Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Of 2014

      Well, here we are. I've got just enough time to watch a movie, which I think is best if I have to stay awake. Apparently a nap is not a good idea. I probably couldn't sleep much anyway; not with this horrible Febreze scent clogging my pores. It's just that staying awake for the whole day is so tiring. Who needs this many hours?
      But, on the plus side, after the movie I shouldn't have too long of a wait before I can indulge myself in ham, and turkey, and potatoes, and stuffing; all sloshed over with a delectable gravy. Yum, yum, yum. And I had a Strawberry Cheesecake Jello pudding and realized it was the best damn dessert I'd ever had. Seriously, it beats chocolate. It even beats graham crackers dipped in cream cheese, which is one of my top five desserts! Now all I have to do is try actual cheesecake.
      Anyway, I'm nodding off; so I'm going to go now and watch a movie or whatever. Or just That '70s Show. At least that way, there's a fifty-one percent chance an episode won't be interrupted. I know it's all about the holiday cheer and peace and goodwill...But I'm just not a cheery person. I'd rather sit alone, doing things I enjoy. If it weren't for such a feast I would take that nap. But, I haven't eaten since that can of soup at 9AM, and I haven't eaten well for months. It's either been instant potatoes, which I'm allergic to; a cheese sandwich, which I'm allergic to; or soup, which we're out of, aside from tomato soup. And tomato soup is great, but it's always cold before I'm done. I guess because it's a thin, watery soup.
      Okay, well, I'm probably boring you to tears. I think I was more interesting blabbing about Sims all day...Before I go though, I'd like to suggest a musical group to anyone who's bored of Christmas carols and whatnot. They're called Imagine Dragons, and they're great. They started a cancer foundation for this spirited teenager who didn't make it, so I have respect for them. Plus I already like three of their songs: I Bet My Life, Demons, and Radioactive.
      Okay, well, feel free to suggest a music group or a movie or whatever to me. As many as you want. Please.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What A Day

      Today was weird, even for me. Where do I even start? Hm...Okay, this morning I got up to go shopping. I crammed myself into a Tracker, which is a very compact car with four seats and two doors. I would have preferred sitting in the backseat, so my mother and her boyfriend were not talking into my right ear; but despite that, it was a great ride, nothing at all like a dinky little car. It's high up and roomy, at least up front. It's also very square with big windows, and I didn't get carsick at all.
      He dropped us off at my bank and we walked to hers. Then he picked us up and off we went. He dropped us off at Superstore and I had to witness their kiss, which of course makes me look like the girl who traveled there with both of her parents. I do hate misconceptions; especially since humans are so judgmental. (Another reason I'm convinced I'm a robot or an alien.)
      I spent the entire shopping trip pretty much dehydrated, and refused to drink something before paying for it because even though I see it all the time, I don't like the idea. Call me crazy, but I just think you should pay first and consume later. Well, despite Mom saying we could get everything on the list and then some, we didn't even get half. I stood in line next to this woman whose chin had actual hair on it. I could see them. They were white and very much resembled a cat's whiskers. But she was nice, and I really tried my best to be.
      And then...I saw my deceased stepfather. Well, his lookalike, who had his voice and his arrogance and his walk and the same exact face, at least from a distance. I was too afraid to go closer. I also saw a lookalike of one of my aunts. But the lookalike of my stepfather really got me. He was yelling, just like him; and his voice was a perfect match - literally. I actually asked my mom if she thought it might be him, and she said no, but my brother later on told me that yes, he does have a twin. And not a literal, blood-related twin; which is even creepier.
      I know it's foolish to think it was him - my mother saw him dead as a doornail on the hospital bed. But how can resemblances be so close, without relation? Even I have a twin, according to my mother and brother. I've never seen her. I've just seen a girl who shared my first and middle name, and we were born on the same day of the same year. Which is, somehow, less weird. I'm not sure how.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Here We Go Again

      Well, I recently botched the best game I ever had going in The Sims 2. I thought I could install a second expansion pack, but I'd forgotten that somehow, it was damaged. It killed the launcher. I think it's a permanent thing; it still won't work. And the sucky thing is, it did earlier. Got my hopes up. I made a beautiful couple and they had a beautiful baby. With red hair and big blue eyes. Her name was Gaia.
      I moved them into this huge house that took me an hour or two or three to make. I learned that watering your Sim's plants actually revives them, instead of killing them off; like in literally every other Sim game I played. I got my Sim to hire a maid, who watered the same plants for eight hours, and then I got my Sim to fire her. She left without completing her job, so my Sims did it.
      Right now, frozen in time, never to be played again; the baby is sleeping and the happy couple is sitting on the lounge chairs outside, dreaming of the other kids they want to have. It had cooperated. It was fun, for the briefest time. I should have moved them into a crappy house so I could play them for three hours, instead of thirty minutes. Now I'm all disappointed because, even after my brother fixed my computer and made it run nice and fast again; it still will not work.
      I ran Troubleshooter. It says it's an incompatible program. Guess what my program compatibility says? "Excellent compatibility!" What a shock. Even machines are hypocrites.
      But, I guess it's for the better. Now, instead of playing my beloved, half-hour-old family; I can do other fun things. Like write my crappy book, which is going all over the place but having no real destination. Or I can take that Tylenol. Or go to bed.
      When did I get old?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Just Needed To Rant

      Okay, is there no such thing as morality anymore? Was there ever such a thing? First, a long, long time ago, someone stole my work and tried to claim it as theirs. Thankfully I was able to prove them wrong with the publish date attached to the original post. But now, I find that someone is using my YouTube name on a site I've never even visited before. And not only that, but unless I made a comment and forgot, another person took my dA username.
      And maybe I did make that comment, but my YouTube username has without a doubt been stolen. Well, I had it first, damn them. I'm not going to change it.
      I never thought I, of all people, would be copied. I'm so pissed. I have spit all to share; and people are taking my usernames, my work...I'm just so pissed. I already do things without knowing I do them, say things without knowing I say them, and I forget everything people say to me in a matter of minutes - one minute, if I'm lucky. And now I have to be stolen from?
      I know there are good people out there; but they're so overshadowed. And they're scared. They're hiding, just like me. And that is where all the morality is. Man, I wish indecency stopped at taking another's username. But no, people suck all the way around. I'm just walking beside the biggest, trashiest scumbags ever. "Hey, you know what'd be worth life in prison for all of us? Killing someone." "Hey, you know what's hot? Never, ever, ever showering." "I need thirty pounds of hair gel. And I'm stealing it all." "Time to be wild! Let's shoot our guns at a nursery!"
      I ****ing hate this @$$hole planet. It is just infested with the worst kind of people. I want to live on another planet - evidently, my home planet; where those people don't exist, and the only things you can eat come from the gardens.
      I've idealized my own planet and it's nothing like this one at all. There would be me, my family, doctors, and scientists. Nobody else. There would be small or trainable animals, and vegetation growing behind each and every house. There would be no cars; instead we would revert to horses and carriages. We'd be a green planet. It'd be the best of the olden days in modern time. The law would be fashioned out of the golden rule. That'd be sweet.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

In 6 Days

      My mother feels a little bad now about missing my birthday. Which was preventable. So, for the seventeenth my brother invited my mother's boyfriend and his mother to a restaurant dinner. Only after a few days, I have to ask if we're still doing that and it turns out we're not. Instead, we're all eating at home. So, while it all changes, nothing's different. If that makes sense.
      Why don't people tell me their plans anymore? At least when I was a kid, and they would force me into these things; I knew what we were doing. Now that I have a choice, it seems I'm informed at the last minute - unless I weasel the information out of them. I feel so unheard sometimes. And not just because of all that; but because lately, when I try to speak to them, they just don't hear me. Like, if they ask for my opinion and I give it to them, that's one thing; but if I try to contribute to the conversation like a normal person whose say matters, they don't even look at me.
      I can see my own hand. Is it safe to assume my body still has mass?
      They only really notice me when I don't do something right. I turned 22, but they're still treating me like a child. And nothing I say will ever be enough; because while I always mean what I say, I can never just say what I mean. I always struggle with that and no one understands. Hence, they tell me I am the one who fails to understand them. If only I were incapable of speaking and had no other choice but to communicate through electronics! Then, finally, with a quick press of the Delete button and some recalculations; I would be understood.
      Unless of course I had Auto Correct. Man, I would love to send an Auto-Corrected message to someone. I watch Clumsy Thumbsy clips from Ellen all the time; and it never ceases to make me laugh. Or at least wish I could laugh without getting dizzy.
      Speaking of, my epilepsy actually hasn't bothered me for maybe two weeks. Now that I think about it, it's quite amazing...I've just been lightheaded and sleepy. Really nothing in comparison to a dizzy spell. And still, my mother and brother think that all forms of dizziness are the same. They think they know exactly what I feel when I go down. They're just hypochondriacs who think they know everything when they know sh*t. But anyway, as I was saying, I haven't made the decision yet if I should consult my doctor about surgery. It's just a really big step. It could kill me, if it's not done right. And if I die...well, I won't get dizzy! Or feel tired, or hurt, or wish I were someplace else. Well, I would, if dead people had the power to think.
      Which reminds me, I need to write my book. 'Bye!

