybody by incessantly talking about dating two girls. In both episodes, neither realizes their rants of pride are just irritating. Normally I like Raj, with his dark eyes and his accent, but in this episode he just got on my nerves.

Friday, April 22, 2016

A Sad Day

      I've been banned from my game; can you believe it? I sure can't. They accused me of cheating, which of course I never did. Maybe I asked for help too many times, I don't know. So, Zhalla is no more. And that sucks, because I was level 13, I'd just decorated her bedroom, and I was going to do the rest of her house. Not to mention some of the quests are nearly impossible, and now I have to start all over using a different email, which even though it's mine makes me feel like an imposter and a fraud.
      I just can't believe they banned me! I've never been banned in my life...I had no reason to be in the first place. And of course, now, I have to wonder if they'll ban me again.
      You know what? I don't much care for this.

Ah, Fudge!

      Damnit. That's not what I wanted.
      I posted a comment in my atheist group, but because there is no "Share Only To Group" option, all my religious family members can see it too. So, great; now they're probably going to huddle up and make me seem like some horrid person...Or, is this a good thing?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Almost The Second Month

      On February 6th, I noticed the memory chip for my camera was nowhere to be found. Here we are in late April, and there's still no sign of it. I'm really getting disappointed. I've looked everywhere; I guess it's gone for good.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I Finally Did It

      I told my sister a long time ago I would take some pictures of a funny incident in my Sims 3 game before I deleted it (and from the way my computer is screaming like a Banshee, I say the sooner the better). It took me long enough, but, better late than never. As promised, here they are:

      For all who don't know (as if anyone else ever reads this), these are my Sims, whose low knowledge of alchemy have transmuted them into solid gold statues, each worth fifty grand. I immediately saw the humor in their final poses and, instead of selling them, decided to arrange their valuable bodies. Sorry this took so long, sis!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

No Idea

      Well, I'm in pain again. It never seems to stop; thankfully this time it's just my hand. I can't close it or even touch it without it hurting; and I swear my two sorest fingers are swollen. Or maybe they're all that fat.
      This week my brother told me he had a long time ago definitively proven we were descended of kings and queens. Last night I got caught up in Ellen clips on YouTube, and I came across one where she, and then somebody who commented on the video, definitively proved she was related to Kate Middleton. So how crazy is that? Through marriage, I am related to one of my idols. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

A Funny Oops

     Every time I need a laugh, I reflect on what happened two or three days ago, when GST came in. I was in the car, with my mother and brother; and all three of us are very aware that my eyesight is failing. There was this sign, and it was close enough where I could read just some of it. What I saw read, "I come with my wife." We were parked at a red light, and I doubted very much something like that would be outside of a grocery store. So I leaned closer, focused harder, and the words "I cook with my wine" came slowly into focus.
      I can't recall another time where I made my brother laugh so hard.