Blah, Blah, Bah Humbug

      I fell asleep around six and woke up at nine. It was a very unpleasant, short night; so I'm going to retire very soon. I just need to clean up my room...or maybe that will wait until I can keep my eyes open. I don't know why everybody wants me up and about. It's not like my life is important - I mean, it is, that's why I'm here; but it just looks so bleak and boring. So really, if I'm going to waste it away, why not waste it away sleeping? At least then I feel healthy.
      Man, I could really go for two or three burgers and a nice big glass of chocolate milk. Or, some chicken and a frosty glass of cold pop. That would be so, so nice. Hell, the only reason I ate today was because my mother's boss paid her a check, which bounced after she cashed it. Now I feel bad for eating because it's illegal food and she could go to jail for his dumb mistake. I really hope they can clear that.
      Oh, what? Looking at me like I'm dumb for posting it here. In Siberia! No one reads this crap. That's what makes it crap.
      Oh, and little pointer: When your drunk mom decides to make a meal, for the love of God, don't eat it. She fried up this Alfredo sauce - yes, fried up, in a frying pan - mixed with these veggies and onions and honestly, it stank like hot vomit. I told her that and I told her I was not going to eat it. Boy, honesty felt great. I am not going to lie about someone's cooking or their hair ever again. It's so nice to get out of my shadow. When my stepfather was around, it was like a prison at home. We couldn't touch the mandolin, or play cards in the den, or in the living room, or laugh, or whistle, or watch anything on television. He was like a really mean Red Forman.
      Oh, God, burgers and chocolate milk sound so gooood! Why, why, why did she park the car for winter? Just because you don't want to pay for insurance, doesn't mean you can't drive. It's not even snowing. She thinks you'll get arrested for not having it. Not only have I never, ever heard of that happening; but Canada doesn't even keep murderers behind bars. Stupid Canada.
      Speaking of murder, I have eight hours to kill before The Big Bang Theory. So, I'm going to bed. Because I'm tired, and life is going in a big circle. To the sound of a drain. Ho, ho, ho.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Are All Men Like This?

      I'm just going to assume that, like all Ken dolls, there is no noticeable difference among my opposite gender. I've come to assumptions now; that's what it's all boiled down to. "Can I meet you?" "Can I have your phone number?" "Can we text?" "Ya like 'em big?"
      I just want to talk to someone nice who isn't trying to get to know me personally. I'm not looking for a one-night stand or anything serious. I do not want a relationship - how many times does that need to be said? Are they stupid? I just want to send an email, get an email, send an email, get an email; and put some damn use to my account. Why is it always about sex, boobs, butts, and thighs with these pigs?
      I want a friend. Someone decent. Someone respectful. Someone who clearly will have to be a female. I'm just getting so tired of guys.
      I'm not looking for a female friend so I can talk about shoes, or hair, or makeup. That shit's boring. I want to talk about how much guys piss us both off, which movies and shows we like, our bucket lists, the universe - things that matter, pun not intended; that was just a neat coincidence.
      I am not looking for a booty call. I am not looking for someone whose only idea of a good time is fooling around. I have no interest in any of that. And all I want is to meet someone who feels the exact same way.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sometimes You Should Quit

      I was just playing Scrabble, and my opponent hit two triple word scores and got 131 points. I forfeited. What else could I do - play a word for 7 points? Pathetic. Nothing I could have done would have saved me.
      Sometimes quitting is just the best thing you can do. If not the only thing. I don't know if he was cheating or playing honestly, but I could not compete.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Apple Pies, Nightmares, And Invisible Angry Cats

      Well, I've had a very...interesting...past week. The weekend left us with a vacuum cleaner that while being used started to smoke and smell like burning rubber. I shut it off before it could catch fire; which it would have, had I not shut it off when I did.
      And of course, almost having a fire in my room set me up with a string of nightmares ever since. There was both a small frying pan catching fire on its place on the wall, which isn't where it's kept in real life; and a flood in the same dream. In another, which occurred on the same night, my brother flicked a giant black-and-brown spider at me from across the table (where it landed after falling from the roof). And finally, in last night's dream there was a rattlesnake by the fridge, and I was pleading with my mom not to go over there and take off its head, and the only compromise she was willing to meet me halfway with was if I went over there and helped her. As if I would know how. So then I shoved her into a bedroom and told her not to leave it, and I would call SPCA. And of course my phone is in my room, past the fridge...and then I woke up.
      And now, after there are two apple pies baking in the oven; I've noticed a scratch that inexplicably appeared on my arm. And maybe I'm imagining it, but it seems like it's growing.

      ...Thankfully I have had my flu shot. The doctor barely touched me with the needle - he put it in and then before I could count to one he was pressing the cotton ball against a mark I couldn't see. But, I did feel the tiny sting of it going in; so hopefully I am protected.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Rate-Me Type

      I don't understand why people want so badly to be rated by a total stranger. Typically, one is pretty lame, and ten is the best rating you can get. So, okay, they're just asking for my opinion. "Am I a ten or a zero?" Okay, you asked for it, I'll rate your superficial ass. They're just numbers. How can they care so much what a stranger thinks? They don't know me. My opinion shouldn't matter to them. Theirs don't matter to me.
      I mean, if my family likes me, my life is complete. I couldn't imagine being one of the losers who signs on and begs to be rated with insignificant numbers by some person I don't know. Does it make a big difference in their life? Are they really so shallow?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My dA Death?

      All my work shows up as empty boxes. My Favorites are empty. And when I click on something it says there is nothing to be found. I don't know what's going on...I'm going to restart my computer, and if nothing has changed I guess I'll try logging in. Hopefully it doesn't tell me I deleted my account!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Movie Sequels For Your Inner Kid

      I just Googled Toy Story 4, and apparently its release date is in 2017. Finding Nemo has a sequel due for 2016. Unfortunately I don't think Tangled will have a sequel; for one very simple reason - the things Eugene says at the end. "Beloved by all, she ruled the kingdom," which implies she took the throne after her parents. "We're living happily ever after" - Shrek is the ONLY movie series I know that got sequels, despite this being said in the first.
      But, for your undying inner kid that only grows as you start to shrink; Tinker Bell also has another sequel scheduled for release in 2015. And I'm really not fond of them using the name Nyx for a new character. It's bad enough P.C. Cast ripped off Greek mythology; but we don't need someone else to do the same. I mean, she transformed a mythological horse into a modern human woman who goes by the same name. I was kind of hoping she would have been as imaginative and fun as she was with her Partholon books, but no such luck.
      Well, I just hope all these sequels can amount to all the good things that came first. Yes, yes, all the good things. I'm a friggin child living inside a grown woman's body. Except I'm not grown, you know, height-wise.
      I'm going to go whip me up some hot dogs. Maybe then I'll watch some movies. Not the ones I own, though; I've seen those too many times. Maybe I'll watch some of this "inner kid" stuff. What else would I do - go skating with my boyfriend and his wife? Maybe swathe myself in pink fur and not much else, then spend half of my millions? Or perhaps take to the air in my own private jet.
      Then it's settled. Kiddie movies it is.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Oye. Vey.

      I found a book I worked on in 2011. What the HELL was I thinking? It's awful! How did I ever think it was good? Was I suffering a brain lesion? My God! And all these years, I thought I wasn't improving. Wow.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Weird Dream

      I don't even know how my dream began; but somehow I ended up standing next to a stranger in front of all these other strangers. I was supposed to speak with them. But even in my dream I didn't know what to say. Apparently it was some big deal, because this guy next to me gave me an introduction and said I was going to discuss whatever it was with them. And we were all outside; they were arranged on tables and bins and basically anything big and strong enough to hold a person. I recognized the place as my old school, Hatzic Elementary; but the playground was gone and the yard was flat.
      Then, when the speech was over, I walked back to the car with my mother and brother, only to realize that somebody had shoved a needle into me. It looked like a plain sewing needle, and I hadn't felt it go in; nor did I feel any pain pulling it out. It might as well have been hanging off my jacket. My mother was worried anyway, and we ended up walking to the hospital because of car problems (it figures; even in my dreams it's a piece of crap). As usual, my overactive imagination had animated the hospital, and moving arrows were bouncing over the desk and the nurse and the patient, trying to reassure my doubtful dream self that it was, indeed, the hospital. (I bet the arrows came from that Gala Stories game on Facebook I've been playing for maybe just a week. My mind is crazy even when I'm unconscious.)
      Well, no harm had come from the needle. I did, however, bump into my sister and my stepfather; and he was trying to convince me to go swimming. When I refused, he said, "But it's my world!" Well, my sister and I have always been able to say the same things at the same time, and in my dream there is no exception. We both looked at him and said, "It's everybody's world, dumbass." And then I woke up as I was explaining to him that I was epileptic, I couldn't go underwater; meanwhile Mom is agreeing with me and telling me to be careful...
      Silly dreams. Always making me wonder what the frig is wrong with me. If I had a dollar for every crazy-ass dream, I'd be a friggin millionaire.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Watered Plot

      I'm watching a show right now, I think it's called For The Love Of Grace. I'm trying to get into it, because I really should stay awake. But, unfortunately, it The curtains fall against the candle's flames, ignites, causes a fire. Okay, neat. Then she's pulled from the burning building. Suddenly she's out of the hospital, fully recovered - people clap as she enters the room and say, "You're your old self again!" Duh, of course she is; she was pulled from the fire five minutes ago. We heard the sirens, but there wasn't even one ambulance scene. No paramedics, no getting rushed to the hospital. Grace's fiance dropped by, but we didn't see all the other people she thanked for leaving flowers. She goes to thank the fireman who rescued her - yes, yes, fireman, because of course a simple pedestrian wouldn't do something good for someone else. No, the rescuer has to be employed to do just that. Anyway, she goes to the fire hall to rescue him, not even knowing what he looks like. But thank goodness his brother, who I guess is a fireman too, is playing catch with a football right where her anonymous lifesaver is supposed to be. But he's not.
      Oh, and while she's in the fire; there are no smudges on her skin, no ashes on her clothes, no tangles in her hair, and no sweat on her face. Then, when she is out of the hospital, walking again, inside a building that is not on fire, she's sweaty. But, when she is surrounded by leaping flames reaching a degree of, let's say, four hundred degrees; she looks cool as a cucumber. But yes, she is unconscious.
    So let me guess. With her husband away, she's going to cheat on him with this guy. Just a bigger expression of her gratitude, something that transcends paying for a meal, right? And then she doesn't know who she loves more! Oh, the agony!
      I wish I had money to put on this. But, because I don't, I'm going to go see how much more damage I can to do my book.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Just Some More Bad Luck

      Well, if The Walking Dead ever was here, they're gone now. But I don't think they ever were here; because every site I checked said it was just a tribute to the show, where people try to scare you. There is no hiring, no acting, no interviews. Just a hoax. And maybe the cast is there, but that's now how I would like to meet them.
      But at least I know now why my email didn't get sent through. There was nobody to send it to. It's just another way for me to miss out on something I wanted to do. That's why I exist. It's gotta be - none of my dreams have ever come true. All I ever do is miss out, get injured, and miss out.
      Oh, just #@%&ing stop with those d@mn fireworks.

Monday, October 20, 2014


      I sure wish one store carried Memoirs Of A Geisha. I should've bought the book when I had the chance; at least I'd have the thing that made it into one of my favorite movies...I even had the few cents it cost! But no, I had to walk away. Stupid.
      It seems only Amazon is selling it. No way am I getting into one of those online deals. I'll just start saving some cash for the day I finally stumble across it. I hope that day is before my thirties. I really want to see it again...Suppose I could watch it online, but first I need to find a site that won't give me too much grief. I've been using my mother's computer for all my online stuff; and this old thing is so much faster than mine. Everybody else hates it so much; but if they had to use my Internet, they'd see just how well it's running.
      Not much else going on here. I'm going to need some more Orajel. Hopefully next time I get it, I don't get addicted. That's a pain...figuratively, since it is a numbing agent.
      But seriously, aside from that, I keep breaking a promise I make to myself: "Today, I watch Shrek." I've been meaning to watch the second, but of course first I need to watch Shrek 1. And the way I'm awake until 5AM and asleep until 4PM is a real drag; doesn't leave much time for anything. Supper, then some chores, some socialization with the family, some more chores and then we're off to bed. Joy of joys. Living the dream, life of the party - and all that.
      I need more money. Everything I want is mocking me, and everything I need is killing me.
      Ah, screw it. I'm going to be awake all night anyway. Might as well jump into the movie. Seeing as how nothing else is really going for me...I do need paper for a giant project I'm working on. Going to make a collage of family photos! And with my mother working for some guy who makes frames...Well, need more be said?
      Okay, well, goodnight. Or good morning. Or...whatever. See ya!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Took The Jump And Landed On Concrete

      Well, recently I had the opportunity to try out for a role in The Walking Dead. After much consideration, I emailed the address provided and said I would love to audition. Apparently it's not going to happen. I just got a message saying that my email failed to deliver.
      On a scale of one to one hundred, my disappointment ranks somewhere in the eighties or nineties. Mostly disappointed, but not entirely.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Not Gonna Lie

      Well, I had a fine night. My brother made corn dogs; and with that I enjoyed chips and pop. All in all, not bad for people who normally make do with crackers and ketchup. But even a delicious dinner pales in comparison when you find out some @$$hol3 from your past died of a horrible disease. Yes, folks, one of my greatest burdens has been lifted and finally, he got what he deserved.
      I don't mean to sound so voracious. But, this was a man who, according to my family, had intentions of raping me. After all, he raped other children! So, he's dead. So I guess today was d@mn good. It's just one less person to think about. Until three more inevitably take his place. The statistics will always weigh against the good people, won't they? For each person with a clear mind, it's just the whole world against you. Thankfully nothing and no one lasts forever.
      I mean, it'd be great if my family could live a full and happy life. They'd get what they deserve. And if they could live forever, at least I wouldn't be constantly worrying about the inevitable.
      Hm. As usual, I'm spreading the cheer and sunshine that is once again oozing out of the very core of my being. I'm shinin' so bright, I'll burn you, baby; h3ll yeah. Nope. Not even close. I'm Whoever that is.
      Godd@mn. I have only a few days now to decide if I want to change my life forever or if, once again, I want to chicken out and sit on my @$$. It's so easy to chicken out and keep going down the only path you know. But, I suppose it's not the only designated road, is it? Too bad there's no friggin GPS. As usual, on each walk of life I'm going to stumble until I trip. Might as well grab some popcorn and go down a'smilin'. The real question is; what to do, with what remains of this night? May as well spend the last few hours of this month the way I've spent every other month - which is when the most important things I do are my obligations. Whoo.
      And now, I'm off so unimportant, I don't know why I'm going to do it. But, maybe in eight thousand years, or maybe tomorrow - in some uncertain point in time - it will mean something. Just not now. Stranger things have happened.
      Like this sunshine I'm givin' off. Wowie.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Some Thought

      Well, today I went through seven dizzy spells - before nine AM. Who knows how many more I'll have to add to the list? During one of them, I was in the same chair I'm on now; a chair on wheels. I found out that while it is impossible to walk, it's quite easy to roll. I'm wondering if, despite having unbroken legs that work well, I would benefit by being in a wheelchair. Frankly, I'm tired of staggering sideways and falling into thorn bushes. Of course, being in a wheelchair without broken legs is extremely embarrassing when people look at you and wonder why you need it...But if I could be mobile, whether I'm dizzy or not, wouldn't it be worth the staring? They look at me oddly anyway.
      I guess I'll have to research it and make sure it's not illegal or whatever to own a wheelchair for home use. I know other people do, but they're actually disabled, slash injured. I'm just...whatever I am. I'm not injured until I go down. If being in a wheelchair can prevent that, would it not be a good day?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Misshapen Media

      The less I look, the more problems I find. I finished The Walking Dead marathon recently and in one episode, Aundrea is gagged at the very end. At the beginning of the next episode, she's unfortunately able to flap her jaws. Not to mention the fact that one minute she's with Michonne, and then she's back with the governor. Michonne left the prison and Aundrea stayed. Why would the pair camp together, vulnerable to the zombies, when Aundrea is still with Philip? And let's not forget that Carl goes off blaming some guy named Andrew for killing his mother; when she died giving birth to Judith.
      I mean, wow. I'm just an amateur author, and I see the mistakes. What did these guys think, "Oh, no one will notice." Or maybe, "No, no, no, it's too late, just keep that and keep going!" It's a script, not a fire; you can always go back. Earlier on, Aundrea is sitting on the back of the truck the night after the fish fry, and she's holding onto an arm. Remember that? Then it's just T-Dog and Daryl (I believe), and Aundrea is gone. Not that I'm complaining; I just think they should stick with the program. I mean, if I can do it, anyone can. And FYI, where the hell is T-Dog's zombie? He could have committed suicide, but you don't even see his corpse in the catacombs when Rick clears them out.
      I used to love Under The Dome; it used to be good. Now it's gone for a shit. It all stopped being good about the time they brought Melanie in. And from there it just fell dead at the scriptwriter's hand. I won't watch it next week and I'm taking it off my Favorites. I'm just glad I never put money into it. I think Stephen King had a good idea, but he never should have let these knobs take over his work. He should have made a movie by himself.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


      I woke up today, positive I was sick. I feel better now, excluding this damn headache. And all I did was play some Sims, play the piano and check my mail...and make a whole bunch of noise in the kitchen. Thankfully I no longer need to wash each dish by hand after each meal! Each day!
      Oh well. I came on here with something to talk about; but now I don't know what. The rain distracted me...I'm going outside now. Been waiting for rain for FOREVER!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28th, 2014, Thursday

      Ow. Ow. So sore. Everything's hurting. Feels like I bruised every damn bone in my body. My heart hurts when I laugh; I can barely walk. Even my butt hurts. My hair's falling out; I pull out at least a handful a day. I should be bald by now...I probably will be soon. I need sleep...It's not even six yet. But boy, am I ready to go down.
      I think I'll go now. Play some Checkers, maybe read for awhile. Maybe I'll even just start that movie marathon. I watched the series earlier this week or last week - whatever, all the days run into one another and I don't care anymore. But I want to see them again. This one time, a long time ago, I watched the first and then I was going to watch the others, but never did. So now, I wonder - do I ignore it and watch them all, or do I just watch the series from the second to the fourth? Because that marathon is unfinished and it's kind of bugging me; even though I finished the series between then and now.
      I don't know anymore. It's getting mighty strange inside my head. I correct everyone's grammar, I straighten what's lopsided, pens must be capped, drawers must be closed...I think it's getting worse. Like my memory. I keep forgetting the names of my aunts and uncles and cousins.
      Speaking of my cousins, I am so glad I don't know them in person. They are being very indecent lately. Posting pictures of themselves wearing just their skin and makeup. Getting secret tattoos! I'm just glad I'm not a part of their immaturity. I mean, I have my own style of immaturity, but at least I respect myself.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Peer Pressure (From NOT A Peer)

      Apparently having the mildest case of epilepsy cannot go unjustified. Today my mother wanted me to keep an open mind about taking medicinal marijuana. Okay, I don't like getting dizzy; but I am not taking drugs. Ever. I tried telling her that, over and over; but she wouldn't accept it as my answer. She gave me a month to "stop being so close-minded", but I'll just say no when she asks me again and I can stop pretending to forget.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pet Peeves

      I saw a commercial earlier of a woman pushing her baby buggy while jogging. That really gets on my nerves. If you can't trust your kid home alone with your husband, divorce him and call a babysitter. If you don't have a husband or a phone, get one or both, or maybe do some sit-ups, jumping jacks, you know, home exercises. Babies probably don't enjoy eating the bugs flying into their faces; if you want to increase the difficulty in your exercise, lift some dumbbells. Dumbbell.
      And what's the deal with doggy sweaters? Don't you realize they've already got coats?
      I had more to post, but trying to be funny has taken all my concentration. What I'm left with now is that never-ending fatigue and hunger, boredom, mild annoyance at my Goddess-be-damned awful luck, and...I swear there was something else too. Probably the hours in the day feeling dreadfully long when I'm tired and horrifically short when I'm busy. I know people hate me, but why must time itself play pranks?

Thursday, July 10, 2014


      My Sims 3 Supernatural doesn't have a code? I bought the game about a year ago, or whatever, and I did have it installed before. Now the only code inside the case is the one for exclusive content. I know it can't be separate, because I'm very careful about keeping everything together.
      The code is just gone. And because I bought the game at a store, it wouldn't even be in my inbox; which I checked anyway just to make sure. It's supposed to be inside the package where it's always been, where everything says I'll find it; and if today made sense, it would be there. It's not like expansion packs for The Sims 3 have booklets. Just that little piece of paper containing the code; which I'm looking at right now. No code. This is just weird; I'm not even overlooking it. I've checked several times. Neither the paper nor I have the answer.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Well, I'm not sure yet if I do or do not want to sell my PC. But it sure is tempting, especially when I get logged out of a site I'm trying to use...My brother knows someone who can fix it up and have it running very, very smoothly; no ads at all. I'll probably just contact him and ask for a complete reinstall. If that proves ineffective, I will either give it to the computer genius; put it roadside; or sell it to someone - either an unlucky idiot or a fortunate genius. We'll see.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


These ****ing ads are not funny anymore! I can't go five seconds without something popping up. I want them gone, and I do not care anymore if everything has to go. My lousy pictures are saved, my stupid books are saved, my crappy poems are saved; now if deleting everything is the only way for all these ads to just disappear, I don't care anymore! GET THEM GONE. Ads, ads, ads. It's infuriating! It's almost enough to make me want to hop on Craigslist and give it to the first sucker who sees it! Fine! It's not like anything I do on here is worth all this ****ing stress. "Free! Goes AS IS. No money paid, no money back. Fix it and keep it; or toss it and move on." Take it! Anyone? It can handle the Sims! All of them! Want an expansion pack? I'll include every one that I have. Sims 2; I've got Double Deluxe, Bon Voyage, Pets, and Seasons. Sims 3, I have the base game, Sims 3+Pets, just regular Sims 3 Pets, Sims 3 Seasons, Supernatural. It's not a lot, but if you want 'em, come and get 'em! I love my computer, but come on, I can talk to my family on my mom's; she'll let me, I know it. My books are retrievable at any time and my poems are safe and sound, though I don't want those anymore either! I've given up on poetry, I should quit writing, and I have just about had it with my PC too. It was fine until I installed that ****ing program! It was perfect. It was the best PC I'd ever owned. Now it's junk. I don't have the skills to fix it, and even if I did, I don't think I'd want to.
      My streak on NFSW? Who cares anymore! My friends don't talk to me, even if they do come online. I only get fake money, which benefits me in no way at all. Sure, I can fix up my cars; but for what? For the eye candy of other people, complete strangers? So they can follow me and latch on like a horny octopus, asking if they can take my account, pretty please? Nah, you can't have my account. I still like my cars. But you can have my computer. Clean it out, fix it up, sell it, keep it, do whatever the **** you want with it. I've about had it. ****ing $500 for this piece of ****. Damn program. Ruined the entire thing.
      Now unless my brother can fix this, and get rid of the ads; I probably will be serious about giving it to just about anybody. I'll pop back on here with an update within the week.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Eight Hours

      My brother recommended a program, so I installed it. Ever since, I've been getting pop-up ads. I deleted the programs, but I still get the ads, and don't know what to do. It's actually quite a hassle, because when they pop up at a time I'm using a full-screen program; it closes it automatically. Well, it minimizes it; but still, it throws me right off. Especially if it's NFSW and I'm going full speed ahead, doing a race or whatever. Bam! Into a wall. And then I need to press Control+Alt+Delete, because the ad wants to install something and it starts it automatically. On top of that, it doesn't let you cancel the task. It lets you click the X all you want, but nothing happens. So I just start Task Manager and forcefully remove it from my desktop. A real pain, definitely. I'm probably going to have to delete everything and do a complete reinstall because of that one program, which I didn't even really get to use.
      Damn ads. Fine. I just hope my progress can be saved this time...I need to find some blank CDs so I can back up my files.
      Hah! Gold! When I wrote that, an ad popped up saying I had to back up my files. Pure gold!
      In eight hours, give or take a few minutes - to a half hour - I will be getting a license. Oh, don't worry, world...It's not a driver's license! It's just going to be a license to fish. Yes, I will be going fishing. Descaling, gutting, pulling their ovaries from their mouths - it should be a riot. Except...I'm not sure it's such a good idea anymore. Last time I was anywhere near a fire; I got a hot coal in my eye! I should be blind, but I guess I am luckier than I always claim to be. So now I'm going fishing, without the intent of cooking it for myself. I don't see the point, but if anything, the experience could be fun...if not totally nauseating. I just hope I don't gag!
      But, it's not like I'm going fishing right away. I just intend on getting the license and then returning to my womancave where I belong. Out there all I can do is eat, work, rest a bit, be teased, listen to stories that bore me, be told about conversations that are none of my business, and hear yet more stories that simply gross me out. And in here, I can do whatever I please! Sleep, watch movies, play games, talk to people, find new people to talk to when the old ones start annoying me. Basically I have the entire world at my disposal in here; and because it's all over the Internet, I can't even be too hurt when a friendship fails. It's not like I knew the person, got too close, and had him actually reach into my chest and break my heart. Nah, they just say some mean words that are supposed to affect me the same way, and then sign off. It's actually funny, in a sense. But then again, I laughed when Lori died in The Walking Dead. I laughed when what's-his-face in Resurrection lost what's-her-name. So maybe I'm the mean one!
      My cravings are acting up again. It's so bizarre. I've been craving spicy foods, hot sauce, things I cannot stand. My current craving, which I think I will satisfy tomorrow, is vanilla pudding with graham crackers. Sounds tasty!
      Well, the night is no longer young and my head is pounding. It feels like somebody hollowed it out with a carving knife, and set up train tracks; and a bunch of trains are passing through blowing their whistles. Owww. So I'm going to bed now...'Bye.

Monday, April 28, 2014

In Spite Of All That Happened

      The weatherman said it would be +thirteen degrees out today. So, today we decided to try again to make plans to go out and do something fun. Well, it worked. Yes, we did it, at last. I took fifty-six pictures; not one of which is good enough to share. I got dizzy twice just because I knelt to take two pictures. I hurt my ankle pretty badly. And let's see, what else? Oh, right. The bear we spotted maybe twenty feet away. Thankfully it was already eating something (or someone; we didn't stick around to find out) and it let us walk away.
      But, in spite of those negative factors, I had a great time. We got chicken burgers and pop, and even though we stayed dry for the entire trip; it did rain, so I got my wish - eating chicken with an open window as it rains. And we parked to eat in a place where we could hear a waterfall; and I predicted all the cars passing by and I was only wrong once!
      We went to the dam where X-Men: The Last Stand was filmed. As usual, we didn't get - or rather, take - the opportunity to go inside. We just took pictures from the opposite end and then drove overtop of it coming home. And I saw a man driving behind us, or maybe it was the woman with the ponytail; but her face looked so much like my brother's that I had to remind myself it wasn't him.
      Well, I'm going to leave now, because I'm pretty much talking to myself, and I do that enough without coming online...What can I say? I'm always here to listen to me! I don't know what I'll do next, probably take a nap, but I'll think of something. I have a book to write, another to fix, a plentiful supply of movies - some of which don't even belong to me, but I get to borrow them whenever I want, pretty much. I have a piano to play, friends to see if they're still my friends, an Ipod to listen to - again - and supper to think about. And if all else fails, I can upload the crappy photos. Whatever. I'll think of something.

Friday, April 25, 2014

One Problem Gone

      My earphones are falling apart. The wire next to the earbud is showing. On top of it, I think they did some internal damage. I'm not a doctor, but now I can't even start to put them in without it being really painful.
      So, today - technically on the 24th (I really need to go to bed) - I went out and fixed it. I bought this headset with earmuffs. They are so amazing! I've never heard so many things before! There are sounds in my games I didn't know were there. I hear more notes in the music I play; and the volume is so loud that I can hear it from the living room, even though by that time they were already plugged in! I had to turn it down just so I could focus on my multitasking...And the Sim voices were horribly loud. I kept forgetting I could change the volume of that and I just kept zooming out. And when their damn phone rang I almost dented the roof with my head!
      We also hit Superstore to go grocery shopping. I swear, they were playing the Shrek soundtrack CD, because they played two songs used in Shrek 4Ever After. I wouldn't be surprised if they had been playing the other songs in the franchise, too.
      We got some Reese Puffs cereal and more blueberry muffins (but we got those at least a day sooner than the other stuff). I had three today alone, and one yesterday. I really need to slow down! But they're so good. They're healthy, so I don't feel bloated; they're sweet, so my craving for chocolate is gone when I eat one; and they're mild, so they don't hurt my teeth. Plus there's no preparation involved. I dieted on them when I was sick; but now I'm enjoying them while I'm healthy! It sure is good to feel good. And to think, I never had to go to the doctor. Quite a few years ago, I found something better! Tylenol, except liquefied. It cures my bronchitis within a week each time!
      And my allergies are once again messing with me. Now I'm allergic to milkshakes, but not ice cream. I've also developed an intolerance to potatoes...Who knew? Cheese has begun bothering me again, though for a week in the least it was the only thing that didn't. I can't eat the potatoes, and I can't eat the pizza my brother made. I even lost interest in writing down the recipe. (Yes, I need to write down the recipe for pizza. I know you need fruit and dough, but I need the instructions too, because I'm a hazard in the kitchen without them. So, y'know, get over it.)
      And, let's see. What else in my life is so interesting you'll be holding your breath? Gee. What else? Well...I've made no progress whatsoever with my piano, though not for lack of trying. And...I can't figure out my Ipod or MP3 player, even though my brother gave me the simplest directions (that's a whole other kind of recipe).
      And, well, that must be it, because I'm boring myself. Book's at a dead end. Quite literally. I killed off two people and another character will soon die. I just need to figure out how to write about a war that took place in the time of my great-great-great-great grandparents. I can write about soldiers, no problem. Guns are firing, people are dying, soldiers are carrying half-alive soldiers back to base to fix them up, people are going on leave, blah blah blah. Add a sun here, a rainfall here, a fall in the mud there, and you've got yourself a story. But a war before artillery, before electricity? Back when people traded cattle for farmland? I've got my work cut out for me. And I still have 340-some pages or so before I reach my goal.
      But, at least I've had about sixteen climaxes in my book. It's gotta be interesting, y'know? Too bad I have goals and rules for my hobbies. It makes them tough. But it'll be one hell of a day when I can achieve them! I'll probably go running down the street in my shoes and pajamas at maybe five PM yelling "Whooooooo!" all the way down the road. Grabbing people by the collars of their shirts. "Hey pal, guess what?" Maybe I ought to rub ketchup on my clothes. "Guess what I just finished doing? Hahaha! I might do it again...I just need to plan ahead!"
      Ooh boy, clearly my interminable inertia is screwin' with me. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. 'Night all.

Monday, April 21, 2014


      It shouldn't even be possible to go so long on so little sleep. I've been awake until 4AM or later for a week at the very least. I keep promising myself that tonight I'll take sleeping pills, tonight I'll take two, but then I schluff off to bed without taking even one.
      Not like it matters. Last time I bothered with it, the damn thing gave me energy and I cleaned house.
      My eyes are burning. My head is spinning. My mind is still whirring but my body is still trying to shut down. I am tired. I need rest! But of course, I can go to bed at 8PM, sleep uninterrupted until 3PM the next day, and still be more tired than when I went to bed the previous night. It's just not my - ah, screw it - life! The only reason I keep going is my family; that's the only good part about living. Everything else sucks. I sleep, but am never rested. I eat, but can never get full. I have several deadly health conditions that just don't want to kill me! Seriously! What's the delay about?
      Yes, I love my family. No, I'm not scared of death. Why should I fear the one thing I don't need to live with? My biggest worries are getting my will finished and legalized, becoming an organ donor and maybe even getting life insurance. Once those are done, my soul is free to take. Onward and upward.
      Well, onward, anyway.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Night's Still Young

      Well, things here are going okay. I fixed my book, moved to Sims 2 because Life Stories is bringing me down, and things in that game are flyin'. My girl is pregnant with her eighth child - ninth, if she has twins again. And then I only need her to have so many more before her lifetime wish of having ten kids is fulfilled. Phew! I think that's where I'll stop; because after that wish is completed they want twenty kids, and that's ridiculous. And who knows how many kids they'll want after they get those twenty kids!
      Besides, two babies at once is enough. Her husband was at work, her kids were at school, and she was juggling their needs. The baby girl had to fall asleep reeking of a dirty diaper while her brother was cared for; and I had to bring the fridge, garbage can, and two sinks into the room just so I could bathe them, feed them, and dispose of the formula bottles without making her run up and down the stairs. I think if she has twins again I'll just make their needs static, so they can just focus on life a bit before they grow up. (I wish I could do that for real. I'd freeze my needs and motherlode the shit out of myself!)
      I guess I'll go wash my hair now. It should be a good time to do it. And then, well, I might just make something hot to eat. I'm bloody freezing my hands off. Yet again.

Friday, April 18, 2014

A Sims Oddity

      I was gaming earlier, playing The Sims 2, and I directed my child Sim to change her appearance. I had just bought a floor-to-ceiling mirror and that was the one I clicked on. So, she gets to the mirror and a stool appears under her feet. A friggin stool. And she's using a full-length mirror; I mean, really?
      I told my family about it. They laughed and didn't believe me. So, I showed them. And I would insert the image I took, so I could show you too; but surprise, surprise, you can add photos to your blog by using everything except your own collection on the computer. Just another oddity; only millions of trifles more inconvenient.
      Well, I had planned to do my treasure hunt with a driver whose streak is only a week long. But I just don't care about it anymore. It's just a week; and let's face it, virtual progress can only get me so far. I guess I'll practice playing my piano. I already have completed Canon in D and Ave Maria. Now it's time to learn, and hopefully master, some Nightwish songs.

So Here I Sit

      Guess I'll be getting to bed even later than last night. I don't know why I didn't bother getting out of bed until's not like I didn't sleep last night. Went to bed before 1AM, fell asleep pretty quickly, slept uninterrupted until 10. The start of the 17th could have been just as nice as the end to the 16th.
      So, my book is rapidly climbing to its 65th page. It's getting good, too! One of my characters is being held hostage by the man her sister loves; and I haven't even introduced the character it was all supposed to be about. She might just have to wait for another book; I mean this is a story all by itself. It's certainly not the magic PC Cast can conjure, but hey, this is a magic that's all mine!
      In other news I think I might be developing OCD. Everything has to be straight. Grammar has to be correct. I can only wear black out of the house. If I eat five chocolates, each wrapped in a different color; I have to eat them in the order they would come in if it was a rainbow. Oh, and you just do not round off the numbers on your clock - if it is 3:29, it is not 3:30, it is 2:29, end of story. I'm getting on my own nerves! And yet, I don't want to change it. Bah.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


      **ck my life. I am so tired of everything. Guys especially. I swear, they're only *i**s because they have *i**s. They can just rot in ****. Excluding the good guys in my family, I give up on them. They're just not worth this ****. ****ing ***holes.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Needed That Nap

      I went back to bed when we came home, like I said I would; and fell asleep almost immediately. I even dreamed. It was about me, some strangers with their baby, and a childhood friend who I haven't seen in years (come to think of it, it has been awhile since we had just even a phone chat). It's extremely bizarre that I would dream of her, since I had incorporated a character by the same name into my book just recently (and because to my immediate knowledge, I never have dreamed of her before).
      Well, I suppose I have been watching too much of The Walking Dead; because there were zombies, too. And not surprisingly, we had a massive throng that broke the - can you guess? - chain link fence. My friend, who hadn't aged at all, was just a girl and she was terrified; and for some reason I was playing the role of her parent. I suppose my creative, unconscious self hates zombies; because all the furniture was perched all nice and snug on the top bunk of a bed. I'm not even sure why I was so proud of it; all the ladders were in the cellar, the furniture was upper-floor level and the zombies could have easily gotten me. But anyway, here we are climbing these ladders, terrified of and prepared for a war that never came; listening to a baby laughing as we watch all these zombies spill out into the yard.
      I used to be able to control my dreams; which isn't even untrue. I could control my own movements, what I said, what I did, where I went. Not the situation itself, but me. And I would have this voice telling me, "It's alright, it's a dream. You're asleep, safe at home."
      But now I can't do that. The fear has always been real; but now I don't have that voice, telling me I'm safe. The dream version of me is much more scared.
      This one time, in a dream where it was rainy, I controlled a car even though I wasn't in it. Another time I was searching this glorious mansion and the forest beyond it for my sister, who had completely changed her appearance and was living outside in a barn with no doors, with a bunch of other people and a bunch of cats; and I barely recognized her as I walked by. And the mansion was in the middle of moving in, and I was sidestepping all these burlesque men in their tees, and all I could do was ogle the house and the farm animals I would see from the giant windows. Another time I was running through a house, my family was with me and we were in danger; and this damn house kept manipulating its shape, taking away all the exits or making them lead right back inside. Another time I was two inches tall and living in a Styrofoam house. Another time I had climbed a tree to rescue a possessed bird egg. In all of these dreams, I could control my actions.
      That's not even the weird part. The weird part is that all went away when I blogged about it for the first time, asking anyone if they could relate. Now when I dream of zombies, I wake up thinking it was real. And then I calm down and wonder why my dreams aren't as special. They're still very vivid, but I miss the days when I could control the dream version of myself. It sounds more than crazy, and I wouldn't be too surprised if I'm tracked down and locked up; but it's true. They're just made less predictable now, and the fear I feel in my dream is actually still there when I wake up.
      Yeah. I hear it too. Sounds psycho. If I wasn't the one it was happening to, I probably wouldn't believe it either.

Just As I Thought

      Today was, just as I had suspected, extremely disappointing. Not only did I delete over fifty photos in anticipation of taking more; but I couldn't even take just one. And of course, I listened to my mother's advice and did not bring a jacket; so I couldn't enjoy the only stop we did make. It was bloody cold out there, and so I spent most of that stop in the damn car. Out of that entire trip I spent maybe four minutes outside the car; and one of those minutes was the estimated thirty seconds it takes to get to and from the car.
      And naturally, I got three hours of sleep last night. So, I'm off to bed again. Best part of the entire day. It must almost pay not to get my hopes up; because I have an embarrassment of riches in disappointments. Goodnight, world.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Just My Luck

     Well, my routine is shot again. My bronchitis-or-whatever-the-hell-it-is was clearing up, but of course now that tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful and fun day, my body is acting up to whatever I ate (which was just some chocolate and Instant Potatoes; I haven't been feeling much like eating).
      But at least I have my book, which is stuck. At least I have my Sims game, whose progress is being eaten by the game itself (a grave disappeared after almost a bloody year of getting just to where I am). At least I have my movies, which I can't watch with snacks unless I sneak in small stuff that doesn't crumble/isn't juicy. No, I'm not even supposed to have little bits of chocolates in here, but movies just aren't complete without some kind of snack. I'd really prefer something crunchy and salty, but of course that would crumble. But at least I have my health - sort of. I'm still not quite up to one hundred percent; though I might be if I hadn't forgotten three out of four doses of medicine yesterday. And two today. Well, I had been doing well.
      I'm off. I need to wash my hair. Tomorrow we might be going down to Rolly Lake if it's open or maybe even White Rock. Or Whitehorse, or whatever the hell it's called. It's a beach, that much I know. I'm thinking of buying some fast food and actually enjoying the outing. Bring a blanket, a camera. Some bug spray. Some bear deterrent. Some pepper spray. Whatever.
      I've always wanted to run barefoot across the shore as the tide comes in; leaving my footprints in the sand beside me as the waves crash against my ankles. I've dreamed of riding a horse, too; and eating salmon smoked by a sizzling campfire. Or at least a grill. I just want to get off this damn computer seat and enjoy life before I croak. One day would be nice. One day where I can live all my fantasies. Curl up in a tent in fuzzy pajamas as the Benadryl I'd dribbled on my ice cream induces sleep and kills my motor for twenty hours. Wake up to the next sunset and boot it to the nearest restaurant for chicken burgers and fries; then go home and sit around a table that takes up half the living room and see every single person in my family as we laugh and joke and talk until our lips fall off.
      Yep. Sounds wonderful.
      But no, I'm going to wash my hair and most likely wake up to just another disappointing tomorrow. But one can dream, can't one?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

On The Mend (Hopefully)

      I never want to leave the house when I'm sick. But, it has gotten so bad that I did not have a choice today. Thankfully, I didn't get rushed to the hospital because I'd stopped breathing; but I'm just trying to prevent that.
      I got some medicine. I don't know why, but pills just don't cut it. This is liquid Tylenol, and for whatever reason, it cures bronchitis in a matter of days. At least, it always has for me. It's never failed, so I'm counting on it once again. I don't even know if it's bronchitis, but it is going around. One of my sisters has it, but she's so far away from me. I probably contracted it from one of the jackasses who coughed on me. Two people did, in one Goddamn store. They didn't even bother covering their mouths, so I'm pretty sure it was done on purpose.
      "I'm suffering, so should you. Here, have some!" Patooey! Damn idiots. Like they didn't learn anything about hygiene or morals from their mommies, or the education system; and these people were at least my eldest brother's age, or older. You would think they would know about germs and care enough not to spread them. For all they know, I want a doctorate and will one day be in charge of pulling the plug or not, and I can carry a grudge for a fucking lot of years. I have gone years and years and years without getting bronchitis, or whatever the hell this is; and they go and spoil that? Yeah, that right there is a grudge. Damn ugly word, though.
      Shit, I swear a lot!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Another One Bites The Dust

      They just keep getting taken away. Rest in peace, John Pinette. Thanks for the many laughs you provided; you will be missed.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Glad I Slept In

      This day needs to be over as quickly as possible. To speed up its end, I'm going to sit on my ass watching movies, playing games and listening to music. I wish I'd never gotten up.
      No, I didn't receive any bad news. Thank goodness. I'm just menstruating and out of chocolate, again. My hair is greasy, again; I swear, every time I close my eyes it's time to wash my hair. And of course, my throat is so sore I don't even want to eat. I tried taking a drink and I just wanted to spit it out so I didn't need to swallow. I'm still exhausted, which in my case means that my body moves too slowly even though my mind is on high speed, and eventually I'll wind up passing out.
      Yep. These are the good old days, indeed. I can't wait till I'm old, gray and thinking back. Maybe I'll see then what's good now.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cutting The Cord

      I had to break off a virtual relationship today. I had the decency to wait until he had left without saying goodbye, and then I did the deed. I had no choice. When I first met him, I was pretty excited because we both had a Friends List so full that neither of us had room; and we each deleted someone just to add one another. I thought that was so cool.
      Today I blocked him. Not because he was perverted, which he wasn't; not because he wasn't friendly, which he was; but because he was way too friendly. I mean it was quite annoying. He would buy the same car I bought, and then no matter which car I wanted to drive, he'd change to the same type. And then he'd follow me. And every time I strayed too far, he asked me over and over, "Where are you? Where are you?" And somehow, no matter where I went, no matter if I stayed on the roads or glitched into a hidden building, he'd find me. And then he'd drive in circles around me. "What will we do next? What now?" He had the boundless, tiresome energy of a child; with the gamer knowledge of an expert and the possessive, controlling, manipulative, demanding qualities of an egotistical boyfriend. He would sit there and boss people around; and if somebody didn't join an event he queued, he would order that everyone leave. He'd also bitch and moan you into a guilt trip if you told him the truth, no matter what it might be.
      I couldn't take it anymore.
      Yes, I like my friends. My old friends. They were people I didn't dread talking to. I have two new ones I like; but we don't speak much anymore. One of them cut the cord with me because I had different religious beliefs; and then he asked to be my friend again a week later because apparently, he missed my listening ear, my shoulder to cry on, my advice about his personal life; like what should he do about Jenna or Jamie or whatever-the-fuck-her-name-was. I put everything into friendships when I like that person, and he ditched me for a religious belief, or lack thereof, which had been the same when we met, and now all of a sudden it's a problem. Okay, so maybe I should have been mad at the time. I was just frustrated and sad, just like a subservient little housewife with her tail between her legs. Now I'm feeling some anger, I guess; because that was pretty crappy of him. But I smiled and got over it, and now look, both he and our mutual friend are ignoring me once again. Well, not constantly. We speak once in awhile, but I think we all lost something. The friend who ditched me for a week, we'll call him 1, when he speaks to me it's normally a good conversation, unless I catch him late, in which case we speak for an hour or so before he goes to bed. And our mutual friend, who we'll call 2, never ditched me over something as petty as a difference of opinion. But, when 2 and I talk, we say a few short words. "Hi, how are ya?" "Good." "Same." "Yea" And poof, gone. He used to always say hi first, and those conversations would fly. It's not like that anymore. I say hi and it goes to shit.
      So maybe the old saying, "It's not you, it's me" really does work in this case. Maybe it is me. I make friends I think are golden, and they either leave - or make me wish they had. I have friends on my list who have been inactive for more than two years. I have deleted relatively new friends who have been inactive for two weeks, simply because they don't come on anymore. Neither do old friends, but they're staying on that list. The difference that keeps them on my list that they spoke to me once. They made me laugh and they included me in their fun times. They made me care about them, though we never met, and they were like a second family. I never wanted to say goodbye at night. But they didn't have that problem. They said goodbye and years passed.
      So basically, if they don't die for real, they just die inside, and are no fun anymore. I'm assuming the friends I haven't seen in years made a suicide pact and all died in one room at one time, because after a few of them said they were giving up on life, they all vanished at once.
      I tried to talk one out of suicide. She had tried the night before, to kill herself. Said she was cutting. Said she was standing on a chair with a rope around her neck, and then she untied it and collapsed on her bed sobbing. She wasn't living a good life, and I'm not even sure if committing suicide was the right answer for her. I know it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and it doesn't make life easier for those around you, and you can't take it back, and as you lie there dying you'll be filled with regrets you can never rectify. But her problems lived around her, in her house. Maybe she had no regrets.
      And maybe they really were suicidal and have been locked away in a psych ward. Maybe they're all alive and well, laughing and talking and not even thinking of me. But I wouldn't doubt for a moment that they gave up and kept their promise and died together. They said they would. They were at the other end of the chat room, crying and asking me - me, of all people - what the purpose of life was. I sent the prettiest words I could. I guess I failed. How could I have done it any differently? I was trying to find the purpose of it all myself. The difference is, I'm still here. I said my friends and my family were the reason I woke each morning, and that I would continue to wake.
      Oh, hell. Why did I say that to someone with family problems? I was just luring her into it. I was making her depressed, and I was flaunting in her face the one thing she didn't have. I killed my friend. My words killed my friend. And because she had made a pact, her friends died with her, because of what I said. I get it now. Good fucking Lord.
      ...Of course, that's only if they did kill themselves. Maybe they were cops, keeping an eye on people, finding out what people would say when the topic of a bunch of youngsters offing themselves came up. But that's only what my mother and brother think. Maybe they were just stringing me along, setting me up for a fall I would take alone. It wouldn't be the first time.
      I was never good at making friends. My stepfather once tried to make my friends for me. He would approach children in the street and ask them if they would come inside his house and meet his lonely daughters. He would send them into their parents' arms, making whole families hysterical.
      Thank goodness he never came inside my school. My mother always picked me up and dropped me off. School was hard enough without his interventions. I was the victim of pranks, unkindness, even bullying. Fake insects were put in my locker. My hands were stepped on. I was deliberately tripped. Pencil shavings were put in my hair. Water was put in my seat. My fingers were shoved into an electric pencil sharpener. I was framed for cheating. Which of course I didn't do. I was marking a kid's test, I was still learning how to spell, I wrote a letter in my name backwards, he thought I was erasing his answers and the teacher never gave me a chance to explain myself. School was tough, and I faked illness so often just to get the fuck out of there. I was abandoned several times. Once in the library. I lost focus on what the teacher was saying and had to wander the halls until the teacher realized I was missing and sent someone to find me. And once in the ditch. I got dizzy, I walked sideways and fell in, and they kept walking. Never looked back. Fortunately my mother was driving by and she saw me. By then some kids were pulling me out of the grass, and I just got into the car and asked to be driven home. I don't think I waved to those kids or even thanked them for getting me back to my feet. I hope I thanked them, but that's the one part of that incident I can't recall.
      One person. Just one with a kind heart and I'd find so much I'm missing. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

First Day Of The Fourth Month

      April has been wonderful so far. I didn't think it would be. I washed my hair at 1:00 AM because I knew I would be getting up a little later than planned to start my day. But that problem never occurred, because I barely slept; which of course put me in a grouchy morning mood. Honestly, I thought today would suck, and I would go into a few billion stores and come home empty-handed. But, today was my lucky day! I no longer need to rely on video sites to watch Tangled. I am a proud DVD copy owner. It's still all nicely wrapped up in its plastic, proudly situated on my bookshelf where I keep only the best movies I own. It comes right after the Shrek series and the sequel featuring Puss in Boots. The cat in the hat.
      I also got to satisfy my craving for a chicken burger, even though it came from a restaurant from where my family never wants to order again. The burger was a bit greasy, and the meat was a bit tough, but I devoured it before going to the next store (but maybe that's because my mother waited as I finished chewing the last few bites). And just when I thought my day was done, I even got to order a Sprite.
      My brother bought the third season of The Walking Dead. He doesn't want to watch it tonight, or even wait until Sunday to see it. He said he bought it because he knew I wanted to see it. Isn't that nice? And then, after an unproductive nap (which was nice to try to take anyway), I made my bed and hung up my receipt for Tangled, and with only seconds to spare my brother knocked on my door and said the pot roast was ready. I love pot roast! And it's really, really good dipped in instant potatoes.
      Now, in all my lonesome, I'm off to watch the first episode of Season Three of The Walking Dead. I was going to sneak in some golden bars, even though I'm not technically allowed to be eating in here (even though it is my room and I'm a legal adult paying rent). But, one tiny square won't be enough for an hour, so I'm just going to refill my water and toddle off without my favorite dessert (like a good little girl). You know, even if I do crumb on the floor, which doesn't happen if you break it off over a bowl and keep a hand under it until it's in your mouth, which I do; it's not like we don't have a vacuum. (And today, I'm not even wearing a dress. Know what I mean?) I mean, I have just as much free will as you. I'm twenty-one years, four months and twenty-six days old; and I have to abide by these kiddy rules. Like earlier today, Mom didn't even want me to sit in the car by myself; which I've done so many times that I couldn't even try to count each occasion. The doors do lock, and I was sitting behind one of those annoying windows for kids, the ones that don't go all the way down. My brother tried sticking up for me; but because their store was closed she didn't have to leave me by myself. She backed out of her parking stall and drove to another store; and for the rest of the day, if I didn't get out of the car, someone stayed with me.
      I guess I do need to move out to taste some freedom. That stinks, because my stepfather once tried to get my thirty-something year-old brother to sit in Santa's lap; and back then she would give us more freedom. I swear, she's working in reverse. She wasn't this protective of me as a kid. I mean, she was protective, and she did go the extra mile. But now she's running laps around the border. "I don't want you sitting in the car alone." "I don't want to see dishes anywhere except in the kitchen and dining room!" "I'm keeping a chart of when everyone takes a shower." "Write down every time you get dizzy. And your period!"
      Christ Almighty, I'm going mad. I mean today, I had to start an argument just so she would make my stop. She was expecting me to just submissively accept the fact that everyone's plans are being executed except for mine. No. I'm tired of being unheard. I just wanted a movie, I knew exactly where I could find it, I was able to afford it on my own dime, I didn't get any sleep because I was anticipating this day for a week, and I washed my hair at 1 friggin AM; make the damn stop.
      So. Anyway. Today we passed by this place; and I saw a very disturbing license plate. I won't give out the numbers, for the safety of whomever owns that car. But the first word was my stepfather's name. The last letters were my initials. That pissed me off. It was the last thing I wanted to see. Maybe I'm superstitious, but I kind of saw it as a sign that he's just not dead yet. My mom told me it was a coincidence, don't get so mad; so I said, "Wouldn't you, if those initials were yours?" And of course, she didn't answer, so I knew I'd said the right thing.
      I don't mean I want him to be dead. My heart is unfortunately not made of stone, I do miss him. But he was a jerk. And ever since he died, I've been having vivid dreams where he stumbles into our path and I yell at him for faking his death and my sister and I are beating on him with our sticks. And there's a lot of cussing and crying and then my sister welcomes him back into her life and I still want to beat something up, but she's not letting me. And I've been getting texts and phone calls from his number, and now I see that stupid license plate! All coincidence? Even though he'd been thought as dead before?
      A quote from Rat Race comes to mind, said by my favorite character: "You can't kill him, he's like a cockroach!" Not that I ever beat him up (with anything except a purse, because he once came up from behind me in a store, matching my speed, which you do not do to a girl walking all by herself) or tried to kill him, but my point is that I just don't believe he's dead. I know he wasn't an immortal, he either is dead or will be someday, but I just don't believe he's gone just yet. Sue me.

Another Month Gone

      Don't forget to flip your calendars - happy April!
      In other news, why do people put lowercase Q's in the place of lowercase G's? They are four keys and one row apart! Do they not realize how absolutely and ridiculously stupid it looks? It's not cool, and it stopped being a trend in 2008. Now you're not just a retard; you're also outdated.
      I mean, I can understand it if you're new to the language. At least then you're just trying to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your own. (But seriously, get a teacher.)
      So, here we are, April Fools' Day; a time at which jackasses who deserve a kick in the knickers victimize anyone they see. If you see funny signs in your hometown, just know this. My brother helped kick that idea into execution. Yes, there is a story behind it; and no, I will not tell you unless you have my email address. And no, I am not giving it out. Not like anyone who doesn't have my email address ever ghosts by my profile. Oh well. I, the monarch of solitary confinement, do confess that reigning in isolation is a choice; and that my solitude may be interspersed with company that comes by but may not stay. Signed, The Willfully Regnant Jackass Queen.
      Goodnight, amigos and amigas of the unknown world. May we meet again, though not right away.

Monday, March 31, 2014

In Higher Spirits

      Well, I'm not maniacally depressed anymore. Thank goodness! I think tonight I'll even watch that movie. Heck, I could start now and watch 1, 2, and 4. (I will never again watch the third. SUUUCKS!)
      But I'm still horrifically stuck on my books. How the hell does P.C. Cast do it? And co-author, for goodness sake? It flows so smoothly, all the goddamn time; and I can't even get to page 47. Meanwhile she's going on and on for 568 pages, and all I can think when I put the book down is, "Why is this so short?"

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Don't Know What's Wrong With Me

      It's just a movie. One I've watched many, many times before. It's one of my favorites. But now, when I think of seeing it again, I just feel sad and pressured. Like I don't have enough time in my life left to watch the whole thing, or whatever. Or like I don't love it anymore. And that's not it, I know I do; but this morning I woke up, and I didn't know how it started. It came to me eventually but I froze. That never happened before; since I was ten I've had it memorized. And for the past three days or whatever now I've told myself, "Today I'll watch it. Today I'll watch the series!" But I keep procrastinating and I don't know why. I used to never be able to say no to watching it; and now I just cannot get in the mood.
      I just feel all empty inside. And then I think about something else and that's the worst part, I feel the same way. It's like all my happiness has been sucked out of me, and it's living my fantasies while the physical part of me is stuck behind four closing walls. Walking on a carpet stained with five-year-old pet pee. Looking at walls with chipped paint. There are stains on the ceiling! Who the @#$% would want to buy this miserable place? If all of us went out and we came back and it was burning to the ground, I'd thank the arsonist responsible. Frankly there's less animal pee in the grass. At least outside I won't be terrified that the sky will fall in the middle of the night and clunk me a good one on the head. Of course another hit to the head might knock some sense into me. Hah, dream on! Nothing will ever click, will it. I've got such a bright and intelligent bunch of family. And then there's me. A manly woman with a high hairline, a giant forehead, a teeny tiny five foot four frame, and this monstrous nose that I inherited from the elephant someone must have had bestial sex with. I gag every time I look in the mirror. I turn down prospective dates because everyone can do better. I sit at my computer all the bloody time so I don't ruin my family's day. And you would think being here so much would improve my writing skills, but nope, after I got my family my luck ran dry. I can't turn heads when I walk by. I can't astound and amaze with my incredible intelligence. I'm just pathetic. Why am I even here? I don't mean on Blogger; because being the lowlife I am, I need to come here just to get a load off. I mean alive, because, well, I'm worthless. I have no future. I can't get a job, because loud noises, bright lights, laughing and breathing make me dizzy. I fail at every topic in school; and for some reason I'm going back to make a spectacle out of myself. I'm not rich. I'm not healthy. I can't even be attractive. And you need at least one of those things to make it in this life. And if I could choose between the three, I don't know if I could decide without regrets. I regret everything I do; but also everything I don't. I'm like this giant walking mistake.
      For once in my life, I'm glad that my siblings aren't a thing like me.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Climbing The Ancestral Tree

      After much research, I think I've come to the conclusion that maybe there's a tiny chance I have some royal blood in me. My last name is in their history, we share descent, and our family crests are alike. Do I need more proof? Can I get more proof? It's not like I can contact my dad. He left the family when I was born. So, here I am, seeking answers. I've got so many questions.

Replaced Viooz

      Well, now that Viooz has deleted everything; I just had to go and find a superior site. It's called Putlocker. The movies have high quality, loud volume and last I checked, no subtitles. And I'm pretty sure that any cussing is not censored. I'm on my way right now to watch Memoirs Of A Geisha... finally. I already watched five movies on that site, in one day. One minute it was seven AM, the next, boom, we'd eaten dinner. I had a blast. I got to watch movies I never thought I'd see.
      Wow. Look at me. I'm actually spamming. Well, at least I'm not some trollbot. I actually wasted a day watching movies I didn't even need to buy. I love spending money on important things. Love Putlocker.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Good Day's Flaw

      Well, today has been wonderful. We went shopping for food and tonight, we had Black Forest ham cooked right inside pineapple sauce, pineapples included; and Herb And Butter instant potatoes. There's still leftovers, and I'm ready.
      And in the store, I found the movie I've wanted to own since January. Yep, you guessed it; Tangled. Except I was three itty-bitty dollars short! My mother offered to pay those three bucks, and I said no, I couldn't buy a thirty-dollar movie when I was trying to save for a better graphic card. And homeward we went. And now I find that the site that lets me watch it for free has deleted EVERYTHING. I kept saying it would happen, and I wasn't even prepared. And I actually have a movie snack right in front of me.
      Thankfully I'm not totally without now; I do have other hobbies or favorite movies. I want to practice Canon some more, and maybe then I'll watch a movie or write my book...Ah, what is one to do, when one's chores are completed? I can't even do computer gaming for longer than an hour (brother says) until I get a graphic card that can handle NFSW. Right now it starts screaming an hour or so after playing, and that's when the graphics are on low. On high, I can't even enjoy the game anymore...I thought spending all that money would get me a good computer. But, I suppose I'll have to invest, and build my dream PC myself.
      PS. Here's an educative footnote. Another word for flaw is foible.

Monday, March 24, 2014

In Pain...But ELATED!

      My back hurts so much that I can't stand straight.
      I've had flu-like symptoms despite being in good health.
      And despite all of that, I am on Cloud Ten. Which is the mother of Cloud Nine. In other words, I'm more happy than ever. I fixed my book, turning it from a pile of shyt into almost fifty pages of awesome, which happily is even better than the Replica series (not a hard accomplishment). Not only that; but after more than three years of being stuck on Canon, right after the first twenty-eight introductory notes, I finally dedicated an entire week to the piano and I am pleased to announce that I have almost completed that composition! I am so thrilled. I'm doing everything I ever wanted! (Well, except for overcoming my dizziness and getting a life.) Now I can't wait to return to my story, which is something I used to dread. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Fun And Disconcerting Night

      I was sitting on the couch, munching on some Fig Newtons, and it came to me: If I flipped Mom's desktop upside-down, wouldn't Checkers be upside-down? So I tried, and sure enough it was. And I kicked ass! I'm still moving my mouse in the wrong direction. I have to do that again.

Friday, March 21, 2014

With Each Spell

      With each epileptic dizzy spell I have; I get closer to wanting that brain surgery. I was trying to sleep last night, and I rolled over onto my stomach and I lost sensation to my face. And now, I'm getting dizzy, again; which I say because lately, I've been getting dizzy twice in just the morning.
      And I know there are people out there who say, "Oh, I have that too." To everything that you've actually got. How do I know? That's easy. I live with them. (It's called hypochondriasis. People who suffer from thinking they suffer are called hypochondriacs. And it's annoying and unappreciated by those with real problems.) So, keeping in mind there are hypochondriacs, some of whom might actually come across my profile; let me dumb it down for you, and explain exactly what epilepsy is. It is a discharge of electricity to the brain. It comes with severe vertigo, which can lead to taking a fall. It comes with loss of sensation to the face, or loss of consciousness. Everything sounds like your ear is pressed up to a small metal tube, and people are yelling into it; which of course increases the vertigo. Shutting your eyes is a horrible idea; because now the room is spinning in every direction. You're safest by holding an object (the best kind is a puke pail!) of one color in front of your eyes. Now you've got a place to put it, and the room is slowing down. You're sweating heavily and your numb ears are ringing. Sometime during the spell you've fallen on the floor, and everything is going black. You know you should call for help, but no one would be able to do anything but call an ambulance. But you can't speak. You try, but your words don't make sense even to you. But that's okay. You'd rather sleep it off.
      And that, my friends, is what is known as the mildest of epilepsy. Some people are stuck in hospitals, bed-ridden for life, with the most severe of it, and they never, ever, have a break. You hypochondriacs know nothing.
      But, I do have wonderful news. My test results for diabetes came back, and they were negative. I'm clear! How awesome is that? My mood has lifted since my last few entries and I just want to apologize for them.
      Well, it's a beautiful, sunny day outside and here I sit. What? Really? No. Not for long.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

That Went Well.

Not only did The Big Bang Theory not come on tonight; I have to wait until next month.
Time is dragging again; what felt like half a day was really only half an hour.
And of course, I can't take my sleeping pills because we don't have enough milk. I swear to you, the next time there's enough milk, I'm taking those pills even if it's six in the morning. And if I wake up at eight at night, I'm taking two more. This endless insomnia has gotta go; even if I have to drug myself up to get it gone.
I'm outta here. I'm gonna go lose myself in The Sims 3. Hopefully I'll make my eyes as tired as the rest of me.

One Hour Left To Go

I really, seriously hope this episode tonight of The Big Bang is both new and awesome. I really, seriously need new and awesome tonight. Not much has changed from the last entry...In fact it's worse.
Tonight I'm going to take two sleeping pills, just because I'm sick of being awake when I'm not supposed to be. (Example, four in the bloody morning.) And if that don't help, well, maybe it'll kill me. Oh well. Sh*t happens. At least if I die, I'll finally get my rest!
(You don't know it, but that was a joke. And this may come as a shock, but that was one of my good ones.)
Laters, gators.

Late Night Post

      I'm such a pathetic waste of space. Why am I even alive? Every time I sleep in until 4AM, which I had for two weeks not been doing but now it's getting there again; all I can think of when I roll over and see the time is, "Oh, gee, how awful. Another wasted day in my pathetic life." Which I waste whether I'm in bed or not. Frankly I don't give a flying fart in space if I'm in bed for two days. Pretending to sleep. Not knowing the difference anymore between consciousness and sleep. Wiping at my burning, teary, insomniac eyes. And then dragging myself, zombielike, to the kitchen, so I can eat a large pizza all to myself and not get full, and stuff my face with an entire honeydew melon and not get full.
      Yep. Another day in paradise. Where I get hyper off of a sleeping pill and start cleaning. And then, on the nights I don't take a sleeping pill, that's when my body demands sleep it cannot get.
      One night. One night! That's all it took for my awesome routine to turn to sh*t. I was happy! I was doing so well. And I fought so hard to get there. Now look at me. On second thought, don't.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Inner Kid Is Catching Up my mind slowing down? Not that it was ever particularly fast...but guys, I'm seriously worried. It seems I'm starting to get into...Disney! Princesses, fairies, I cannot get enough. Tangled? I've seen it maybe five times this month, and all I want to do is watch it again. Tinker Bell? Well, Viooz won't play those, but I'm desperately hoping they will.
I'm even writing a book. Rapunzel meets Tinker Bell. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Suddenly I'm Lookin' Pretty Sane

Okay, well, while this is a recent event, it did happen - well - about a week ago. I just can't get it off my mind. I mean, I should be dead right now.
We were coming home...There's a store, and it has three different entrances/exits into the parking lot. Across from one of them there's this giant, forested cliff. Well, my mother and I were traveling past that parking lot entrance, and our double lane was emptying into a single lane. And this person drives past us, breaking the speed limit of eighty, and gets into the single lane ahead. The right side of his car was maybe five feet from that cliff. If that. My mother had to stomp on the brakes to avoid...Well, I don't know. I mean, if he was passing us, and neither of them stopped, would we have gotten hit, or would he have just kept getting further away? Well, I don't want to think about what could've happened. I just am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that a week ago, I could've been killed, in a car, with my mother; and the cops could've called my brother saying "We're sorry, your family is dead."
I mean, wow, he wasn't even heading toward the hospital. Unless there's someone in your car, dying, or in severe peril, and unless you are going to the hospital; you do not drive like that. I mean for all he knew, I had placed my baby in the backseat. Would exceeding the speed limit have been worth it then, if he had killed my kid? I'd have made sure he couldn't walk away.
I should've written his license plate down. The direction he was going, the color of his car; this is precisely why I keep a journal. Why did I not have it with me? The one time it's needed. Seriously.